La historia de Estefany: Descubrimiento

Después de a ver paseado en la alfombra mágica  Estefan y jazmín se despidieron con una mirada tierna y dulce , la dejo en el balcón ella suavemente rosaba su mano al igual que la de el príncipe Estefan, al terminar su encuentro Estefany se acuesta en su alfombra como príncipe obviamente.

-hay genio, ella es increíble- dijo Estefan.

- me lo imagino- dijo el genio.

-oye genio tienes que ayudarme, como mas puedo conquistarla-.

El genio se volteo y quisquillosamente cruzo los brazos.

-solo dile la verdad-

-¿pero como que quieres que le diga la verdad- dijo un poco molesta.

-pues solo dile que eras una !CHICA!, que estas enamorada de ella, se !HONESTA!- dijo el genio haciendo de uso magia como que puso un pizarrón con  la palabra honestidad.

-escucha lo are pero después si,, tu vez como estaba encantada con el príncipe Estefan si le digo ahora la verdad como crees que me vería, estaría...-  ah, decepcionada (suspiro y se sentó).

el genio al entender un poco los sentimientos de Estefany se calmo y acepto que ahora es difícil para ella, pero no dejaba de pensar que la mejor solución era decirle la verdad.

A la mañana siguiente...

-Despierta, niña que tienes una cita- dijo el genio transformado en una mosca.

-hay ya voy, 5 minutitos mas- decía Estefany mientras se tapaba con la cobija.

sin embargo a Estefany se le había olvidado que por ahi estaba la alfombra mágica, entonces la alfombra le quito la cobija de encima y el genio con magia apareció un megáfono y (!!!despierta!!), Estefany de un brinco cayo de la cama.

-ya apurate que tienes el desayuno real y llegaras tarde y no podrás ver a tu amor- el genio al terminar la oración chasqueo su dedo y preparo rápidamente a Estefany, quien se levanto rápidamente y fue al salón principal.


-Necesito sacar a ese príncipe Estefan de alguna manera- dijo Jafar enojado y casi cerrando la puerta de un azote de par en par.

-Si, pero como-dijo su compañero yago- si ese príncipe no se separa de la princesa en ningún momento, también cada vez que paso por ahi, siempre me topo con el sultan y me da esas asquerosas y horribles galletas.

-tranquilo, mi querido amigo. se me esta ocurriendo una idea-. dijo jafar con una risa malvada.


-¿Donde Estará  Jafar?- dijo el sultán con los brazos cruzados. !GUAR!!.

-Perdóneme majestad estaba ocupado, con algunos asuntos del reino- dijo, con una voz como si apenas pudiera respirar por el largo corrido que iso para llegar a tiempo.

-bueno, bond apettit- dijo el sultán.

todos agarraron su plato y comenzaron a comer,  sus platillos, a medida que avanzaba el tiempo poco a poco la mesa comenzó a verse repleto de restos de comida, y al igual cada mesero levantaba el platillos.

-bueno, ya me voy padre- dijo, Jazmín levantándose de la mesa.-¿gustas venir conmigo?

 En cuanto Jafar escucho eso, rápidamente se levanto y con su cetro  en forma de serpiente lo puso enfrente del sultán para hipnotizarlo, al momento de que estaba siendo hipnotizado le susurró: <<su majestad ordene a la princesa jazmín que se valla a su cuarto, mientras que el joven príncipe me acompaña a un recorrido por el palaci>>>. entonces cuando estaban apunto de irse, jafar le quito el cetro de la cara.


-¿que ocurre padre?-

-tu ve a tu habitación, el príncipe se quedara para que Jafar lo guie a un recorrido y le explique las cosas que se deben hacer aquí en el palacio-,

-pero padre...-

-Jazmin, sin pretextos son mis ordenes-

La princesa sin decir nada y con una cara de enojo se retiro no sin antes darle al príncipe un beso en la mejilla. 

-con su permiso majestad- dijo jafar retirándose, jalando a Estefany (estafan) del brazo.

 Estefany ni siquiera podia hablar ya que si lo hacia, Jafar lo interrumpía rápidamente para evadir la pregunta, mientras poco a poco lo alejaba lejos del castillo para evitar alguna interrupción para que su plan saliera bien.

-Bien muchacho, despues de que te explique un poco, ves a esos puestos por alla- señalo.


-bien, como serás sultán muy pronto tu deber será ver si no les falta nada y como se encuentran ¿ok?- 

-muy bien- Estefan trago un poco de saliva, pues a esos puestos ya les había robado y pensó que lo iba hacer descubierto. así que comenzó a caminar con nerviosismo y pena.

Mientas caminaba, Jafar aprovecho para escapar de ahi con cautela. en cuanto Estefan iba a sacar un par de palabras, rápidamente un guardia lo tiro al suelo, sin ninguna explicación, la gente un poco asustada se alejo de ahi.

-Pero que es esto que hice, No lo entiendo-dijo Estefany, furiosa.

-callate, Estefany el señor jafar nos dijo que estabas aquí y que no eres el príncipe Estefan, solo una farsa y que fuiste con un curandero o brujo que te transformo en hombre para poder robarle al sultán-.

-pero de que diablos están hablando yo no....-

 el general con una risa  de satisfacción, le coloco a Estefan una venda en la boca para que no pudiera hablar y se lo llevo  de ahi, junto con el resto de los hombres.

Tras varios kilómetros los guardias llevaron a Estefany a un  acantilado para arrojarlo al mar.

-Bien, arronjen a esta rata al agua- dijo el guardia.

los guardias sin pensarlo aventaron a Estefan al mar, en cuanto lo aventaron Estefan trato de liberarlo pero era inútil y rápidamente se hundía pues tenia como un arnés metal. poco a poco Estefan comenzó a quedarse sin aire he igual que el conocimiento, y en cuanto dio el ultimo esfuerzo la lámpara se cayo y nick comenzó a perder el conocimiento, (cayo), a lado de estaba la lámpara la cual resbalo y roso su ropa. el genio salió pero como bañándose.

-!!hay por dios!!!, que no te puedes esperar un segundo aaaa- dijo por ultimo cuando volteo,- hay por dios, estefany pide un deseo, dime que quieres, no puedo hacer nada si no...

el genio al ver que no responde, y que no tenia opción uso el segundo  deseo para ayudarlo, entonces lo saco del agua, llevándolo así al palacio. en cuanto Estefany saco el agua de su cuerpo y comenzó a  recuperar su conocimiento.

-muchas gracias genio, te debo una- decía mientras se ponía de pie.

-de nada estefany-dijo el genio con voz de alivio.

Mientras por el trono Jazmín y su padre discutían por saber, ¿Dónde estaba? o ¿Por qué no aparecía?. Jafar estaba contento sin ningún estorbo asta que la puerta se abrió de par en par y Estefany "Estefan" escurriendo de agua, corrió hacia Jafar.

-Su majestad, jafar me intento matar-

-Jafar, ¿ enserio hiciste eso?- dijo Jazmín indignada.

-Jafar-dijo el sultán mirándolo seriamente.

Rápidamente el Jafar se puso frente al sultán poniendo su cetro frente a el. los ojos de su cetro comenzaron a brillar.

-Mi señor, usted sabe que yo no quería hacer nada, para perjudicarlos a ustedes, yo solo..-

-si, jafar tu solo-

Rápidamente Estefany noto lo que planeaba jafar así que le arrebato su cetro y lo rompió, jazmín estaba algo perpleja.

-Majestad, Jafar lo ha estado manipulando con esto-dijo, dejando la parte de la serpiente  en sus manos.

-!!que!! no puedo creelo mi consejero real, traicionándome esto es inaudito- dijo el sultán-!!!GUARDIAS ARRESTENLO!!!.

los guardias llegaron y todos lo estaban rodeando, sin embargo en un milisegundo Jafar pudo notar la lámpara que tenia Estefan.

-Me volverán a encontrar y me vengare de ustedes- Dijo jafar alzó sus manos y aventó algo al suelo causando una ola de humo causando así su escape.

Rápidamente Jafar llego a su escondite secreto por el pasadizo y comenzó a reír frenéticamente.



After seeing Estefan and Jasmine walk on the magic carpet, they said goodbye with a tender and sweet look, he left her on the balcony, she gently brushed her hand like Prince Estefan's, at the end of their meeting Estefany lies on her carpet As a prince obviously.

"There's a genius, she's incredible," Estefan said.

"I imagine so," said the genius.

-hey genius you have to help me, how else can I conquer her-.

The genius turned and fussily crossed his arms.

-just tell the truth-

"But how do you want me to tell him the truth," she said a little annoyed.

-Well, just tell her that you were a! GIRL!, that you're in love with her, be! HONEST! - said the genius using magic as he put a blackboard with the word honesty.

-Listen, I will but later if,, you see how she was delighted with Prince Estefan if I tell her now the truth as you think she would see me, she would be...- ah, disappointed (sighed and sat down).

The genius, understanding a little about Estefany's feelings, calmed down and accepted that now it is difficult for her, but he did not stop thinking that the best solution for her was to tell her the truth.

The next morning...

-Wake up, girl you have an appointment- said the genius transformed into a fly.

-hey I'm coming, 5 more minutes- Estefany said while he covered himself with the blanket.

However, Estefany had forgotten that the magic carpet was there, so the carpet took the blanket off her and the genius with magic appeared a megaphone and (!!!wake up!), Estefany fell from the bed with a jump. bed.

"Hurry up, you have the royal breakfast and you'll be late and you won't be able to see your love." At the end of the sentence, the genius snapped his finger and quickly prepared Estefany, who got up quickly and went to the main room.


"I need to get that prince Estefan out somehow" Jafar said angrily and nearly slammed the door shut.

-Yes, but how- said his companion yago- if that prince does not separate from the princess at any time, also every time he passes by, I always run into the sultan and he gives me those disgusting and horrible cookies.

"Calm down, my dear friend. An idea is occurring to me. Jafar said with an evil laugh.


"Where will Jafar be?" said the sultan with his arms crossed. !SAVE!!.

"Forgive me, Your Majesty, I was busy, with some affairs of the kingdom," he said, with a voice as if he could barely breathe from the long run he made to get there on time.

"Well, bond apettit," said the sultan.

everyone grabbed their plate and began to eat, their dishes, as time progressed little by little the table began to look full of food remains, and likewise each waiter raised the dishes.

"Well, I'm leaving now, father," Jasmine said, getting up from the table. "Would you like to come with me?"

  As soon as Jafar heard that, he quickly got up and with his snake-shaped scepter he placed it in front of the sultan to hypnotize him, at the moment he was being hypnotized he whispered: <<your majesty order princess jasmine to go to her room , while the young prince accompanies me on a tour of the palace>>>. So when they were about to leave, Jafar took the scepter from his face.

-!!!JAMIN, WAIT!!-

What's going on father?

-You go to your room, the prince will stay for Jafar to guide him on a tour and explain the things that must be done here in the palace-,

-but father...-

-Jazmin, without excuses are my orders-

The princess without saying anything and with an angry face left but not before giving the prince a kiss on her cheek.

"With his majesty's permission," Jafar said, withdrawing, pulling Estefany (swindle) from his arm.

  Estefany couldn't even speak because if he did, Jafar quickly interrupted him to avoid the question, while he little by little moved him away from the castle to avoid any interruption so that his plan would go well.

"Okay boy, after I explain a bit, go to those stalls over there," he pointed out.


-Well, since you will be sultan very soon, your duty will be to see if they are not missing anything and how they are, ok?-

-Very good- Estefan swallowed a little, because he had already robbed those places and he thought that he was going to expose it. so he began to walk nervously and sadly.

While he was walking, Jafar took the opportunity to cautiously escape from there. As soon as Estefan was going to say a couple of words, a guard quickly threw him to the ground, without any explanation, the people, a little scared, walked away from there.

"But what is this I did, I don't understand," Estefany said, furious.

-Shut up, Estefany, Mr. Jafar told us that you were here and that you are not Prince Estefan, just a farce and that you went with a healer or witch who transformed you into a man so he could steal from the sultan.

-But what the hell are they talking about? I don't...

  the general with a laugh of satisfaction, placed Este They put a bandage on his mouth so he couldn't speak and took him away, along with the rest of the men.

After several kilometers the guards took Estefany to a cliff to throw him into the sea.

"Okay, throw this rat in the water," said the guard.

The guards without thinking threw Estefan into the sea, as soon as they threw him Estefan tried to free him but it was useless and he quickly sank because he had a metal harness. little by little Estefan began to run out of air and consciousness, and as soon as he gave his last effort the lamp fell and Nick began to lose consciousness, (he fell), next to him was the lamp which slipped and grazed his clothing. the genius came out but as bathing.

"Oh my God, you can't wait a second aaaa" he finally said when I turned around, "Oh my God, Estefany makes a wish, tell me what you want, I can't do anything if not...

The genie, seeing that he did not respond, and that he had no choice, used the second wish to help him, then he pulled him out of the water, thus taking him to the palace. as soon as Estefany removed the water from his body and began to regain consciousness of him.

"Thank you very much genius, I owe you one" he said as he stood up.

"You're welcome, Estefany," said the genius with a voice of relief.

While Jasmine and his father were arguing over the throne to find out, where was he? or Why didn't he show up? Jafar was happy without any hindrance until the door opened wide and Estefany "Estefan" dripping with water, ran towards Jafar.

-Your majesty, jafar tried to kill me-

"Jafar, did you really do that?" Jasmine said indignantly.

"Jafar" said the sultan, looking at him seriously.

Quickly the Jafar stood in front of the sultan putting his scepter in front of his. the eyes of his scepter began to shine.

-My lord, you know that I didn't want to do anything to hurt you, I just...-

-yes, jafar you alone-

Quickly Estefany noticed what Jafar was planning so he snatched his scepter and broke it, Jasmine was somewhat perplexed.

"Your Majesty, Jafar has been manipulating you with this," he said, leaving the snake part in his hands.

-!!that!! I can't believe it, my royal adviser, betraying me this is unheard of- said the sultan-!!! GUARDS ARREST HIM!!!.

the guards arrived and they were all surrounding him, however in a millisecond Jafar was able to notice the lamp that Estefan had.

"You will find me again and I will take revenge on you" Jafar said, raising his hands and throwing something to the ground causing a wave of smoke thus causing him to escape.

Quickly Jafar came to his secret hideout from the passageway and started laughing wildly.


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