Espejito,espejito en la pared (EL PRINCIPIO)

Hace mucho tiempo en un castillo existía un rey llenado de avariciá, y codiciá tenia muchas riquezas joyas y dinero pero lo que mas le interesaba era la belleza  cada mañana después de arreglarse iba a un espejo  mágico donde cada día le preguntaba quien era el mas guapo del reino, pero no era el único que vivía ahí pues con el vive su hermano llamado Benjamín un príncipe lleno de honestidad y alegría para compartir pero aunque era su hermano el rey malvado lo trataba como un sirviente y le daba ropa horrible y gastada de la que encontraba pues en su fondo de corazón lo envidiaba por su alegría y belleza. Todo era fabuloso para el rey malvado asta que un día.
-que bello día para ser el rey mas lindo del mundo-dijo su majestad.
Se levanto de la cama se puso su ropa, la capa real y la corona, al estar listo fue camino al espejo.
-oh espejito, espejito en la pared decir quien es el mas guapo de este reino-.
Un fuego intenso color azul claro se produjo en el aspecto dando por claro que aquel espíritu que estaba en el espejo había despertado.
-oh su majestad vos sois usted el mas guapo del reino quien sus ojos son color azul como el mar y desprende belleza, pero hay alguien mas quien puede ser mas guapo y hermoso que voz-dijo el espejo.
El rey se sorprendió de la noticia pues el pensaba que el era el rey mas guapo del reino respiro profundo y con una mirada fría al espejo pregunto.
-espejito espejito decirme quien es aquella persona quien es mas guapo que yo-
-la persona mas guapa esta ahora recogiendo agua en el rio cual piel están blanca como la nieve y tiene cabello negro cual muestra la intensidad de las noches-
-benjamín-dijo molesto.


A long time ago in a castle there was a king full of greed, and greed, he had many riches, jewels and money, but what most interested him was beauty every morning after getting ready he went to a magic mirror where every day he asked him who was the most handsome of the kingdom, but he was not the only one who lived there because with him his brother called Benjamin lives a prince full of honesty and joy to share but although he was his brother the evil king treated him like a servant and gave him horrible and worn clothes of the that he found because in his depths of heart he envied him for his happiness and beauty. Everything was fabulous to the evil king until one day.
"What a beautiful day to be the most beautiful king in the world," said his majesty.
He got up from the bed put on his clothes, the royal cloak and the crown, when he was ready he went to the mirror.
-oh mirror, mirror on the wall to say who is the most handsome in this kingdom.
An intense light blue fire was produced in the aspect, making it clear that the spirit in the mirror had awakened.
"Oh your majesty, you are the most handsome in the kingdom whose eyes are blue like the sea and exude beauty, but there is someone else who can be more handsome and beautiful than a voice," said the mirror.
The king was surprised at the news because he thought he was the most handsome king in the kingdom. He took a deep breath and asked with a cold look in the mirror.
-mirror mirror tell me who is that person who is more handsome than me-
-the most beautiful person is now collecting water in the river whose skin is white as snow and has black hair which shows the intensity of the nights-
-Benjamin-he said annoyed.


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