la historia de niku esta por llegar a su fin
cuando Niku remaba para llegar a su casa, toda la tribu fue con el gran chaman y curandero para ver que revelaba con sus hechizos, aquel chico con el que el general español irio al compañero de kukum gemía quejándose del dolor.
-Esta herida me resulta extraña- dijo el chaman
-Esas bestias invaden nuestras tierras, toman nuestras playas y ahora esto- dijo la gran jefa de la tribu
-Yo me propongo como general dirigiré a nuestros soldados los destruiremos, los destruiremos igual como derrotamos a los mazahua ex- dijo kukum enfurecido.
-Kukum al enemigo ya lo conocíamos desde antes, pero ahora solo vigilen los esta vez tenga mas precaución no queremos otro incidente como este y no podremos derrotarlos solos enviaremos mensajes a nuestros hermanos para que nos brinden su ayuda-dijo la madre de niku
en eso volteo para ver a su gente y grito !!!!NADIE DEBE ACERCAR CELES!!!
en cuanto niku escucho eso fue corriendo para hablar con su madre.
-Madre, madre necesito hablar contigo-
-ahora no hijo, tengo mucho en que pensar-
-pero madre-
-perdón hijo pero...-
-Solo es rápido madre, si uno de ellos quisiera hablar lo ¿escucharías?- dijo con una cara de sinceridad.
su madre respiro profundo y al ver la cara de su hijo dijo-Claro que si hijo, pero la cosas no son tan fáciles ahora-.
en ese momento le sonrió a su hijo y fue con su amigo chaman para ver algo, niju agacho la cabeza y en ese momento llego su mejor amigo.
- Ven vamos- dijo su amigo cogiéndolo de la mano para llevarlo al sembradío.
en cuanto estaban cultivando por unos minutos en eso su padre fue verlos.
-No esta bien que estén por aquí solos que hacen- dijo su padre.
-recolectamos comida para los guerreros-dijo su amigo
-cuando te veo con esa pulsera me recuerdas mucho a tu padre-
-Lo extraño- dijo niku mientras acariciaba el brazalete.
-Pero el esta siempre con nosotros, cuando sopla el viento ciento tu presencia, como el varias personas de nuestra tribu buscaban sabiduría algún día los buscaran en ti-dijo su madre viéndolo con orgullo y ternura.-Bueno es peligroso enviare a kukum.
-Gracias padre- dijo niku.
en ese momento Smith los sorprendió su amigo se quedo sorprendido pero no era excusa para atracarlo.
-Niku mira atrás de ti, es uno de ellos yo....- dijo cuando niku le tapo la boca con la mano.
-Smith ¿Qué haces aquí?- dijo niku.
-Lo ciento no pude aguantar mas en verte-dijo sonriendo.
-!!!NIKUU!!!!, !!!!NIKUUUU!!!- Era la voz de kukum acercándose.
-Por favor no digas nada- tomo el brazo de su amigo y se fue corriendo con el.
-xatzo donde esta niku, es peligroso que este solo díselo seguro te escucha- dijo kukum algo molesto.
-si seguro- dijo también molesto xatzo.
en otra parte kukum y Smith se fueron a un lugar donde solo kukum conocía, pues era el territorio de la abuela sauce.
-¿Que es este lugar?-dijo Smith
-Es un lugar muy especial, bien quiero mostrarte algo- dijo Niku tomándolo del brazo para llevarlo a rincon mas cercano para que viera en persona a la abuela sauce.
-Ponte aquí y mira con atención ahí-dijo niku señalando un lugar liso.
-ok, pero que se supone que.... oye viste eso-dijo poniendo los ojos de par en par.
-que?- pregunto niku
-Y colores en el viento descubrir- cantando se mostró la abuela sauce.
-Ven acércate Quil Smith, mm eres joven y también muy apuesto- dijo muy alegre la abuela sauce
-Me agrada- dijo quil.
-sabia que te gustaría-dijo Nikum recargado en su hombro.
pasaron varios minutos pues comenzaron a platicar junto con la abuela sauce.
-Oye no tienes oro?- dijo quil
-que es oro?-
-AAh es algo que entierras en la tierra, lo sacas y es muy valioso-
-AH si oro- saco entonces un elote de su bolsa
-No no es eso, es esto- entonces saco una moneda brillante.
-Pues no tenemos nada parecido-dijo mostrando mucho interés en la moneda.
-Nada enserio, wow mis amigos se sorprenderán-
en eso Quil escucha que algo esta gulusmeando en su mochila de expedición.
-hey, Este anima-lito es amigo tuyo- dijo Quil mientras lo sacaba de su mochila solo que esta vez con una brújula- tiene nombre.
-Es kuni- dijo riendo
en ese momento niku soltó a kuni quien fue a una roca que estaba cerca y comenzó a darle golpes a la brújula.
- hey!!!! devuélveme eso- grito cuando corrió para recoger su brújula.
en cuanto kuni vio su reacción enseguida trepo el árbol.
-Kuni!! de vuelve eso- grito niku
-no asi dejalo, te lo obsequio-
-Que es eso?-
-Es una brújula?-
-Y para que sirve-
-aaa, es una herramienta que te ayuda en caso de que estés perdido-
en ese momento se empezaron a escuchar gritos y pasos del cual venían hacia ellos.
-Quil!!, Smith!!!,QUIILL- dos personas gritando.
-son ellos no deben vernos- dijo quil algo apurado.
-Rápido, vengan- dijo la abuela sauce.
-Oye Luis lo hemos buscado por todas partes es mejor regresar- dijo uno de ellos.
-Tiene que estar por aquí escuche algo, aparte no seas miedoso aquí no pasa nada-dijo luis enojado.
en ese momento la abuela sauce levanto su raíz para que cayeran.
-Oye fíjate por donde caminas pedazo de...-
-Yo no fui, fue este árbol-
-Si claro, de pronto el árbol quiso levantar su raíz y...- decía cuando la abuela sauce bajo su raíz.
-aah, viste eso- susurro.
De pronto la abuela sauce con sus hojas les pego.
-hay va monos- gritaron
cuando por fin todo estaba en silencio Niku y quil salieron de ahí.
-PUFF, estuvo cerca-
-Tal vez este vieja pero les di un buen escarmiento-dijo la abuela.
-tengo que irme, antes de que todos mis compañeros vengan-
-Pero cuando podre verte-
-esta noche, aquí mismo-
en eso Quil se fue camino hacia su campamento al igual que niku.
When Niku rowed to get to his house, the whole tribe went to the great shaman and healer to see what he revealed with his spells, that boy with whom the Spanish general went to Kukum's companion moaned complaining of pain.
-This wound is strange to me- said the shaman
-Those beasts invade our lands, take our beaches and now this- said the great chief of the tribe
"I propose as a general, I will lead our soldiers, we will destroy them, we will destroy them just as we defeated the Mazahua ex," Kukum said angrily.
-Kukum we already knew the enemy before, but now just keep an eye on them this time, be more cautious, we don't want another incident like this and we won't be able to defeat them alone, we'll send messages to our brothers to give us their help-said niku's mother
in that I turn to see his people and shout !!!! NOBODY SHOULD APPROACH CELES !!!
as soon as niku heard that, he ran to talk to his mother.
-Mother, mother I need to talk to you-
-Not now son, I have a lot to think about-
-but mother-
-Sorry son but ...-
-He's only fast mother, if one of them wanted to talk, would you listen to him? -She said with a face of sincerity.
her mother took a deep breath and when she saw her son's face, she said, "Sure, son, but things are not so easy now."
at that moment she smiled at his son and went with his shaman friend to see something, niju lowered her head and at that moment his best friend arrived.
"Come on," said his friend, taking him by the hand to lead him to the field.
As soon as they were cultivating for a few minutes, his father went to see them.
-It is not good that they are here alone what they do- said his father.
-we collect food for the warriors -said his friend
-When I see you with that bracelet you remind me a lot of your father-
"I miss him," Niku said as he stroked the bracelet.
-But he is always with us, when the wind blows your presence, like the various people of our tribe were looking for wisdom one day they will look for them in you -said his mother seeing him with pride and tenderness.-Well it is dangerous I will send kukum .
-Thank you father- said niku.
at that moment Smith surprised them, his friend was surprised but it was no excuse to rob him.
-Niku look behind you, it's one of them I ...- he said when Niku covered his mouth with his hand.
"Smith, what are you doing here?" Said niku.
"I couldn't take it any longer to see you," he said smiling.
- !!! NIKUU !!!!, !!!! NIKUUUU !!! - It was kukum's voice approaching.
-Please don't say anything- she took his friend's arm and ran with him.
-xatzo where is niku, it is dangerous for him to just tell him, he will surely listen to you- kukum said somewhat annoyed.
-Yes sure- Xatzo also said annoyed.
Elsewhere, Kukum and Smith went to a place where only Kukum knew, for it was Grandma Willow's territory.
What is this place? Said Smith
-It is a very special place, well I want to show you something- Niku said taking him by the arm to take him to the nearest corner so that he could see Grandma Willow in person.
-Stand here and look carefully there-niku said pointing to a flat place.
-ok, but what is supposed to .... hey you saw that -he said rolling his eyes wide.
-what? - asked niku
-And colors in the wind to discover- singing was shown the grandmother willow.
-Come closer Quil Smith, mm you're young and also very handsome- said grandmother sauce very happily
"I like it," said quil.
"I knew you'd like it," Nikum said, leaning on his shoulder.
several minutes passed as they began to talk together with grandmother sauce.
-Hey don't you have gold? - said quil
-What is gold? -
-AAh it is something that you bury in the earth, you take it out and it is very valuable-
-AH if I pray- he then took a corn from his bag
"No, it's not that, it's this," then he took out a shiny coin.
"Well, we don't have anything like that," he said, showing great interest in the coin.
-Nothing seriously, wow my friends will be surprised-
at that Quil hears that something is gulping in his expedition backpack.
-Hey, this little animal is a friend of yours- Quil said as he took it out of his backpack, only this time with a compass- it has a name.
-It's kun- he said laughing
at that moment niku released kuni who went to a nearby rock and began to hit the compass.
- hey !!!! Give me back that- he yelled as he ran to pick up the compass from him.
As soon as Kuni saw his reaction, he immediately climbed the tree.
-Kuni !! back that- shout niku
-no leave it like that, I give it to you-
-What's that?-
-Is it a compass? -
-And what is it for-
-aaa, it is a tool that helps you in case you are lost-
at that moment they began to hear screams and footsteps coming towards them.
-Quil !!, Smith !!!, QUIILL- two people screaming.
"They are not supposed to see us," Quil said somewhat in a hurry.
"Quick, come on," said Grandma Willow.
-Hey Luis, we have looked for him everywhere, it is better to go back- said one of them.
"You have to be around here, listen to something, apart from being scared, nothing happens here," he said angrily.
at that moment the grandmother willow raised the root of it so that they fell.
-Hey look where you walk piece of ...-
-I did not go,was this tree-
"Yes, of course, suddenly the tree wanted to lift its root and ..." she said when grandmother willowed under her root.
"Aah, you saw that," he whispered.
Suddenly Grandma Willow with her leaves hit them.
-There are monkeys- they yelled
when at last everything was silent Niku and quil left there.
-PUFF, it was close-
"Maybe this old woman but I gave them a good lesson," said the grandmother.
-I have to go, before all my classmates come-
-But when can I see you-
-Tonight, right here-
at that Quil went on his way to his camp just like niku.