Espejito ,espejito en la pared pared: Capitulo 2
Ese mismo día el príncipe benjamín estaba lavando su ropa pero no estaba sola si no con algunos pájaros.
-hola amigos, oigan les cuento un secreto- les pregunto.
Las palomas se vieron entre ellos y con una pequeña sonrisa asintieron con la cabeza moviéndola de arriba y abajo con emoción.
-ok, vengan- dijo mientras con su brazo les daba señal.
En eso llego a un pequeño poso junto con las palomas que llegaron rápidamente.
-verán esto es un secreto pues esta fuente es mágica-dijo emocionado.
-deseó!!-eco del poso
-un lindo amor-
-un lindo amor.-eco
-que entregue-
-que entregue- eco.
Pero benjamín no sabia que su canto había atraído la atención de un príncipe que rondaba por ahí en cuanto se asomo desde una pequeña barda que atravesaba para ir al castillo el fue acercando poco a poco.
-su amor- dijo benjamín
-mi amor- canto el príncipe
En cuanto benjamín vio aquel joven salió corriendo asustado a si castillo.
-no espera aguarda, perdón no quería espantarte-. Dijo el príncipe
Benjamín cerro las puertas y se fue a su habitación quien entonces lo vio desde su balcón, el príncipe al ver que lo observaba desde el balcón comenzó a cantar entonces una paloma se pone en la mano del príncipe quien después de va con Benjamín al ver ese gesto sonríe y lo ve con ternura.
That same day the youngest prince was washing his clothes but he was not alone if not with some birds.
-Hello friends, listen I tell you a secret- I ask them.
The pigeons looked at each other and with a small smile they nodded, shaking their heads up and down with excitement.
"Ok, come on," she said as she gave them a signal with her arm.
At that I came to a small well along with the pigeons that arrived quickly.
"You will see this is a secret because this fountain is magical," he said excitedly.
-wish! -.
-wish !! - echo of the sediment
-a cute love-
-a cute love.-echo
-to deliver-
-to deliver- echo.
But Benjamin did not know that his song had attracted the attention of a prince who was hanging around as soon as he looked out from a small wall that he crossed to go to the castle, he was approaching little by little.
-His love of him -said Benjamin
-my love- sang the prince
As soon as the youngest saw that young man he ran scared to his castle.
-no wait wait, sorry I did not want to scare you-. Said the prince
Benjamin closed the doors and went to his room who then saw him from his balcony, the prince when he saw that he was watching him from the balcony began to sing then a dove is placed in the hand of the prince who after going with Benjamin when he saw that gesture smiles and looks at it tenderly.