Como muchos saben ase mucho tiempo los pueblos indígenas de pueblo fueron tomados unos por uno, hubo muchos sacrificios, muertes y saqueos excepto por un pequeño lugar que muchos lo llamaba aguilas k'iino',  según muchos era el lugar donde hacia la mas grande riqueza. los españoles que lo invadieron escucharon de esto y pensaron que hablaban de una mina que asta las rocas que estaban ahi eran rocas o incluso a imaginarse de que todo lo que lo rodeaba de ahi era oro puro.

Pero lo que no sabían ellos era todo lo contrario, ya que en este pequeño pueblito indígena era conocido por la hospitalidad he libertad y también por sus cosechas de trigo he cacao.  En ese lugar estaba su Jefe llamado Gran Quetzal era muy respeta he amado por todos, compartía por igual pero si era serio sus dioses eran  Aivull y  Arreit Erdam los cuales eran el dios de la lluvia y la Madre Naturaleza. Cada cierto tiempo era tiempo de darle tributos  a esos dioses para que las cosechas nunca faltaran al igual que el agua. Pero esos atributos eran Sacrificios que voluntariamente la gente se ofrecía para dar honor a esos dioses ya que lo consideraban un acto noble, pero la verdad es que pocos lo consideraban así.

El rey tenia 2 hijos , un niño y una niña. El niño era de piel morena , ojos cafés, cabello lacio y cuerpo delgado su nombre era Itzae que significa "regalo de dios" y su hija fue llamada Ketzaly que significa "Mujer Hermosa". su esposa  Aketzali.  El hijo era Valiente, Honesto he Inteligente, su hermana era Hermosa, Noble y bondadosa algo que sus padres les inculcaron. 

Todo era perfecto pero no sabían que a lo lejano de su pueblo algunas  aldeas eran saqueadas.


As many know, a long time ago the indigenous peoples of the town were taken one by one, there were many sacrifices, deaths and looting except for a small place that many called Aguilas k'iino', according to many it was the place where the greatest wealth was made. The Spanish who invaded it heard about this and thought they were talking about a mine that even the rocks that were there were rocks or even imagined that everything that surrounded it was pure gold.

But what they did not know was the opposite, since this small indigenous town was known for its hospitality and freedom and also for its wheat and cocoa crops. In that place there was their Chief called Gran Quetzal who was very respected and loved by everyone, he shared equally but if he was serious his gods were Aivull and Arreit Erdam who were the god of rain and Mother Nature. Every so often it was time to give tribute to those gods so that the crops would never fail as well as the water. But those attributes were sacrifices that people voluntarily offered to honor those gods since they considered it a noble act, but the truth is that few considered it that way.

The king had 2 children, a boy and a girl. The boy had dark skin, brown eyes, straight hair and a thin body. His name was Itzae, which means "gift from God" and his daughter was called Ketzaly, which means "Beautiful Woman." His wife was Aketzali. The son was brave, honest and intelligent, his sister was beautiful, noble and kind, something that their parents instilled in them.

Everything was perfect but they did not know that far from their town some villages were looted.


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