El suit perfecto: LAS ETAPAS DE DUELO +1
Esa mirada de extrañeza es porque recordó que tenia un collar idéntico a ese uno que su madre le había regalo justo antes de aquel accidente.
-Que collar tan hermoso, ti...- se interrumpió mientras se veía en el espejo.- perdón, mi querida duqueza, pero desde que tengo memoria nunca te lo había visto.- lanzo una mirada coqueta he mirada fría regreso a a la normalidad.
-!OH¡- respondió mientras igual se veía en el espejo y lo tocaba con delicadeza.- esto es una reliquia familiar.
Nuevamente la mente de Cruelle salió afectado, de un segundo a otro Olly salió a la luz no tenia problemas en actuar como el otro sujeto frente a su tia solo que cruelle salía en los momentos donde olly no sabia que hacer o como destacar simplemente.
-Esta hermoso ese collar- aparto la mirada del espejo y camino hacia su "tía", quería tocarlo para ver algo pero cuanto esta apunto la tia le dio una manotazo.-!!auch¡¡.
-perdón querido pero este collar he piedra no se tocan-.
Después de eso las siguiente fue ir a tomar un te, guardar con cuidado ese traje, he pasar un día con la duquesa como cualquier otro todo era amor y felicidad como una relación sana de tío he sobrino o si quieren llamarlo maestro he aprendiz, solamente que la mirada de Olly era hacia el collar, cuando por fin llegaron a la casa, olly bajo y empezó a caminar rápidamente para ir a su cuarto.
-!Hey querido!- grito desde el auto.
Olly se detuvo en seco he la mirada cambio.
-Lo ciento duquesa, solo que me vinieron nuevas ideas para una nueva pieza distintiva- Dijo sollozando.- He no quiero perder mis ideas.
-Oh- la duquesa lo miro con orgullo y emocionada pues pronto esa nueva obra de arte seria suya.
En cuanto entro a la mansión, sin perder tiempo se dirigió a su cuarto he de pies a cabeza el cuarto comenzó a verse desordenado, ropa, cajas, bolsas, la cama desordenada, cajones, asta que en uno donde estaban sus tesoros, como fotos, cajas de maquillaje, plumas o regalos que sus padres le habían dado, pero no encontró nada solo sus tesoros he un periódico donde estaba la noticia de que sus padres habían muerto el encabezado decía lo siguiente: "JOVENES PADRES MUERTOS" FUE "SUICIDIO O DIOS LOS LLAMO".
La Desesperación comenzó a inundar su mente, así que el tiempo se le empezaba agotar al igual que la paciencia, fue entonces que se le vino una idea brillante pero muy riesgosa. (toc, toc, tocaron la puerta)
-Am, voy enseguida!!-
-Soy yo querido, solo quiero que me acompañes a cenar.- dijo detrás de la puerta, mientras que Olly intentaba tranquilizarme.
-si, si enseguida voy- dijo mientras que sus brazos tocaba su cabeza con fuerza como si ello le ayudara a tranquilizarse y tener mas ideas de donde pudiera estar.
Así que respiro profundo he dejo su cuarto como estaba y bajo a la estancia, dando primero una visita a los cocineros para decir que esta noche se le apetecía langosta.
-Ven- dijo su tia desde el otro lado de la cocina.
Estaba sentada. con un atuendo elegante aun siendo de noche la duquesa siempre trataba de verse impecable he sexy, su atuendo era un pantalón de mezclilla negro, y una blusa de de tirantes que mostraban su sexy figura de color rojo. he en su mano izquierda su cigarrillo.
-Dejare que lo veas por esta ocasión, pero solo tienes 15 segundos- lo vio directamente a los ojos como si fuera un desconocido, y lo aventó hacia el otro lado de la mesa.-Adelante.
La caja que se deslizo por la mesa era la misma que estaba buscando caja caja color azul turquesa he un moño color gris obscuro. era la misma que su madre le dio esa noche y al abrilo no lo dudo el collar fue el mismo que el pensó que se había extraviado un día estaba como sostenida en una base y abajo estaba como un cojín. cuando trato de quitar la base pudo ver una nota que decia.
-Bien acabo tu tiempo, entregámelo- puso la mano en la mesa esperando recibir la caja he, mirándolo fijamente.
-voy, duquesa solo acomodo las cosas- respondió mientras ponía todo en su lugar y cuidaba de que la nota no se allá visto.
Viendo que todo estaba en orden lo lanzo sobre la mesa, y la duquesa lo abrió con seriedad he poniendo atención en todo., Olly estaba nervioso pues esperando que no sospechara nada.
-bien, bien, si quieres puedes retirarte- dijo mientras lo veía el collar por una única ocasión mas.
Olly sin decir mas subió las escaleras a mitad de camino se detuvo vio que la duquesa se iba a la puerta trasera de seguro para completar su belleza o algo así, rápidamente bajo de las escaleras trato de ser lo mas silencioso posible, sus manos comenzaron a sudar al igual que el, así que rápidamente levanto el cojín dejando un espacio, quito la pequeña hoja, los pasos se hacían cada vez mas agudos rápidamente termino y puso la tapa en su lugar. Pero cuando miro para enfrente la Duquesa lo miraba como alguien desconocido un intruso que debía ser aplastado, pero fue por unos breves segundos, lanzo una risa de par en par he agarro su caja, recargo su cabeza hacia la derecha dando señal de que debía acompañarla, olly asintió, pero no dejo que su otra mano se viera mientras escondía el papel en una bolsa de su pantalón.
-tu ganas, te contare un poco mas querido- puso su fie sobre el otro y lo miro a los ojos, prendió su cigarrillo he conto su historia.
Después de 1 hora de historia y Olly quedo impactado pero a la vez algo orgulloso ya que entendió de donde saco su lado malévolo que al principio le asustaba pero que a la vez le Fascinaba, sin embargo cuando escucho la parte donde la duquesa dijo que tuvo que deshacerse de dos molestias que para ella eran como una plaga sin talento ni nada por el estilo, y que le arrebataron algo que a ella le correspondía, y que tuvo que matarlos no tenia elección. Entonces las ideas comenzaron a llegar he tener sentido. asta que de pronto apareció la duquesa nuevamente enfrente de su puerta esta vez se había cambiado tenia un pans gris, una blusa blanca pero lo mas particular eran unos lentes con los que iba a dormir esa noche, así que fue cuando todo tubo sentido, olly estaba furioso, triste, cuando por fin se fue y se escucho como el cuarto de la duquesa cerro sus puertas, rápidamente camino hacia el balcón, abrió la puerta que daba enfrente para salir, de pronto comenzó a llover, aun con la tormenta y lluvia cayendo con intensidad, he antes de que llegaba ya estaba todo mojado, solamente toco el barandal, las lagrimas comenzaron a resbalar.
Sentado y sintiendo el agua correr por el cabello, sentir como se resbalaba por el rostro y al cara, Olly con una risa, mirada fría he profunda, llego a su cuarto cerro la ventana y se acostó en la cama, lo único que pensó es que hay 5 etapas del duelo pero esta vez quería aumentar una la cual se llamara VENGANZA.
That look of surprise is because he remembered that he had a necklace identical to the one that his mother had given him just before that accident.
-What a beautiful necklace, you...- she interrupted herself while looking at herself in the mirror.- Sorry, my dear duchess, but since I can remember I have never seen it on you.- She cast a flirtatious look and her cold gaze returned to normal. .
-! OH! - she responded while she looked at herself in the mirror and she touched it delicately. - this is a family heirloom.
Once again Cruelle's mind was affected, from one second to the next Olly came to light that he had no problem acting like the other guy in front of his aunt, only that Cruelle came out in moments where Olly didn't know what to do or how to simply stand out.
-That necklace is beautiful- he looked away from the mirror and walked towards her "aunt", she wanted to touch it to see something but when she was about to point it the aunt slapped her.- Ouch!!
-I'm sorry, dear, but this necklace has stones that don't touch each other.
After that, the next thing was to go have a tea, carefully put that suit away, I spent a day with the duchess like any other, everything was love and happiness like a healthy relationship between uncle and nephew or if you want to call him master and apprentice, only Olly's gaze was towards the necklace, when they finally arrived at the house, Olly got out and started walking quickly to go to his room.
-Hey dear!-He shouted from the car.
Olly stopped short and his look changed.
"I'm sorry, Duchess, I just got new ideas for a new distinctive piece," he said, sobbing. "I don't want to lose my ideas."
-Oh- the duchess looked at him with pride and excitement because soon that new work of art would be hers.
As soon as he entered the mansion, without wasting time he went to his room and from head to toe the room began to look disorganized, clothes, boxes, bags, the bed disorganized, drawers, until one where his treasures were, like photos. , boxes of makeup, pens or gifts that her parents had given her, but she found nothing, only her treasures. In a newspaper where there was the news that her parents had died, the headline said the following: "YOUNG PARENTS DEAD" IT WAS "SUICIDE OR GOD CALLED YOU."
Desperation began to flood his mind, so time was beginning to run out as well as patience. It was then that a brilliant but very risky idea came to him. (knock, knock, there was a knock on the door)
-Am, I'll be right away!!-
"It's me dear, I just want you to join me for dinner," she said behind the door, while Olly tried to calm me down.
"Yes, yes, I'll be right away," he said while his arms touched her head tightly as if it would help him calm down and have more ideas about where he might be.
So he took a deep breath, left his room as he was and went down to the room, first paying a visit to the cooks to say that he wanted lobster tonight.
"Come," his aunt said from the other side of the kitchen.
She was sitting. With an elegant outfit, even at night, the Duchess always tried to look impeccable and sexy. Her outfit was black jeans and a tank top that showed off her sexy figure in red. I have her cigarette in her left hand.
"I'll let you see it this time, but you only have 15 seconds." She looked him directly in the eyes as if she were a stranger, and she pushed him to the other side of the table. "Go ahead."
The box that slid across the table was the same one he was looking for, a turquoise blue box with a dark gray bow. It was the same one that his mother gave him that night and in April I don't doubt it the necklace was the same one that he thought he had lost. One day it was like it was held on a base and underneath it was like a cushion. When he tried to remove the base he could see a note that he said.
"Your time is up, give it to me," he put his hand on the table waiting to receive the box, looking at it intently.
"Come on, Duchess, I'm just arranging things," she responded while putting everything in her place and making sure the note was not seen.
Seeing that everything was in order, he threw it on the table, and the Duchess opened it seriously, paying attention to everything. Olly was nervous, hoping that he wouldn't suspect anything.
"Well, well, if you want you can leave," he said as he looked at the necklace for just one more occasion.
Olly, without saying anything else, went up the stairs halfway, he stopped, he saw that the Duchess was going to the back door, surely to complete her beauty or something, he quickly came down the stairs, trying to be as quiet as possible, his hands began to shake. sweating just like him, so he quickly lifted the cushion leaving a space, removed the small sheet, the steps became increasingly sharper he quickly finished and put the cover in its place. But when he looked in front of him the Duchess looked at him like someone unknown, an intruder who should be crushed, but it was for a few brief seconds, she laughed out loud, grabbed the box from him, leaned her head to the right Signaling that he should accompany her, Olly nodded, but did not let his other hand be seen while he hid the paper in a bag in his pants.
"You win, I'll tell you a little more, dear," she placed her faith on the other and looked him in the eyes, lit her cigarette, and told her story.
After 1 hour of story and Olly was shocked but at the same time somewhat proud since he understood where he got his malevolent side that at first scared him but at the same time fascinated him, however when he heard the part where the duchess said that she had She had to get rid of two annoyances that for her were like a plague without talent or anything like that, and that took away something that belonged to her, and that she had to kill them, she had no choice. Then the ideas began to come and make sense. until suddenly the duchess appeared again in front of his door, this time she had changed, she had a gray pair of pants, a white blouse, but the most particular thing was a pair of glasses that she was going to sleep with that night, so that was when everything made sense, Olly. He was furious, sad, when he finally left and he heard how the Duchess's room closed its doors. He quickly walked to the balcony, opened the front door to go out, suddenly it started to rain, even with the storm and rain. falling with intensity, before I arrived everything was already wet, I only touched the railing, the tears began to fall.
Sitting and feeling the water running through his hair, feeling how it was slipping down his face and onto his face, Olly, with a laugh, a deep cold gaze, got to his room, closed the window and lay down on the bed, the only thing he thought was that there are 5 stages of grief but this time I wanted to increase one which was called REVENGE.