La operación fue todo un éxito, karaoke, baile, un poco de alcohol, besos, etc... Todos estaban felices de que Leonel allá salido de ese lugar lleno de miedo y desconfianza hacia el exterior ahora por suerte ya se siente mejor sin embargo. Empezó a sonar una alarma a las 7:00 am.
Del celular que estaba sonando
la alarma era de Daniel. Agarro su teléfono, solo que al momento de quitar no
se fijó que el celular estaba un pedazo
de pizza el cual se quedó pegada.
-diablos, ya son la 7:00 am-
refunfuño y se volvió a dormir.
Pero en cuanto Leonel escucho se
levantó enseguida sin pensar ni nada y aunque estaba todo despeinado, con
labial en los labios, un chupetón en el cuello, se levantó pero tratando de no
causar tanto ruido, pero por más que trataba los vasos tirados, botellas, globos, etc… no dejaban de sonar.
-¿Quién causa tanto ruido?-
-Lo siento- respondió con voz
suave tratando de no despertar a los demás.
-¿¿Quieres café??- pregunto
Daniel, quien observaba a Leonel desde la cocina ya que su persuasión no lo
ayudaban a no ser visto.
-No, gracias, debo irme
ahora-dijo algo exaltado.
-¿porque?-pregunto mientras le
daba un pequeño sorbo a su café.
-Mi madre puede notar mi
ausencia y me meteré en serios problemas si no me ve- dijo mientras traba de
pasar a un invitado que estaba tirado en el suelo.
-oh, entiendo- dejo su taza en
la mesa.
-¿Quieres que te lleve?-
pregunto, mientras buscaba las llaves. En su bata o miraba por todos lados para
ver si estaban por ahí.
-OH, están en mi
habitación-con voz suave he agarrando su taza de café, se dirigió hacia su
dormitorio para encontrar las llaves.-Les advierto no quiero encontrar a nadie
teniendo sexo ahora en mi cama.
-¡Vámonos!- dijo Esmeralda
quien venía caminando hacia el en tacones, pero con piernas algo temblorosas,
cabello despeinado (esponjoso), una mirada de odio las mañanas, su blusa he
pantalones algo manchados de vomito.
- y como piensas manejar en
ese estado- dijo cruzado de brazos y levantado una ceja.
-Yo los llevare- Respondió
Daniel, quien estaba saliendo de su habitación, pero como si hubiera hecho
magia salió bañado, ropa decente sin maquillaje ni nada como cualquier persona
que sale para ir a una fiesta etc.
-cómo es que…- ambos
-Queridos es magia tantos años
desmaquillándome y prepararme para dragas instantáneas me han dado oportunidad
de estar lista en un santiamén.
Salieron del cuarto principal
y se dirigieron al estacionamiento, en el camino Daniel les presto unos toallas húmedas, un cepillo para
peinarse, rápidamente Leonel se limpió toda la cara no sabía que tenía en la
cara pero por cualquier cosa con lo que pudo se pasó como 5 toallas por la
cara, se peinó.
-ya estamos muy cerca- dijo
Daniel, mientras giraba en el retorno.- por donde te dejo.
-ahí en el árbol- grito.
-Segura, pero ¿¿cómo vas a
entrar??-dijo algo preocupado.
Daniel rápidamente paro por
donde estaba el árbol, por suerte aún era algo temprano o bueno eso pensaban ya
que la calle estaba muy solitaria bueno eso es lo que se veía pero de pronto el padre de Leonel llego,
rápidamente Daniel como que prendió el coche, sin querer Leonel se llevó un
susto cerrando así la puerta del coche
he llevándose casi la mano de Leonel.
-¡pero qué te pasa!!- grito al
quitar rápidamente su mano he llevarse un susto de muerte
-Lo siento- dijo terminando de
estacionando el carro.-perdón pero ese no es tu padre o ¿Quién es él?, pregunto
señalando a la persona que se diría a la puerta de su casa.
-¡Diablos!- abrió la puerta
rápidamente.-Necesito que lo distraigan
-pero ¿cómo?-pregunto Daniel,
pero cuando se volteo para mirar a Leonel, el ya no estaba en el coche.-
¿Adónde se fue?
-está ahí por el poste- señalo
el poste que estaba en la esquina, he “Leonel siendo discreto”
El padre de Leonel toco a la
puerta, en ese momento supo que tenía menos de 30 min para entrar, esmeralda no
tuvo otra opción que entrar a escena, no sabía el cómo, que, porque o la
historia que inventaría pero solo pensó que así como estaba por lo menos
distraería a su padre de Leonel en lo que subía por el árbol.
-¿pero qué vas a hacer?- la miro entre dientes.
-no lo sé, pero tengo que
ayudarlo- dijo poniendo su cabello para una cola de caballo he llevándose una
botella que encontró en el carro, fue caminando lentamente hasta toparse con
Leonel. (Le mando un guiño).
El padre volvió a tocar el
timbre, Esmeralda caminaba de una forma borracha obviamente el alcohol en la
mañana ya habían perdido el efecto, así que aunque no era una buena actriz la
verdad se veía convincente, así que cuando el padre iba a tocar por tercera
-muy buenos días señor de
casualiiidaaaa tendrá- se tambaleo un poco y choco contra el muro dando un
convincente golpe.
Al escuchar el golpee, Daniel
y Leonel se quedaron algo dolidos pues pensaron que no iba a ser un golpe tan
fuerte, Leonel miro al carro para saber si era buena idea ir a ayudarle a
esmeralda, pero Daniel rápidamente cruzo los brazos desde el coche, lo miro con
una mirada seria y señalando su ventana. El asintió con la cabeza he se
apresuró llegar al árbol.
-Señorita está usted borracha-
mirándola con extrañeza he preocupación.
-Sí, es que, es que- dijo
mirando hacia el árbol para ver si Leonel ya estaba subiendo. (Se escuchó que
se rompió una rama).
-¿Qué fue eso?- dijo mientras
su rostro iba hacia el árbol.
-oh, lo siento es que me voy a
desmayar- esmeralda como que giro un poco la cabeza, todo su cabello se fue
para enfrente, agarro al señor, se empezó a ventilar para hacerlo más creíble.
-no, no, a ver espere deje…-dijo
pero la verdad, el padre ya estaba notando alfo raro.
Con esa actuación no tan
convincente, la verdad Leonel ya estaba pasando la ventana hacia su habitación,
sin embargo no sabía que una sorpresa la estaba esperando.
-qué bonito te vez, entra, cámbiate,
no mejor báñate- dijo su madre mirándolo con decepción.- voy abrirle a tu padre
y ahora hablaremos tu y yo.
Sin decir más cerró la puerta
casi de un zarpazo para que se pudiera Leonel cambiar, se escuchó como baja las
escaleras y en cuanto se escuchó el crujir de la manija, rápidamente Esmeralda
se levantó he haciendo nuevamente la borracha se comenzó a marchar, el señor
solamente se le quedo viendo raro y se metió
a la casa, dando un beso a su esposa. Ella cuando entro su esposo
solamente se le quedo viendo a toda la calle como que tratando de encontrar a
quien trajo a Leonel a casa, pero no encontró nadie.
-ahora te hago el desayuno
solamente permíteme- dijo, mientras subía las escaleras con algo de velocidad. (Llego
y cerró la puerta).
Después de 1 hora y media de
regaño, la madre no tuvo otra opción más que cambiar a Leonel de escuela ya que
por esto que le ha pasado a su hijo he actitudes de escaparse tal vez no era un
buen lugar para la él.
Ese mismo día en la escuela,
El directo sito a todos les estudiantes para dar un anuncio.
-Mis queridos estudiantes-
dijo mirando a todos con seriedad.-Debido a los acontecimientos y pensando que estamos casi llegando al final de
un ciclo escolar,- Respiro
profundamente.- He decidió adelantar el Baile de Otoño.
The operation was a complete success, karaoke, dancing, a little alcohol, kisses, etc... Everyone was happy that Leonel came out of that place full of fear and mistrust towards the outside world, now luckily he feels better, however . An alarm started ringing at 7:00 am.
The alarm on the cell phone that was ringing belonged to Daniel. He grabbed his phone, but when he took it off he didn't notice that a piece of pizza was stuck to the cell phone.
"Damn, it's already 7:00 am," he grumbled and went back to sleep.
But as soon as Leonel heard it, he got up immediately without thinking or anything and even though he was all disheveled, with lipstick on his lips, a hickey on his neck, he got up but trying not to cause so much noise, but no matter how hard he tried, the discarded glasses and bottles , balloons, etc... they didn't stop ringing.
-Who is causing so much noise?- They shouted.
"I'm sorry," he responded with a soft voice, trying not to wake the others.
"Do you want coffee??" asked Daniel, who was watching Leonel from the kitchen since his persuasion did not help him not to be seen.
"No, thank you, I have to go now," he said, somewhat excited.
"Why?" He asked as he took a small sip of his coffee.
"My mother may notice my absence and I will get into serious trouble if she doesn't see me," he said while trying to pass a guest who was lying on the floor.
-Oh, I understand- he left his cup on the table.
"Do you want me to take you?" He asked, while he was looking for the keys. In his robe or I looked everywhere to see if they were around.
-OH, they're in my room-with a soft voice, I grabbed his coffee cup and headed towards his bedroom to find the keys.-I'm warning you, I don't want to find anyone having sex in my bed now.
"Let's go!" said Esmeralda, who came walking towards him in heels, but with somewhat shaky legs, disheveled (fluffy) hair, a look of hatred in the mornings, her blouse and pants somewhat stained with vomit.
"And how do you plan to drive in that state?" he said, crossing his arms and raising an eyebrow.
-I'll take them- answered Daniel, who was leaving his room, but as if he had done magic he came out bathed, in decent clothes without makeup or anything like any person who leaves to go to a party, etc.
-How come...- they both asked.
-Dear ones, it's magic, so many years of removing my makeup and preparing for instant dredges have given me the opportunity to be ready in no time.
They left the main room and headed to the parking lot. On the way, Daniel lent them some wet towels and a brush to comb their hair. Leonel quickly cleaned his entire face. He didn't know what was on his face, but whatever he could do, he did it like 5 towels over her face, combed her hair.
"We are already very close," said Daniel, as he turned to return. "Where he left you."
"There in the tree," he shouted.
"Sure, but how are you going to get in?" he said, somewhat worried.
Daniel quickly stopped by where the tree was, luckily it was still a little early or well that's what they thought since the street was very lonely well that's what it looked like but suddenly Leonel's father arrived, Daniel quickly started the car, Unintentionally, Leonel got a scare, closing the car door like that, almost taking Leonel's hand.
-But what's wrong with you!!- I shouted as I quickly removed my hand from him and scared myself to death.
"I'm sorry," he said, finishing parking the car. "I'm sorry, but that's not your father or who is he?" he asked, pointing to the person who would be standing at the door of his house.
-Damn!- He opened the door quickly.-I need you to distract him.
"But how?" Daniel asked, but when he turned to look at Leonel, he was no longer in the car. "Where did he go?"
-It's there by the post- I point to the post that was in the corner, "Leonel being discreet"
Leonel's father knocked on the door, at that moment he knew that he had less than 30 minutes to enter, Esmeralda had no choice but to enter the scene, she did not know how, what, why or the story she would invent but she just thought that this was the case. As he was, he would at least distract his father from Leonel while he was climbing the tree.
"But what are you going to do?" I look at her through my teeth.
"I don't know, but I have to help him," he said, putting his hair in a ponytail and taking a bottle that he found in the car, he walked slowly until he ran into Leonel. (I send him a wink).
The father rang the doorbell again, Esmeralda walked in a drunken manner, obviously the alcohol in the morning had already lost its effect, so although she was not a good actress, the truth was that she looked convincing, so when the father was going to ring for the third time chance,
-Very good morning sir, by chance- he staggered a little and collided with the wall giving a convincing blow.
Upon hearing the knock, Daniel and Leonel were a little hurt because they thought it wasn't going to be such a strong knock. Leonel looked at the car to see if it was a good idea to go help Esmeralda, but Daniel quickly crossed his arms from the car, looked at him with a serious look and pointing to his window. He nodded and hurried to the tree.
"Miss, you are drunk." Looking at her strangely, I was worried.
"Yes, it's just, it's just," she said, looking towards the tree to see if Leonel was already climbing. (A branch was heard to break.)
"What was that?" She said as his face went towards the tree.
-Oh, I'm sorry, I'm going to faint- Esmeralda turned her head a little, all her hair went in front, she grabbed the man, she started to fan out to make it more believable.
"No, no, let's see, wait, let's..." she said, but the truth is, the father was already noticing something strange.
With that not so convincing performance, the truth is Leonel was already passing the window towards his room, however he did not know that a surprise was waiting for her.
"How beautiful you look, come in, change, no better take a bath," said his mother, looking at him with disappointment. "I'm going to open it for your father and now you and I will talk."
Without saying more, he closed the door almost with a swipe of his paw so that Leonel could change, he was heard coming down the stairs and as soon as the creak of the handle was heard, Esmeralda quickly got up and, acting drunk again, began to leave, the man He just looked at him strangely and went into the house, giving his wife a kiss. When she entered, her husband just stared at the entire street as if trying to find the person who brought Leonel home, but she couldn't find anyone.
"Now I'll make you breakfast, just allow me," she said, as she climbed the stairs with some speed. (He arrived and closed the door).
After 1 hour and a half of scolding, the mother had no choice but to change Leonel's school since because of what has happened to her son, he has the attitude of running away, perhaps it was not a good place for him.
That same day at school, El direct called upon all the students to make an announcement.