El suit perfecto: La doble personalidad de Olly
Después de aquel accidente, aquel chico gentil, amoroso y Honesto ya no estaba, pues poco a poco la tía se fue apoderando de la casa de su hermano y de Olly quien era un niño, su amada tía lo fue moldeando asta crear alguien parecido a ella, lo mando a una escuela de costura para diseñar trajes, vestidos he toda clase de atuendos, ya que el mostraba una inteligencia he creatividad muy buenas, cada día que pasaba, cada mes. Al poco tiempo comenzó a fascinarle el mundo de la moda, comenzó a hacerse trajes hecho de pieles de animales las primeras victimas fueron aquellos animales que el y sus padres habían rescatado por ejemplo: Leones, Elefantes, Jirafas, Vacas, gallinas, patos, etc.. aunque también no era todo de piel si no también de telas pero con un estilo elegante y glamoroso, algunas ocasiones el inventaba y su tía se apoderaba del crédito claro que siempre y cuando el diseño fuera sorprendente, fabuloso y grandioso, su tía se apoderaba de ese dinero y decía que era suyo.
En su instancia en su escuela de moda, se había hecho muy amigo a una chica llamada Perlita y de dos chicos llamados Baltazar y Horacio sin embargo ellos no estudiaban eran unos chicos de secundaria algo problemáticos que siempre se salían con la suya, cuando estaba con su mejor amiga La parte de Olly la amable, bondadoso y amoroso salía a la luz pero por poco tiempo ya que la otra parte que perfeccionista, mala, he engreída tenia mas control esa parte se llamaba Cruelle.
-Oh, mi querido sobrino este es el día en que conocerás mi imperio- llamo a su sobrino, mientras veía su libreta llena de nuevos y exquisitos vestidos he trajes.
-¿Que tía?-pregunto desde el otro lado del sofá.
-Querido no me llames así, de ahora en adelante llamame Duquesa Fursik-Volteo para verlo y lo miro con ojos de orgullo y una risa maliciosa. Camino hacia el he con la mirada fría miro hacia la salida por un segundo indicando que era hora de irse.
Olly tenia un traje hecho piel de cebra, unos botines hechos de piel de serpiente, pulseras y un reloj gris brillante que a simple vista cualquiera diría que era muy muy costoso. Al salir el sirviente de su tía estaba ya esperándolos en la limosina.
-Bien hecho charls- dijo fuertemente como si estuviera enojada, que cuando lo escucho salto del ha ciento.
-claro, madamme- la miro, pensando que lo iba a felicitar o algo por el estilo, la duquesa le devolvió la mirada pero no el esperaba si no con odio y asco como un insecto.
-!AVANSA!-. grito y Olly con cara mas seria pero intimidante solo rio.
Después de algunos minutos por fin llegaron al gran edificio de la tía, la cual tenia un zaguán automático, arriba en letras grandes "Mansión de la Duquesa Fursik" y en letras algo pequeñas "la reyna de la industria textil pieles y otros (PERO MAS PIEL)". Un poco de olly se iluminaron al conocer el mas gran trabajo de su tia.
-Querido, como se acerca tu cumpleaños tengo una sorpresa especial para ti.
Por fin llegaron, el chofer rápidamente estaciono el carro y se apresuro abrir a su alteza y a su querido sobrino. así que rápidamente le abrió a la puerta a su madamme, extendió su brazo, la alteza respondió cortésmente pero cuando toco el pavimento quito su mano rápidamente del chofer, prendió un cigarrillo y camino a la puerta.
-!!INBECIL ABREME!!- grito Cruelle, que al igual de su tía asusto al chofer, que esta vez no se levanto del asiento, si no que se resbalo haciendo que se cayera y se golpeara en el asfalto.
-Ya voy señor.
Abrió la puerta y al igual que la duquesa extendió su mano para ayudarlo, pero el solo aventó su mano y de una manera elegante mostrando una clase de poder y belleza que alguien pudiera mostrar.
-Querido, ven aquí- grito desde la entrada principal.
-Ya voy Duquesa-.
Las puertas se abrieron de par en par lentamente, al entrar el pasillo se veían fotos de la duquesa con sus atuendos mas espectaculares, llamativos y glamorosos, he entre mas entraban habían mas salones uno para cada área como costura, temas, animales o telas etc.. en cuanto llegaron a la oficina principal había una fuente de cascada y con letras en medio de donde caía el agua diciendo "AMO LA PIEL". unas cuantas mas hojas en el escritorio, folletos, dibujos, una pizarrón con dibujos con sus nuevas piezas distintivas las cuales 5 eran de sus diseñadores y la que estaba en medio era de Cruelle quien lo había dibujado en secreto un día para un día crearlo. había también un sofá, un juego de te , he muchas cosas mas, pero había algo en una habitación del otro lado estaba cerrada con un candado.
-Querido. cierra los ojos- dijo con una voz cálida, que asta su mas fiel sirviente se quedo perplejo al escuchar su voz con tanta amabilidad.
-Am, ok-
La duquesa miro a su sirviente para indicarle que abriera, el entendió la mirada y se apresuro antes de que se enojara, cuando lo abrió, la duquesa lo agarro de la mano para guiarlo, entraron y había como un maniquí tapado con una cortina blanca, el sirvienta la quito y mostro aquel atuendo de piel hecha de plumas de pavorreal, una chaqueta que plumas azules, una cola gigantesca hecha de la cola del pavorreal que estaban atrás de la chaqueta y una camisa blanca , un pantalón de tela azul y verde, el ultimo toque era una bufanda con la cabeza del pavo.
-Ábrelos- dijo con una risa de par en par.
Cruelle estaba encantado con ese nuevo atuendo, sin embargo algo cambio cuando se lo probo, pues vio a su tía y vio algo que en ella no la traía esta mañana era un collar con un rubí con los colores del arcoíris, su mirada cambio pues asombro y confusión presento.
After that accident, that gentle, loving and honest boy was no longer there, because little by little his aunt took over his brother's house and Olly, who was a child, his beloved aunt molded him until she created someone similar to She sent him to a sewing school to design suits, dresses and all kinds of outfits, since he showed very good intelligence and creativity, every day that passed, every month. Soon he began to be fascinated by the world of fashion, he began to make costumes made of animal skins. The first victims were those animals that he and his parents had rescued, for example: Lions, Elephants, Giraffes, Cows, chickens, ducks, etc. .. although it was also not all leather but also fabric but with an elegant and glamorous style, on some occasions he would invent it and his aunt would take the credit of course that as long as the design was surprising, fabulous and great, his aunt would He seized that money and said it was his.
At his fashion school, he had become good friends with a girl named Perlita and two boys named Baltazar and Horacio, however they did not study, they were somewhat problematic high school boys who always got their way, when he was with her best friend The part of Olly, the kind, kind and loving one, came to light but for a short time since the other part, who was a perfectionist, bad, and conceited, had more control, that part was called Cruelle.
"Oh, my dear nephew, this is the day you will know my empire," he called to his nephew, while he saw her notebook full of new and exquisite dresses and suits.
"What aunt?" I ask from the other side of the couch.
-Dear, don't call me that, from now on call me Duchess Fursik-I turned to see him and looked at him with proud eyes and a malicious laugh. I walk towards it and with cold eyes I look towards the exit for a second indicating that it was time to leave.
Olly had a suit made of zebra skin, ankle boots made of snake skin, bracelets and a shiny gray watch that at first glance anyone would say was very very expensive. When they left, his aunt's servant was already waiting for them in the limousine.
"Well done, Charles," she said loudly, as if she were angry, and when she heard it she jumped.
-Of course, madam- He looked at her, thinking that she was going to congratulate him or something like that, the Duchess looked back at her but she didn't expect him to, but with hatred and disgust like an insect.
-!AVANSA!-. he shouted and Olly, with a more serious but intimidating face, just laughed.
After a few minutes they finally arrived at the aunt's large building, which had an automatic hallway, above in large letters "Mansion of Duchess Fursik" and in somewhat small letters "the queen of the textile industry, furs and others (BUT MORE FUR)". A little bit of Olly lit up when they learned about his aunt's greatest job.
-Dear, as your birthday is approaching, I have a special surprise for you.
Finally they arrived, the driver quickly parked the car and hurriedly opened the door to his highness and his beloved nephew. So he quickly opened the door for his madam, extended his arm to her, the highness responded politely but when he hit the pavement he quickly removed his hand from the driver, lit a cigarette and walked to the door.
-!! YOU INBECITE OPEN ME!! - Cruelle shouted, which, like her aunt, scared the driver, who this time did not get up from the seat, but instead slipped, causing him to fall and hit the asphalt.
-I'm coming sir.
He opened the door and just like the Duchess extended her hand to help him, but he just pushed her hand away from him and in an elegant way showing the kind of power and beauty that someone could show.
"Dear, come here," he shouted from the main entrance.
"I'm coming, Duchess."
The doors slowly opened wide, as you entered the hallway you could see photos of the Duchess with her most spectacular, striking and glamorous outfits, and the further you entered there were more rooms, one for each area such as sewing, themes, animals or fabrics, etc. .. as soon as they arrived at the main office there was a waterfall fountain with letters in the middle of where the water fell saying "I LOVE SKIN". a few more sheets on the desk, brochures, drawings, a blackboard with drawings with its new distinctive pieces, which 5 were from its designers and the one in the middle was from Cruelle who had secretly drawn it one day to create it one day. There was also a sofa, a tea set, and many other things, but there was something in a room on the other side that was closed with a padlock.
-Darling. "Close your eyes," he said with a warm voice, that even his most faithful servant was perplexed to hear his voice with so much kindness.
-Am, ok-
The duchess looked at her servant to tell him to open, he understood the look and hurried before he got angry, when he opened it, the duchess grabbed his hand to guide him, they entered and there was like a mannequin covered with a white curtain, The maid took it off and showed it here.
The skin outfit made of peacock feathers, a jacket made of blue feathers, a gigantic tail made of the tail of the peacock that was behind the jacket and a white shirt, blue and green fabric pants, the last touch was a scarf with the head of the turkey.
"Open them," she said with a wide laugh.
Cruelle was delighted with that new outfit, however something changed when he tried it on, because he saw his aunt and saw something that she wasn't wearing this morning, it was a necklace with a ruby in the colors of the rainbow, his gaze changed because of amazement. and confusion I present.