Beethoven había hecho una pequeña cena en el un poco romántica, puso una mesa, fruta, he algo de joyas para que se viera iluminador he romántico, en el techo del barco bajo una lámpara que daba como que una buena iluminación, sin embargo tenia una sorpresa mas encontró una tipo de almeja toda bacía y una canica o perla de un collar. pero no se esperaba una pequeña visita.
-!wow!, sherg pero para quien esto- pregunto Ray.
-!!Shhhh!!, Ray te van a escuchar-dijo tapándose el pico.
En ese momento Ray entiendo lo que Beethoven trataba de aser, ya que era una cena especial para su Evangelin.
-Ok, Ok entiendo, guardare el secreto- dijo con una risa maliciosa.
-Ray, puedes ir por el y decirle que venga- dijo Bet,
Ray sin dudar guiño el ojo, se marcho a buscar a Teo, el cual no se tardo mas de 5 minutos si no todo lo contrario ya se veía a los Teo. entonces rápidamente guardo la almeja abajo de la caja (tipo mesa). su corazón comenzó a latir fuertemente he sus ojos se iluminaron al igual que los de teo.
-Hola bet, wow que hermoso es esto, ¿para quien es?-
-es, es, es, es, para am- se puso nervioso.- Para nosotros.
-¿Para nosotros?- dijo levantando una ceja.
-Si, es que ya que es nuestra ultima noche como cisnes, me pregunte ¿Por qué no? y así sirve que puedo compensarte de lo torpe he descuidado que he sido estos días-dijo casi con un lagrima en el ojo.
-oye, esta bien mi padre me enseño a siempre ver lo bueno de las cosas- dijo viendo cada hermoso detalle he cena.
-ok, por cierto mira- dijo mientras sacaba un plato de fruta una parte como que machacada y otra entera con marcas de rasguños.
-wow la machacaste y am esta ¿Por qué tiene rasguños?- pregunte con algo se sospecha.
-lo siento, es que uno con las uñas que tengo en las patas pude machacarla, pero esta otra que tiene los rasguños ya no pude cortarla, creo que mis uñas de cisne perdieron su cisne- agacho la cabeza con una cara de pena.
-ok, pues a comer- dijo Teo.
Teo dio la primer mordida con las uvas he plátanos que estaban ahi, Bet no quiso quedarse atras con algunas manzanas he fresas.
-!!PROXIMAA PARA NUEVA ORLEANS!!- capitán del barco.
Bethoveeen he Teodoro voltearon a ver al frente del barco y vieron que ya estaban muy cerca de la ciudad, un poco la cara de bet se entristeció ya que sabia que significaba, en cambio teo se alegro un poco porque ya casi estaba por cumplir su sueño.
-mira Bet, ya estamos súper cerca, por fin podre cumplir mi sueño de abrir mi restaurante-Dijo teo alegre con una voz tan animadora he sollozante que te llegaba al corazón.
-me agrada y me gusta ver como hablas de tus sueños-dijo bet con una voz algo triste.- oye y ¿habrá música jazz o asi?
-mmm-pensativo- claro que si.
-GENIAL!!, música por todas partes y saliendo por las ventanas.
-sí, nuestro restaurante sera el mejor de todo nueva orleands-
-nuestra.....- dijo bet cambiando su cara.
-aaah la de mi padre y la mía-dijo interrumpiendo el pensamiento de bet.
Sin darse cuenta el barco ya había arribado y Ray a gritarles de que el cocodrilo ya se había ido con los músicos, en ese momento Teo despertó se aparto de bet, quien lo pareciera que lo abrazaba con su ala.
-cierto, ya vámonos o no podremos deshacer el hechizo- dijo Teo, preparándose para volar.
-Ah, cierto, este vallan voy detrás de ustedes- dijo, mientras que Teo ya estaba casi en el aire.
En cuanto Teo, se descuido un poco las sombras del hombre lo atraparon y lo escondieron a las horillas de la embarcación para no ser vistos, junto con el rey.
-ya estas detrás de nosotros Beethoven??- pregunto teo ya que estaba lo bastante lejos del barco, pero no escucho respuesta así que volteo pero no había nada-. ¿Beethoven??.
-hey, ¿Qué pasa?- pregunto la luciérnaga Ray.- no te preocupes amigo de seguro tomo un atajo, ya debe de estar por allá buscando a la princesa.
-puede ser- dijo con voz preocupada.
Rápidamente los dos apresuraron el paso, pero ray no pudo evitar de preocuparse por Teo, quien mostraba una cara de confusión he tristeza.
-¿Estas bien?- volvió a preguntar.
-Es que pensé que en la cena quería decirme algo pero no lo escuche, y aparte no se, pensé que mi restaurante era todo lo que yo deseaba pero ahora no se- dijo mirando un poco las estrellas.
-!! HEY CUIDADO!!- grito ray.
En ese momento Teodoro reacciono ya que por poco se estrella contra un carro alegórico que tenia un Poseidón gigante.
-Hemos llegado- dijo alegremente.- bien ray hay que buscar.
-y ¿Qué vamos a buscar?- pregunto ray.
-el carro alegórico mas grande y mas hermoso que...- dijo pero se interrumpió cuando vio a su amiga lofty y el príncipe apunto de casarse.
El corazón de Teo se rompió y salió huyendo de ahi, Ray trato de detenerlo pero fui inútil.
-pero no entiendo, que haces tu aun siendo un cisne- trato de gritar pero Teo ya no estaba.-vamos a ver que es esto.
sigilosamente se acerco al príncipe, pero no logro hacer nada, el príncipe trato de ahuyentarlo. Pero fue en vano en eso aquel falso príncipe pudo notar que un pico o pluma se estaba asomando y le dio una patada.
-hey, capi ¿eres tu?-
-Si soy yo, sacame de esta jaula- dijo bet.
-ahora, quien se oponga a este matrimonio que hable ahora o que calle para siempre- dijo el papa.
Ray abrió la jaula, Bet se elevo como un águila rápidamente comenzó a picotear al falso príncipe he asiendo que se cayera, pero antes de que pudiera escapar el príncipe falso lo agarro del cuello, bet trato de escaparse pero era en vano.
-mi amor te encuentras bien- pregunto loty.
-necesito un minuto para recuperarme- dijo el príncipe falso.
Se fue corriendo al palacio que estaba enfrente he cerro las puertas de par en par poniendo seguro para que nadie lo interrumpiera.
-!!Lorens!!, ¿Por qué haces esto?- dijo bet, tratando de entrar en razón a su amigo.
-Por todos esos años de humillación- dijo con una voz firme he lanzando una mirada de odio.
-Lleva tu gran pansa a la ceremonia y termina con esto- dijo el hombre sombra.
Beethoven encontró rápidamente el momento perfecto así que se apresuro a quitar el collar con el que tenia su sangre, cuando se lo quito su sirviente ya no era una copia del príncipe si no ya era el mismo.
-¿Que esta haciendo?, !!!ATRAPALO¡¡- dijo el hombre con una mirada que te hacia temblar.
Por suerte bet lanzo el collar a su amigo ray, pero al ser tan pequeño no pudo con el peso del collar, así que cayo con el, rápido se levanto de ahi y cuando por fin había recuperado el control, salió por un espacio de la puerta hacia donde estaba Teo, el cual estaba en un cementerio.
-!Amigos!, esto muestra de lo que vimos no es verdad- grito cuando vio a Teo sentado en una lapida.
-!Corre, chico, Corre!- dijo ray poniendo el collar en el cuello de teo.
-Pero ¿Qué es esto?- dijo curioso mientras lo observaba.
-Es un cachivache buduu, el hombre lo estaba utilizando para ... (risas macabras)- ambos voltearon a ver, he observaron que muchas sombras se dirigían hacia ellos.
-no hay tiempo corre- dijo Ray
Sin pensarlo, Teo obedeció he corrió. Ray prendió su luz de luciérnaga he se defendió muy bien pero no por mucho ya que se confió y el hombre sombra con un empujón iso que se cayera he le dio el golpe de gracia con un pisotón el cual lo dejo muy débil. En cuanto a la persecución las patas de cisne no le daban mucha ventaja así que Teo solamente llego a un callejón sin salida, estaba rodeado de las sombras, así que sin pensarlo se quito el amuleto vudú del cuello.
-!ALEJENSE O LO ROMPO!- dijo dejándolo en el suelo y preparándose para darle un picotazo.
El hombre sombra al escuchar eso, rápidamente uso su magia y revertió el encantamiento, Teo estaba con un traje encantador color blanco con dorado, todo a su alrededor empezó a convertirse en una ilusión del restaurante de los sueños que Teo había pensado.
-Es mas divertido esto que pasar toda tu vida viviendo en el estanque y casando patos- dijo el hombre sombra sentado y bebiendo una copa de champan.
-el hombre sombra- agarro mas fuerte el ambuleto.
-Debo admitirlo Teodoro cuando sueñas, sueñas muy alto, este lugar es hermoso será la joya de toda esta ciudad- dijo con una sonrisa, ya que vio que Teo estaba a dudando.- lo único que debes hacer es darme ese pequeño talismán y ya.
-No, esto no es correcto- dijo mas confundido.
-Que pasa amigo, recuerda todo lo que has sacrificado- en ese momento muchas voces comenzaron a sonar.
-nunca vas a reunir lo suficiente para el pago inicial-
-un MUCHACHO de tu posición-
-Recuerda a todos ingratos que dudaron de ti-
-les dije que no vendría-
-Y no olvides a tu querido padre- dijo el hombre, abriendo una ventana que daba hacia un vecindario, cuando era un niño que soñaba en ser un gran chef como su padre hubiera querido.
-Mi padre nunca tuvo lo que deseo- dijo mientras bajaba su mano poco a poco.
En ese momento, el recuerdo le mostro algo que había olvidado, a que me refiero a al amor (lazo familiar). su rostro cambio.
-Pero si tuvo todo lo que necesito- lo agarro con mas fuerza he miro a el hombre sombra con odio.-tenia amor y no olvido lo que en verdad importa.
-cuidado con eso es frágil- dijo levantando sus manos.
-Ni tampoco yo lo are-levanto su brazo he lanzo el talismán hacia el piso.
Sin embargo una sombra estaba abajo esperando la oportunidad para atraparlo, la cual llego, atrapo el colgante y se lo dio al hombre sombra (Risa maléfica), con un chasquido la ilusión que había creado del restaurante y lo que había hecho para que por un corto tiempo regresara Teo a la normalidad desapareció, el regreso hacer un cisne, el hombre sombra le puso su bastón en el cuello para evitar que se escapara.
-Pudiste aceptar mi ofrecimiento, pero ahora tendrás que pasar resto de tu vida teniendo ese pico-
-Enterate hombre sombra pero este pico es muy útil-.
Cuando Teo dijo eso pico las cuerdas del collar haciendo que se cayera, rápidamente antes de que el hombre sombra lo tomara, Teo le dio in picotazo haciendo que se romperá en miles de pedacitos, el entorno del cementerio comenzó a tornarse obscuro he tétrico, los muñecos, caras vudú comenzaron aparecer, una música triste y escalofriante sonada, el hombre sombra pedía perdón pero sus amigos del mas allá, digamos que las caras de los muñecos he mascaras y así su sonrisas he gestos mostraban otra cosa, Teo estaba arriba de una lapida observando todo, de pronto una sombra tomo la del hombre sombra y fue arrastrado hacia un tumba que estaba abierta el trataba de agarrarse de lo que fuera pero era en vano así que en un abrir y cerrar de ojos se lo llevaron, un brillo he humo se apoderaron del área, cuando el humo comenzaba a despejarse esa misma lapida he tumba se cerraron he en la lapida solamente estaba escrito AQUI SE ENCUENTRA EL DR.FACILIER. Después de eso rápidamente se apresuro a buscar a Beethoven.
El malvi gra ya había terminado y Loti le estaba gritando en el palacio, quien dignamente después de que su príncipe no le contestara rompió la puerta de par en par, con la luz de la luna loty encontró con la sorpresa de aquel príncipe era en realidad un anciano pachón.
-AAAH- Ambos gritaron y aquel falso rey salió corriendo de ahi dejando al príncipe real libre.
-Am, señorita disculpe, soy el príncipe de maldonia- dijo el príncipe.
Pero loty al ver un animal que habla le golpeo con un libro.
-Oh, un príncipe dijiste- dijo
Después de una larga explicación y preguntas al fin loty entendió he acepto el trato, pero un graznido.
-Pero solo así se realizaría tu sueño-
-mi sueño no estaría sin, sin , ti-
Bet al ver esa mirada de teo comprendí que decía la verdad al igual que el sentimiento era mutuo y sin darse ambos formaron un corazón.
-Mi querido amigo, yo había querido tanto una historia de hadas, que tu fuiste el primero en encontrarlo- dijo con lagrimas en los ojos.- No habrá boda por ti amigo, no habrá matrimonio. (el reloj sonó avisando la media noche).- !Oh, no!, !No puede ser¡.
Lo beso muchas veces pero el beso no funciono, con una mirada hacia abajo dio señal a su amigo que lo sentía con todo el corazón y se marcho sin decir nada. El cocodrilo apareció y sin decir nada solo mostro a ray quien estaba muy muy debil.
-Amigos. aun siguen siendo...-
-y A si nos quedaremos, Ray- dijo Teo recargando su cuello junto al de bet.
-Genial es lo que deseaba- dijo ray, poniendo la mirada al cielo y viendo a su queridísima Evangelina- oh, sherg, me agrada oír eso.
Dijo con sus ultimas palabras cerrando las hojas lentamente, sus amigos pusieron una hoja bajo el cuerpo de Ray y lo llevaron hacia el lago, su familia luciérnagas se despidieron poniendo unas cuantos petalos de rosa blancas, lo empujaron dejándolo en la deriva y justo cuando el cielo comenzó a despejarse para mostrar las estrellas, y dos empezaron a brillar mostrando a Evangelina y otra estrella junto a ella con un pico muy cerca a ella, pues sus amigos pensaron que por fin Ray estaba junto a su amada. Después de eso varios animales he la mama ougie se presentaron a una boda de dos cisnes.
-Por mi los declaro marido y am esposo- dijo la mama apartándose un poco de ahi.-Andale cisne puedes darle un besito.
-te puedo decir por favor-dijo algo intimidado.
Sin palabras, Teo se lo robo, el agua comenzó a envolverlos, la bola de agua brillo muchos colores y repentinamente amaneció. De pronto cuando el agua se desplazo mostro a dos príncipes uno con un traje verde limón con algunos dibujos de flor de loto y otro mostrando un traje dorado con dibujos de plumas.
-yo se los dije besar aun princesa se rompe el encantamiento-
-espera, al ser mi esposo te convertiste en...-
-en príncipe- dijo Teo robándole la palabra.- tu acabas de besar a un príncipe.
-y lo volvería hacer-.
Al fin ambos se pusieron manos a la obra, pues hubo una increíble boda como era de esperarse, los dos construyeron y remodelaron aquella construcción que se estaba cayendo en polvo y escombros. ya que los hermanos no tuvieron que aceptar lo que Teo tenia con gracias a su compañero cocodrilo, en el gran evento de apertura tuvieron una sorpresa pues loty estaba por fin con su príncipe soñado, aquel príncipe rana que conocieron en el lago se había des transformado ya era un príncipe hecho y derecho.
Beethoven had made a small dinner on the ship, a little romantic, he set a table, fruit, some jewelry to make it look romantic, on the roof of the ship under a lamp that gave like good lighting, however it had a Surprisingly, he found a type of clam all empty and a marble or pearl from a necklace. but a small visit was not expected.
"Wow! Sherg, but who is this for?" Ray asked.
-!! Shhhh!!, Ray, they're going to listen to you, he said, covering his mouth.
At that moment Ray understood what Beethoven was trying to do, since it was a special dinner for his Evangelin.
"Ok, Ok I understand, I'll keep the secret," he said with a malicious laugh.
"Ray, you can go get him and tell him to come," said Bet,
Ray, without hesitation, winked his eye and left to look for Teo, which didn't take more than 5 minutes, otherwise the Teos could already be seen. then he quickly put the clam away under the box (table type). His heart began to beat strongly and his eyes lit up just like Teo's.
-Hello bet, wow how beautiful this is, who is it for?-
-it's, it's, it's, it's, for me- he got nervous.- For us.
"For us?" He said, raising an eyebrow.
-Yes, since it is our last night as swans, I asked myself, why not? "And so it helps that I can compensate you for how clumsy I have been these days," he said, almost with a tear in his eye.
"Hey, it's okay, my father taught me to always see the good in things," he said, seeing every beautiful detail of dinner.
"Ok, by the way, look," he said as he took out a plate of fruit, part of it crushed and part of it whole with scratch marks.
"Wow, you crushed it and it looks great. Why does it have scratches?" I asked with something suspicious.
-I'm sorry, I was able to crush one with the nails on my paws, but I couldn't cut this other one that has the scratches, I think my swan nails lost their swan- I lower my head with a sad face.
"Ok, let's eat," Teo said.
Teo took the first bite with the grapes and bananas that were there, Bet did not want to be left behind with some apples and strawberries.
-!!NEXT TO NEW ORLEANS!!- captain of the ship.
Bethoveeen and Teodoro turned to look at the front of the ship and saw that they were already very close to the city. Bet's face was a little sad because he knew what it meant. On the other hand, Teo was a little happy because he was almost about to fulfill his dream. .
-Look, Bet, we are already very close, I will finally be able to fulfill my dream of opening my restaurant. Teo said happily with a voice so encouraging and sobbing that it reached your heart.
"I like it and I like to see how you talk about your dreams," said Bet with a somewhat sad voice. "Hey, will there be jazz music or something like that?"
-mmm-thoughtful- of course.
-GREAT!!, music everywhere and coming out of the windows.
-Yes, our restaurant will be the best in all of New Orleans-
-Our.....- said Bet, changing her face.
"Aaah my father's and mine," he said, interrupting Bet's thought.
Without realizing it, the boat had already arrived and Ray shouted to them that the crocodile had already left with the musicians. At that moment, Teo woke up and moved away from Bet, who seemed to hug him with his wing.
"True, let's go or we won't be able to undo the spell," Teo said, preparing to fly.
"Oh, right, this fence I'm going after you," he said, while Teo was already almost in the air.
As soon as Teo was a little careless, the shadows of the man caught him and hid him on the sides of the boat so as not to be seen, along with the king.
"Are you already behind us Beethoven??" Teo asked since he was far enough from the ship, but he didn't hear an answer so he turned around but there was nothing. Beethoven??
-Hey, what's going on?- Ray the firefly asked.- Don't worry, friend, I'm sure I'll take a shortcut, he must already be there looking for the princess.
"Maybe," he said with a worried voice.
The two quickly quickened their pace, but Ray couldn't help but worry about Teo, who showed a face of confusion and sadness.
"Are you okay?" He asked again.
"I just thought that at dinner he wanted to tell me something but I didn't listen to him, and besides, I don't know, I thought that my restaurant was everything I wanted but now I don't know," he said, looking a little at the stars.
-!! HEY BE CAREFUL!! - Ray shouted.
At that moment Teodoro reacted as he almost crashed into a float that had a giant Poseidon.
"We have arrived," he said happily. "Well, Ray, we have to look."
"And what are we going to look for?" Ray asked.
"The biggest and most beautiful float that..." she said but was interrupted when she saw her friend Lofty and the prince about to get married.
Teo's heart broke and he ran away from there, Ray tried to stop him but I was useless.
"But I don't understand, what are you doing even though you're a swan?" I tried to scream but Teo was no longer there. "Let's see what this is."
He stealthily approached the prince, but he couldn't do anything, the prince tried to scare him away. But it was in vain in that false prince could notice that a beak or feather was poking out and kicked it.
-Hey, capi, is that you?-
-If it's me, get me out of this cage- said Bet.
"Now, whoever opposes this marriage should speak now or remain silent forever," the Pope said.
Ray opened the cage, Bet rose like an eagle and quickly began to peck at the false prince, making him fall, but before he could escape, the false prince grabbed him by the neck, Bet tried to escape but it was in vain.
"My love, are you okay?" Loty asked.
"I need a minute to recover," said the fake prince.
He ran to the palace in front and closed the doors wide and locked them so that no one would interrupt him.
-!! Lorens!!, Why are you doing this? -Bet said, trying to reason with his friend.
"For all those years of humiliation," he said with a firm voice, throwing a look of hatred.
"Take your big pansa to the ceremony and end this," said the shadow man.
Beethoven quickly found the perfect moment so he rushed to remove the necklace with which he had his blood, when he took it off his servant was no longer a copy of the prince if he was not already the same.
-What is he doing?, CATCH HIM! - said the man with a look that made you tremble.
Luckily, Bet threw the necklace at his friend Ray, but being so small he couldn't handle the weight of the necklace, so he fell with it. He quickly got up from there and when he had finally regained control, he left through a space in the house. door to where Teo was, who was in a cemetery.
"Friends!, this shows what we saw is not true," he shouted when he saw Teo sitting on a tombstone.
-Run, boy, Run!- Ray said, putting the necklace on Teo's neck.
"But what is this?" He said curiously while he watched him.
-It's a buduu gadget, the man was using it to... (macabre laughter) - They both turned to look, and they observed that many shadows were heading towards them.
"There's no time running out," said Ray.
Without thinking, Teo obeyed and ran. Ray turned on his firefly light and defended himself very well but not for long since he became confident and the shadow man with a push made him fall and gave him the final blow with a stomp which left him very weak. As for the chase, the swan legs did not give him much advantage so Teo only reached a dead end, he was surrounded by shadows, so without thinking he removed the voodoo amulet from his neck.
- GET AWAY OR I'LL BREAK IT! -He said, leaving it on the ground and preparing to peck it.
The shadow man, upon hearing that, quickly used his magic and reversed the enchantment, Teo was wearing a charming white and gold suit, everything around him began to become an illusion of the dream restaurant that Teo had thought of.
"This is more fun than spending your entire life living on the pond and marrying ducks," said the shadow man, sitting and drinking a glass of champagne.
-the shadow man- gripped the amulet tighter.
"I must admit, Teodoro, when you dream, you dream very high, this place is beautiful, it will be the jewel of this entire city," he said with a smile, since he saw that Teo was hesitating. "The only thing you have to do is give me that little talisman and already.
"No, this is not correct," he said, more confused.
-What's up friend, remember everything you have sacrificed- at that moment many voices began to sound.
-you will never have enough for the down payment-
-a BOY of your position-
-Remember all the ungrateful people who doubted you-
-I told them I wouldn't come-
"And don't forget your dear father," said the man, opening a window that looked out onto a neighborhood, when he was a child who dreamed of being a great chef like his father would have wanted.
"My father never had what I wanted," he said as he lowered his hand little by little.
At that moment, the memory of him showed him something that he had forgotten, which I mean about love (family bond). His face changed.
-But he had everything I need- I grabbed him tighter and looked at the shadow man with hatred. -He had love and I don't forget what really matters.
"Be careful with that, it's fragile," he said, raising his hands.
-Nor am I - I raise his arm and throw the talisman towards the floor.
However, a shadow was below waiting for the opportunity to catch him, which arrived, caught the pendant and gave it to the shadow man (Evil Laughter), with a snap the illusion he had created of the restaurant and what he had done so that for a moment Shortly after Teo returned to normal he disappeared, he returned to make a swan, the shadow man put his cane on his neck to prevent him from escaping.
-You could accept my offer, but now you will have to spend the rest of your life having that peak-
-Find out, shadow man, but this pickaxe is very useful.
When Teo said that he pecked the ropes of the necklace making it fall, quickly before the shadow man took it, Teo pecked it making it break into thousands of little pieces, the environment of the cemetery began to become dark and gloomy, the dolls, voodoo faces began to appear, a sad and chilling music played, the shadow man asked for forgiveness but his friends from beyond, let's say that the faces of the dolls were masks And so his smiles and gestures showed something else, Teo was on top of a tombstone observing everything, suddenly a shadow took over the shadow man and he was dragged towards a grave that was open. He tried to grab onto whatever it was but it was in vain. that in the blink of an eye they took him away, a glow of smoke took over the area, when the smoke began to clear that same tombstone the tomb closed and on the tombstone it was only written HERE IS THE DR.FACILIER. After that he quickly rushed to find Beethoven.
The malvi gra had already finished and Loti was shouting at him in the palace, who dignifiedly after his prince did not answer him broke the door wide open, with the light of the moon Loty found the surprise of that prince was actually an old pachón.
-AAAH- They both screamed and that false king ran out of there, leaving the real prince free.
"Am, miss, excuse me, I am the prince of Maldonia," said the prince.
But Loty, seeing a talking animal, hit him with a book.
"Oh, a prince you said," he said.
After a long explanation and questions, Loty finally understood, I accepted the deal, but a squawk.
-But only then would your dream come true-
-my dream would not be without, without, you-
When Bet saw that look from Teo, I understood that he was telling the truth, just as the feeling was mutual and without giving each other, they both formed a heart.
"My dear friend, I had wanted a fairy story so much that you were the first to find it," he said with tears in his eyes. "There will be no wedding for you, friend, there will be no marriage." (the clock rang signaling midnight).- Oh, no! It can't be.
He kissed him many times but the kiss didn't work, with a downward glance he signaled to his friend that he was sorry with all his heart and left without saying anything. The crocodile appeared and without saying anything he just showed Ray who was very very weak.
-Friends. They still remain...
"And we'll stay, Ray," Teo said, resting his neck next to Bet's.
"That's great, that's what I wanted," Ray said, looking up at the sky and seeing his dearest Evangelina. "Oh, Sherg, I'm glad to hear that."
He said with his last words, closing the leaves slowly, his friends put a leaf under Ray's body and took him towards the lake, his firefly family said goodbye by placing a few white rose petals, they pushed him, leaving him drifting and just when the The sky began to clear to show the stars, and two began to shine showing Evangelina and another star next to her with a peak very close to her, because her friends thought that Ray was finally with his beloved. After that, several animals, including Mama Ougie, showed up at a wedding of two swans.
"For me, I declare you husband and husband," said the mother, moving away from there a little. "Come on, swan, you can give him a little kiss."
"Can I tell you please," he said, somewhat intimidated.
Without words, Teo stole it, the water began to envelop them, the ball of water shone many colors and suddenly it was dawn. Suddenly, when the water moved, he showed two princes, one wearing a lime green suit with some drawings of a lotus flower and the other showing a golden suit with drawings of feathers.
-I told you, kissing even a princess breaks the enchantment-
-Wait, by being my husband you became...-
"As a prince," Teo said, stealing the word. "You just kissed a prince."
-and I would do it again-.
Finally they both got to work, because there was an incredible wedding as expected, the two built and remodeled that construction that was falling into dust and rubble. Since the brothers did not have to accept what Teo had thanks to his crocodile companion, at the grand opening event they had a surprise because Loty was finally with her dream prince, that frog prince they met in the lake had transformed He was already a full-fledged prince.