Han pasado días desde que nos enteramos de que Leonel había recuperado la mirada, todos o la mayoría estábamos esperando para recibirlo con una gran bienvenida, pero desgraciadamente no llegaba, sus padres de Leonel cada día cuando era la hora de la salida, pasaban con el director he maestros para recoger las tareas he actividades para que no bajaran sus notas. muchos compañeros he incluso yo les preguntábamos si sabían algo pero era inútil la mayoría era la misma respuesta que esa información no se las podíamos dar o que simplemente  "no estaba listo para venir". esmeralda, Cassidy, estela he yo estábamos preocupados por el.

-debemos hacer algo-dije mirando a las tres. Ellas me miraron de la misma manera que yo lo hice, pero la pregunta era como.

En eso se escucharon unos gritos y golpes que venían del pasillo.



Los gritos e insultos eran cada vez más fuertes por parte del capitán, cuando dio el primer golpe, se veía desesperado, enojado he aterrado como si estuviera ocultando algo. No sé por qué pero desde que toda la escuela se enteró de que Leonel despertó él ha tenido problemas con sus compañeros he incluso con su equipo, supuestamente la semana pasada eran los preliminares para el campeonato para equipos de natación pero debido por los problemas que ha tenido el capitán lo suspendieron y no pudo ir, pero hasta ahora no se ha calmado, muchos de mis compañeros ya le tienen miedo o prefieren alejarse de él.

-esto está mal- dijo Cassidy, mientras sostenía un botella de agua para luego tomarla.

-ya lo creo- dije, cuando tome un poco de jugo.

-¿Qué es lo que tendrá?-pregunto Esmeralda, mientras le daba un mordisco a su sándwich.

-AAAH- respire profundo- quien sabe pero mientras no se meta con nosotros está bien, ¡Oigan!- se me quedaron viendo.-como le aremos para llevar a Leonel al bar.

Esmeralda, tomo un poco de agua para pasar el ultimo trozo de sándwich, he miro a todos, como que ella ya tenía un plan, pero solo sonrió.

-esa sonrisa, fue de una idea- pregunte discretamente.

-no, solo me acorde de un chiste-

-ok- dije, mirando a los demás. Pero fue en vano ya que todos se veían pensativos.-Oigan que opinan si vamos a verlo-

Todos se me quedaron viendo y asintieron con  la cabeza.




Days have passed since we found out that Leonel had recovered his sight, all or most of us were waiting to receive him with a great welcome, but unfortunately he did not arrive, Leonel's parents every day when it was time to leave, they passed by with him. director, I have teachers to collect homework, I have activities so that their grades do not drop. Many colleagues, including me, asked them if they knew anything but it was useless, most of them gave the same answer that we couldn't give them that information or that they simply "wasn't ready to come." Esmeralda, Cassidy, Estela and I were worried about him.

"We must do something," I said, looking at the three of them. They looked at me the same way I did, but the question was how.

At that moment, screams and blows were heard coming from the hallway.


"HEY, CARLOS CALM DOWN, WE ARE FRIENDS," said a boy from the swim team.

The screams and insults were getting louder and louder from the captain, when he gave the first blow, he looked desperate, angry and terrified as if he was hiding something. I don't know why but since the whole school found out that Leonel woke up he has had problems with his classmates and even with his team, supposedly last week there were the preliminaries for the championship for swimming teams but due to the problems he has The captain had been suspended and could not go, but so far he has not calmed down, many of my colleagues are already afraid of him or prefer to stay away from him.

"This is wrong," Cassidy said, as she held up a bottle of water and then drank it.

"I think so," I said, when I drank some juice.

"What will it have?" Esmeralda asked, while she took a bite of her sandwich.

-AAAH- take a deep breath- who knows but as long as he doesn't mess with us it's fine, Hey!- They stared at me- how are we going to do it to take Leonel to the bar.

Esmeralda, she drank some water to wash down the last piece of sandwich, she looked at everyone, as if she already had a plan, but she just smiled.

"That smile was an idea," I asked discreetly.

-No, I just remembered a joke-

"Ok," I said, looking at the others. But it was in vain since everyone looked thoughtful. "Hey, what do you think if we go see it?"

Everyone looked at me and nodded their heads.


Cómo un puñetero capitulo del día a día de muchos adolescentes. Cuándo terminará está lacra misogena y homófoba. Saludos

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