La mama ouigie llevo a las chicos hacia su cabaña que estaba cerca de ahi. Daniel, Raí, Teodoro, Beethoven y el cocodrilo, estaban algo sorprendidos ya que pensaban que mama ougi era una hechicera alta, poderosa, pero solo se encontraron con una anciana, aunque Teo sabe que no siempre es bueno juzgar por solo las apariencias.
-muy bien pequeños, ya saben que es lo que necesitan- pregunto, pero ambos se quedaron en blanco y viéndose pensando que iban a decir.
mama ougie se rio por un momento, he volvió a regresar la mirada a ver si ya se les había ocurrido una respuesta.
-pues- dijo bethoveen.
-queremos ser humanos- dijo Teodoro.- mama ouigui.
mama ougie los miro nuevamente con una cara de desilusión al escucharlos, a ellos dos excepto a uno el cual era Daniel, quien veía a Teo con Adoración he tristeza.
-aja, y vuelvo a preguntar ¿Qué es lo que necesitan?- cruzo sus brazos.
-pues ser humanos y querer son la misma cosa ¿no?-dijo Daniel.
-¡¡NOOOO!!, querer y saber son la misma cosa !NOOOO!- dijo caminando hacia un mueble, abriendo un cajón he sacando un gran maso de ahi.-ahora escucha a su mama niños.
cuando termino la canción, y Teo aterrizo alegremente, mama ougie lo miro con alegría pensando que había captado la idea o bueno lo que queria transmitir con su canción.
-bien, pequeño y ahora ¿sabes lo que necesitas?-
-si, mama ougie, es trabajar mas duro para poder comprar mi restaurante- dijo alargando las alas. pero no contaba de que mama agacharía la cabeza y lo haría caer.
-muy bien, si tanto quieren convertirse en humanos, les diré que tienen que hacer- dijo mientras los guiaba hacia la tina llena de caldo.
en ese momento mama ougie, le dio vueltas al caldo con su maso he comenzó hacerse un remolino en el cual por arte de magia, mostro a la amiga la cual estaba dormida en cama.
-mi amiga charlot, pero si ella no es princesa- dijo teo.
-shhhh y as caso al caldo- dijo algo furiosa por insultar a su magia.
En ese momento, el padre abre la puerta para coronarla ya que el desfile se acercaba.
-aah, claro su padre es el rey del desfile y eso hace a charlot una princesa.
-muy bien, entonces si quieren convertirse en humanos tu (señalo a bethoveen), antes de que acabe el desfile debes besar a la princesa.
-Antes de la media noche el desfile empieza en unas cuantas horas- dijo Teo.
Rápidamente comenzó el vuelo, junto a bethoveen excepto Daniel quien los miro algo triste. el cocodrilo al ver la situación lo puso en sus hombros.
-No te preocupes, los alcanzaremos, de hecho tengo una idea- dijo.
-oyee- un grito.-Daniel puedo hablarte.
daniel voltio y pudo notar la expresión de mama ougie quien lo mirada como un regaño o algo por el estilo.
-tu tienes que trabajar mas duro, ya que veo que algo te esta bloqueando-.
La mirada del príncipe se quedo pensando cuando recordó que Teo ya había salido y el aun seguía con ella, así que regreso la mirada he sin decir nada se fue con el cocodrilo a toda prisa. Por suerte los alcanzaron en el ferri que iba camino a la ciudad, unos músicos estaban disfrazados de animales he al momento de pasar por ahi, pensaron que era otro músico así que lo invitaron a tocar en el desfile el cual no tubo ninguna queja al no aceptar la invitación de los músicos. así que sin importar se les olvido que estaban los demás se apresuro a alcanzarlos.
-Ven, vamos a alcanzar al coco- dijo Teo.
-Enseguida te alcanzo voy por algo- dijo viendo unas cositas.
Mother Ouigie took the boys to her cabin that was nearby. Daniel, Raí, Teodoro, Beethoven and the crocodile were somewhat surprised since they thought that Mama Ougi was a tall, powerful sorceress, but they only found an old woman, although Teo knows that it is not always good to judge by appearances alone.
"Very well little ones, you already know what you need" he asked, but they both went blank and looked at each other wondering what they were going to say.
Mama Ougie laughed for a moment, and she looked back to see if they had already thought of an answer.
"Well," said Bethoveen.
"We want to be human," said Teodoro. "Mama ouigui."
Mama Ougie looked at them again with a face of disappointment when she heard them, the two of them except one, which was Daniel, who looked at Teo with adoration and sadness.
"Aha, and I ask again, what do you need?" I cross my arms.
"Well, being human and loving are the same thing, right?" said Daniel.
-NOOOO!!, wanting and knowing are the same thing! NOOOO!-He said walking towards a piece of furniture, opening a drawer and taking out a large mass from there.-Now listen to his children's mother.
It doesn't matter how you look
Your costume doesn't matter
Not even the rings on your fingers
What difference does it make, since what difference does it make?
It doesn't even matter your origin
It doesn't even matter what you will be
A dog, piglet or fly... Barbón
Everything fits here!
Everyone knows what they want
What they want me to give them
I tell them that they require
And singing I will enchant
It is your duty to work hard
and you will find
It is your duty to work hard
You will really see it
When you know what's in you
You will have what suits you
Skies and clouds for you
To work, to work
The prince was a rich man
And he wants to be richer
But he doesn't seem very happy to me
Because it wasn't yesterday
Soulless silver, no
Silver without heart
Controlling yourself is a necessity
And start again today
It is your duty to work hard
It won't be so bad for you
It is your duty to work hard
Tell the world that I said so
I don't know what you will find
Maybe love will calm you down
Just do your job and you'll know.
Tell me
I can talk to you?
Of course!
Haha, you're stubborn that's what they say
Your father was your adoration, your giant light
You his beloved son
What he had here, you have!
It is your duty to work hard
I know how hard it will be
It is your duty to work hard
Work, you still have more to do!
By going deeper into yourself you will have what you have
Skies and clouds for you
Open the windows!
Let the light come in, children
Skies and clouds
Skies and clouds
Skies... And clouds
Is for you!.
When the song finished, and Teo landed happily, Mama Ougie looked at him with joy thinking that she had gotten the idea or well what she wanted to convey with her song.
"Okay, little one, and now do you know what you need?"
"Yes, Mom Ougie, it means working harder to be able to buy my restaurant," she said, spreading her wings. but she didn't expect that mom would lower her head and make him fall.
"Very well, if you want to become humans so badly, I'll tell you what you have to do," she said as she guided them towards the tub full of broth.
At that moment, Mama Ougie, she stirred the broth with her dough and it began to form a whirlpool in which, by magic, she showed her friend who was asleep in bed.
"My friend Charlotte, but she's not a princess," said Teo.
"Shhhh, and so on," she said, somewhat furious for insulting her magic.
At that moment, the father opens the door to crown her as the parade was approaching.
-Aah, of course her father is the king of the pageant and that makes Charlotte a princess.
-Very well, then if you want to become humans, you (point to Bethoveen), before the parade ends you must kiss the princess.
-Before midnight the parade starts in a few hours- Teo said.
He quickly began the flight, along with Bethoveen except Daniel who looked at them somewhat sadly. The crocodile, seeing the situation, put it on his shoulders.
"Don't worry, we'll catch up, in fact I have an idea," he said.
-hey- a scream.-Daniel, I can talk to you.
Daniel Voltio and could notice the expression of Mama Ougie who looked at him like a scolding or something like that.
-You have to work harder, since I see that something is blocking you-.
The prince's gaze remained thinking when he remembered that Teo had already left and he was still with her, so he looked back and without saying anything he left with the crocodile in a hurry. Luckily they caught up with them on the ferry that was on the way to the city, some musicians were dressed as animals and when they passed by, they thought it was another musician so they invited him to play in the parade which he had no complaints about not being there. accept the musicians' invitation. So regardless of whether they forgot that the others were there, they rushed to catch up with them.
"Come, let's go reach the coconut," said Teo.
"I'll catch up with you right away, I'll go get something," he said, seeing some things.