el príncipe y el cisne: YO SOY LA MAMA OUGIE
ya era noche y el príncipe e Raymond parecía que estaban caminando en círculos.
-oye no te parece que vamos en círculos, aparte tengo hambre- shakir sentía como su pansa esta rugiendo.
-ok. pero te has dado cuenta de que hay peces o lombrices abajo-dijo raydmond mientras con su cola brillante.-¿verdad?.
el príncipe vio bajo el y con la luz que emitía raymond pudo ver unas cuantas lombrices asomándose. empezó a imaginarse comiéndoselas , he puso cara de asco y se tapo los ojos con su ala no lastimada, la luciérnaga se acerco puso una de sus patas en la ala del príncipe para tranquilizarlo, el cual se calmo y bajo la ala, miro la cara de ray se tranquilizo.
-Lo siento pero me reusó a comer eso- dijo tratando de controlar sus nauseas.
-tranquilo, hermano también puedes comer algas-
-oh, enserio- dijo aliviado, sin pensarlo el príncipe vio unas algas por sus pies y comenzó a comérselas.-hay que sabroso, usualmente un príncipe no debería comer así pero tengo hambre.
En ese momento no tan lejos de ahi, se escucharon unos gritos o discusiones.
-espera, escuchas eso-dijo tragándose la ultima alga que había sacado.- vamos a ver-
En ese momento pues el cocodrilo se había metido sin querer a unos arbustos espinosos cuando estaban bailando.
-!andamos caminando en círculos, este arbusto lo hemos cruzado como 10 veces creo- dijo Teo.
-no es cierto- grito- !aaaauuuh!.
-ya callate y no te muevas- dijo el otro príncipe sakir.
-!AAAH!, !me muero, se esta oscureciendo!.-
-todavía no te hago nada- dijo sakir la rana
-Es la voz de Teodoro- dijo Beethoven.
-es el??- pregunto raí, mientras volaba.-ah ok.
Mientras volaba pudo encontrar en una orilla aquel cocodrilo con un príncipe tratándole de quitar las espinas y Teo unas cuantas ramas.
-Ven te enseñare donde es- dijo el.
Ray señalo la dirección hiso la cabeza como que hacia arriba señal para que lo siguiera en aquella dirección. bethoven sin pensarlo mas lo siguió.
cada vez que se acercaban a ellos Beethoven podía ver las plumas de Teodoro.
-!!!HEY TEODORO!!!-grito.
-mmm- dijo Teo, mientras quitaba la ultima rama de empinas que tenia atorada el cocodrilo.
-Ah, es bethoven- dijo con una voz alegre.-oh , gracias adiós pensé que te habían comido o bueno.- dijo algo pensativo antes de terminar la frase., en ese momento vio la ala de bet quien estaba vendada con una liana.
Bethoven se le quedo mirando algo preocupado he sorprendido.
-No es nada, me rompí o me torcí un poco el ala bueno, am no se como se diga pero si- dijo algo nervioso.
-Y te la vendaste tu solo???-
-nop, de hecho mi nuevo amigo me ayudo- dijo mirando a Raymond.
-ah, hola, ¿ tu debes ser Teodoro?,¿Eres aquel por el que se sonrojo...?- no termino de decir esa frase ya que bet soplo.
-bueno esta bien entiendo, y ¿adonde van ustedes?- pregunto Raymond.
-vamos a ver a mama ougie- contesto Teo.
-wow, wow, esta equivocado sherg, ¿Quién fue el tonto que les dijo que era por aquí?-.
-!Ya no tengo espinas!-grito el cocodrilo.
cuando dijo eso sakir he teo se le quedaron observando con una cara de enojo.
-cocodrilo, raymond nos esta diciendo que nos llevas por dirección equivocada-teo frunció el seño.
-jejej-se rio, luego quito su sonrisa.-escuchen es que me perdí en la topografía, el ritmo, he..
-regla numero uno del pantano, nunca le pidan indicaciones a un cocodrilo-.dijo Raymond del cual silbó y de repente todo se ilumino.
Pues todo los amigos he familia de raymond, comenzaron a iluminar el camino para que pudieran nadar he caminar. pasaron algunos minutos pero por fin parece a ver llegado a una parte.
-a partir de ahora yo los guiare desde aquí familia, gracias y dígale a Amy que!! le deseo buena suerte!!- grito al final ya que su familia se había ido.
-¿Ella es tu novia?- pregunto Teo.
-Oh, no, no, mi novia es..-
pero justamente que se Raymond iba a decir el nombre de su enamorada, pues algunas sombras estaban tratándose de llevarlo, Beethoven trataba de sujetarse con sus alas o morder una raíz de un árbol pero era imposible y menos con su ala lastimada. pero al momento que todo parecía perdido unas bolas de energía destruyeron a esas sombras por el momento. cuando los chicos trataron de ver de donde fue que salieron esas bolas de energía, pero solo vieron en una parte un poco de brillo he pasos (todos cerraron los ojos).
-muy bien, ¿Quién fue a meterse con el hombre sombra?.- dijo algo furiosa. en eso todos señalaron a Beethoven.
-y, ¿Quién es usted?-pregunto Teo algo asustado he confundido.
-!Yo soy la mama ougie¡-.
It was already night and Prince and Raymond seemed to be walking in circles.
"Hey, don't you think we're going in circles, besides, I'm hungry." Shakir felt like his stomach was roaring.
-okay. But you've noticed that there are fish or worms below - said Raymond with his shiny tail. - Right?
The prince looked under it and with the light that Raymond emitted he could see a few worms peeking out. He began to imagine eating them, he made a disgusted face and covered his eyes with his uninjured wing. The firefly approached and put one of its paws on the prince's wing to calm him down, who calmed down and lowered his wing and looked at his face. Ray calmed down.
"I'm sorry but he refused me to eat that" he said trying to control his nausea.
-Don't worry, brother, you can also eat seaweed-
"Oh, really," he said relieved, without thinking about it the prince saw some seaweed on his feet and began to eat it. "It's tasty, usually a prince shouldn't eat like that but I'm hungry."
At that moment, not so far from there, some screams or arguments were heard.
"Wait, do you hear that," he said, swallowing the last seaweed that he had taken out. "Let's see."
At that moment, the crocodile had accidentally gotten into some thorny bushes when they were dancing.
-We are walking in circles, we have crossed this bush about 10 times I think- Teo said.
"It's not true," he shouted, "aaaauuuh!"
"Shut up and don't move," said the other prince Sakir.
-!AAAH!, I'm dying, it's getting dark!.-
"I haven't done anything to you yet," said Sakir the frog.
"It's Theodore's voice," said Beethoven.
"Is he the ??" Raí asked, while he flew. "Ah ok."
While he was flying he was able to find that crocodile on a shore with a prince trying to remove the thorns and Teo a few branches.
"Come, I'll show you where it is," he said.
Ray pointed in the direction, pointing his head upwards, signaling for me to follow him in that direction. Bethoven without thinking but he followed him.
Every time they approached them Beethoven could see Theodore's feathers.
-!!!HEY TEODORO!!!-he shouted.
-mmm- said Teo, while he removed the last steep branch that the crocodile had stuck.
"Ah, it's Bethoven," he said with a happy voice. "Oh, thank you, goodbye, I thought they had eaten you or well." He said somewhat thoughtfully before finishing the sentence. At that moment he saw Bethoven's wing, who was bandaged with a liana.
Bethoven looked at him, somewhat worried, I surprised him.
"It's nothing, I broke or sprained my wing a little, well, I don't know how to say it, but yes," he said a little nervously.
-And you sold it yourself???
"Nope, in fact my new friend helped me," he said looking at Raymond.
-ah, hello, you must be Teodoro? Are you the one he blushed for...? -I don't finish saying that phrase since I blew my breath.
"Well, okay, I understand, and where are you going?" Raymond asked.
"Let's go see Mama Ougie," Teo answered.
"Wow, wow, you're wrong, Sherg. Who was the fool who told you it was here?"
"I no longer have thorns!" the crocodile shouted.
When he said that, Sakir He Teo stared at him with an angry face.
"Crocodile, Raymond is telling us that you are taking us in the wrong direction." Teo frowned.
-hehehe-he laughed, then he took his smile off.-listen, I got lost in the topography, the rhythm, I...
"Rule number one of the swamp, never ask a crocodile for directions," said Raymond, from which he whistled and suddenly everything lit up.
Well, all of Raymond's friends and family began to light the way so they could swim and walk. A few minutes passed but he finally seemed to have reached a point.
-From now on I will guide you from here family, thank you and tell Amy that!! I wish him good luck!!-she shouted at the end since his family had left.
-Is she your girlfriend?- Teo asked.
-Oh, no, no, my girlfriend is...-
But just as Raymond was going to say the name of his lover, because some shadows were trying to take him away, Beethoven was trying to hold on with his wings or bite a root of a tree but it was impossible, especially with his injured wing. but at the moment that everything seemed lost, some balls of energy destroyed those shadows for the moment. When the boys tried to see where those balls of energy came from, but they only saw a little glow and footsteps in one part (they all closed their eyes).
"Very well, who went to mess with the shadow man?" she said, somewhat furious. At that everyone pointed to Beethoven.
"And, who are you?" Teo asked, somewhat scared, I've confused him.
-!I'm Mom Ougie!-.