Mientras que Daniel se prepara para terminar con los quehaceres de su abuela, Cassidy está pensando en otras cosas de los cuales incluida lo que se festejaba anteriormente ella no era una persona de la cual mostrara sus sentimientos. Pues sentía algo por esmeralda.

-oye, shh, ya viste quien está atendiendo el puesto del pollo- dijo esmeralda.

-vente para acá para que no nos vean- se escondieron por un puesto de películas.

-Que no es Fernando??-

-oye si es cierto, pero que no era el que le hacia bullyng a daniel-  dijo cassdy con una voz algo irritada he enojada.

-sí, te acuerdas lo que paso ese día cierto-

-cómo olvidarlo- dijo con una lagrima que se resbalada por los ojos.


Cassidy: Ese día todos estábamos contentos he emocionados por el baile de fin de año de la preparatoria, yo iba sola nadie me había invitado al baile mi madre me había hecho un vestido divino, pero en una tarde todo cambio. (Se interrumpió)

Esmeralda: Si es cierto yo también me acuerdo de estar emocionada me había invitado enrique el sub-capitán de futbol, había comprado un vestido con el dinero que tenía ahorrado, también era fantástico ya que nadie sabía de mi transformación de hombre a mujer pues antes de llamarme esmeralda me llamaba David.

-wow, enserio- pregunto Cassidy algo sorprendida.

-sí, de hecho ese día eran creo las 10:00 am, y el director de ese entonces nos dio el aviso-. Dijo mirando a cassidy al ver que la lágrima se había secado.

-Si, después de todas las clases, me acuerdo que yo fui a prepararme-dijo esmeralda.

-yo la verdad no pensaba ir- dijo tristemente.


-porque-unas lágrimas se le salieron por los ojos.- trataba de contenerse tomo aire- ese día que todos salimos, ese día recibí la llamada de que mi madre se había muerto en un accidente de auto.

Cuando se le salieron otras lágrimas se les olvido que estaban en el tianguis en una tienda de películas DVD.

-disculpe señorita ¿se encuentra bien?-  pregunto el señor del puesto.

-no es nada, discúlpenos- dijo esmeralda.

Se fueron del puesto sin importarles si Daniel o Fernando las vieron, en eso se fueron a un callejo que estaba cerca del tianguis, esmeralda saco un poco  de papel de baño que tenía guardado en su mochila.

-lo siento-

-no te preocupes- dijo mientras se limpiaba la nariz

- de hecho también, ese día no fue el mío, ni el de Daniel tampoco-

-¿Por qué?-

Esmeralda: Ese chico que vimos ahí en la pollería era el capitán de bastqueboll  había pensado en hacerle una broma a Daniel, la cual le afecto mucho en su autoestima, pero antes debo explicarte como nos hicimos amigos cuando termine mi proceso de hombre a mujer, él y yo nos conocimos en un bar, yo apenas daba mis primeras salidas como transexual, era estaba montando su show en aquel bar LGBT, admito que yo me veía como una mocosa que va a su primer bar y más de la comunidad en ese lugar había de todo dragas, trans, bisexuales, gay, lesbiana, etc. .Después de eso en la fiesta él y yo habíamos vestidas y maquilladas como unas reinas sin temor a lo que nos dijeran  he si fuéramos burlados no nos importaría en absoluto, sin embargo  cuando llegamos a la escuela Daniel lo invito al baile, nos quedamos los dos muy sorprendidos, pero no pudo resistirse ya que por dentro le gustaba o bueno eso me había dicho.

Yo por otro lado igual actué como una tonta pues su co-capitan estaba a su lado y nos fuimos juntas, y como tú sabes siempre en cada baile tienen que elegir a los reyes y reinas del baile en ese momento cuando los iban a anunciar pusieron un video en una pantalla, el nombre del video era de chico a chica he travestis (los jotos de la escuela),todo fue basado en imágenes de el en el bar como drag queen y a mi cuando era un chico, he un momento que no quien le paso el video de mi cumpleaños cuando pedí ser una chica, la verdad ese día estaba enojada porque ese momento fue personal que la verdad no quien de mi familia dio ese video ese momento, cuando termino los dos estábamos de luto nos sentíamos los raros de la escuela, los payasos, nunca olvidare esas miradas, muy pocas gentes lo tomaron mal pero la mayoría nos quedaron vieron como bichos raros, esa noche fuimos marcados Daniel según lo ha superado pero a mí no me puede mentir y sé que no es cierto. A mi también me afecto mucho pues todos ya sabían mi secreto no era fácil pues nadie tiene el derecho de salir del closet o expresar tu identidad hasta que tu estés seguro, sé que cuando me transforme me sentía aliviado y me sentía yo mismo pero yo quería decirlo cuando fuera el momento. Los dos salimos corriendo de ahí, Daniel no salió de su casa por un mes, yo en cambio tarde 3 meses.

-te tardaste mucho-

-sí, lo sé pero mi derecho lo habían violado, nadie tenía ese derecho de decirlo ante toda la escuela-dijo ahora ella llorando.

-ok, y quien te ayudo a salir de ese bucle en el que estabas-pregunto.

-el me ayudo-



-no quería volver a mostrar mi cara en esa escuela, hasta que él fue a mi casa, me llevo al bar y todos nos ayudaron tanto a él como a mí-.

-si yo hubiera ido, les hubiera pegado a ellos dos-dijo cassydi enojado y furiosa pues no podía imaginar la escena solo sentía enojo y frustración porque nadie iso nada al respecto más que quedarse callados.

-no hubiera servido, el daño ya estaba hecho cuando comenzó el video- respiro esmeralda profundamente.-ahora él y yo hemos crecido, ya no nos pueden hacer tanto daño pero ese chico Fernando aún puede ya que a Daniel puede afectarle y recordarle aquel hecho tan trauman te.

-te entiendo-

En ese momento esmeralda se secó las últimas lágrimas que tenía en los ojos, agarro a Cassidy, la jalo para dirigirse hacia el tianguis y sacar a Daniel de ahí.

-¡oye!-grito Cassidy el cual funciono para que esmeralda volteara enseguida.

-En primera tranquilízate y en segunda esta con su abuela no creo que le pase nada- dijo Cassidy con una voz tan suave y consistente que esmeralda la soltó he se calmó.

-ven vámonos que ya es hora.-



While Daniel prepares to finish his grandmother's chores, Cassidy is thinking about other things, including what was celebrated earlier, she was not a person to show her feelings about. Well, she felt something for Esmeralda.

"Hey, shh, you saw who's tending the chicken stand," said Esmeralda.

-come here so they don't see us- they hid by a movie stand.

-What's not Fernando??-

"Hey, it's true, but he wasn't the one who bullied Daniel," Cassdy said with a somewhat irritated and angry voice.

-Yes, you remember what happened that day, right-

"How can I forget," she said with a tear sliding down her eyes.


Cassidy: That day we were all happy and excited about the high school end-of-year dance, I was alone, no one had invited me to the dance, my mother had made me a divine dress, but in one afternoon everything changed. (She interrupted)

Esmeralda: If it's true, I also remember being excited. Enrique, the soccer vice-captain, had invited me. I had bought a dress with the money I had saved. It was also fantastic since no one knew about my transformation from man to woman, well before. From calling me Esmeralda he called me David.

"Wow, really," Cassidy asked, somewhat surprised.

-Yes, in fact that day it was I think 10:00 am, and the director at that time gave us the notice. He said looking at Cassidy seeing that the tear had dried.

"Yes, after all the classes, I remember that I went to prepare," said Esmeralda.

"I really wasn't thinking of going," she said sadly.


-because- some tears came out of her eyes.- she tried to contain herself and took a breath- that day we all went out, that day I received the call that my mother had died in a car accident.

When she shed more tears, they forgot that they were at the flea market at a DVD movie store.

"Excuse me, miss, are you okay?" asked the man at the stall.

"It's nothing, excuse us," said Esmeralda.

They left the stall without caring if Daniel or Fernando saw them, then they went to an alley that was near the flea market, Esmeralda took out some toilet paper that she had kept in her backpack.

-I'm sorry-

"Don't worry," she said as she wiped her nose.

- in fact also, that day was not mine, nor Daniel's either-


Esmeralda: That boy we saw there in the chicken shop was the captain of Bastqueboll. I had thought about playing a joke on Daniel, which greatly affected his self-esteem, but first I must explain to you how we became friends when I finished my process from man to woman. He and I met in a bar, I was just making my first outings as a transsexual, I was putting on his show in that LGBT bar, I admit that I saw myself as a brat going to her first bar and more of the community in that place There was everything drag, trans, bisexual, gay, lesbian, etc. After that, at the party he and I had dressed and made up like queens without fear of what they would say to us, and if we were mocked we wouldn't care at all, however when we got to school Daniel invited him to the dance, we stayed two very surprised, but he couldn't resist since inside he liked it or well that's what he had told me.

On the other hand, I still acted like a fool because her co-captain was at her side and we went together, and as you always know at each dance they have to choose the kings and queens of the dance. At that moment when they were going to announce them, they put a video on a screen, the name of the video was boy to girl and transvestites (the school jotos), everything was based on images of him in the bar as a drag queen and me when I was a boy, there was a moment that didn't who gave him the video of my birthday when I asked to be a girl, the truth is that day I was angry because that moment was personal, the truth is not who in my family gave that video that moment, when it finished we were both in mourning we felt like the weird ones from school, the clowns, I will never forget those looks, very few people took it badly but most of them saw us as weirdos, that night we were marked by Daniel as he has overcome it but he can't lie to me and I know it's not true . It also affected me a lot because everyone already knew my secret, it was not easy because no one has the right to come out of the closet or express your identity until you are sure, I know that when I transformed I felt relieved and I felt like myself but I wanted say it when the time was right. We both ran out of there, Daniel didn't leave his house for a month, I on the other hand took 3 months.

-you took too long-

"Yes, I know, but they had violated my right, no one had that right to say it in front of the entire school," she said now, crying.

"Ok, and who helped you get out of that loop you were in?" she asked.

-he helped me-



-I didn't want to show my face at that school again, until he came to my house, took me to the bar and everyone helped us on both him and me.

"If I had gone, I would have hit them both," said Cassydi, angry and furious because she could not imagine the scene, she only felt anger and frustration because no one said anything about it other than staying silent.

"It wouldn't have helped, the damage had already been done when the video started," Esmeralda breathed deeply. "Now he and I have grown up, they can't hurt us so much anymore but that boy Fernando still can since it can affect Daniel and remind him of that fact." so traumatizing.

-I understand you-

At that moment, Esmeralda wiped the last tears that she had in her eyes, grabbed Cassidy, pulled her to head towards the flea market and get Daniel out of there.

"Hey!" Cassidy shouted, which worked so that Esmeralda turned around immediately.

"First of all, calm down and secondly, she's with her grandmother. I don't think anything will happen to her," Cassidy said with a voice so soft and consistent that Esmeralda let go and calmed down.

-Come, let's go, it's time.-


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