Por lo visto hoy no fue el indicado ya que con Daniel no pudo llegar ya que la abuela lo necesitaba más que nunca y las chicas se les ocurrieron una cosa para ver el plan de David.
-bueno, abuela en, ¿Dónde
quieres que ponga esto?- pregunto Daniel ya que la abuela lo había acarreado un
poco con todo las bolsas.
-hay en la mesa y la verdura
en la barra- dijo continuamente mientras iba al baño.
-gracias hijo, que suerte de
contar contigo, un día que te cases con tu chica sé que se habrá ganado un gran
chico- dijo, mientras golpeaba suavemente con la palma de su mano.
Con esas últimas palabras de
su abuela que cuanto termino de decirlo la cara de Daniel se puso algo triste
he decepcionado ya que su abuela era la única persona que no sabía que era gay he
tampoco travesti. Una lagrima se le resbalo por las mejillas he acomodo las
bolsas rápidamente.
-¡Daniel!- grito
-¿Qué paso abuela?-
-no nada hijo ya se me olvido-se
rasco la cabeza he se fue a preparar la comida, pero en eso se acordó de que.-
Daniel hijo me puedes ayudar acomodar la verdura he fruta.
Daniel respiro profundamente
he fue ayudarla.
Las chicas se habían cambiado
para hacerle frente a David, tenían como la noción de ser las chica mala he
chica buena como tipo de policías típicos en las películas o series.
Cassidy tenía un pantalón algo
holgado, lentes obscuros he una blusa color rojo, aretes de flores, tenis
blancos he esmeralda una camisa muy llamativa color naranja un pantalón algo
pegado color beige y unos tenis color verde
con azul obscuro junto con unos lentes también obscuros.
-hay mira lo que se le cayó a
dios-dijo un señor, unos cuantos chicos he señores no dejaban de observarlas
con ojos de lujuria y deseo.
A las chicas para ser honesto
se les iso súper incómodo y se preguntaron que si esto fue una “buena idea”
-sabes que-
-estoy súper incomoda, no nos
dejan de observar me siento incomoda y si nos cambiamos y venimos sin vernos
tan llamativas- dijo Cassidy súper nerviosa y temblorosa de las manos.
-ok, pero terminemos con esto
rápido, ya que si nos cambiamos puede que no volvamos a verlo-. Dijo esmeralda
quien vio que unos de los polleros le
dijo algo a David quien salió del puesto.- ahora, ven.
-ok espera- dijo pues casi se
David caminaba hacia un
crevrolet para sacar los últimos pollos, para vender.
-espero que no me allá reconocido- dijo susurrando, pensando en
-Hola-dijo Cassidy atrás de el
con una voz algo ruda he seductora.
Al momento David se le iso raro, pensó que estaba
imaginando cosas, así que no iso caso, así que cuando estaba a punto de irse.
-Hola David, ¿Cuánto tiempo
sin verte?- dijo esmeralda.
-pero si es- dijo volteando
para atrás sorprendido, en ese momento soltó el pollo he quiso correr pero
Cassidy se puso atrás de él.
-¿Qué quieres, esmeralda?-
dijo con voz de miedo he asustado.-acaso quieres golpearme.
-mmm, no suena mal por lo que
me hiciste ami y ami amigo Daniel te lo mereces pero puedo ver que tienes miedo
he creo que estas muy arrepentido con eso me basta-dijo sacando una risa.
-entonces, ¿Qué quieres?,
dime- dijo.
-solo quiero saber tus
pretensiones- su mirada se volvió seria.
-si-dijo sin apartar sus ojos
de los suyos-en la tarde vi que Daniel estaba aquí pidiendo pollo vi que tú lo
atendías, así que solo quiero saber ¿Qué le dijiste?, ¿lo insultaste?, ¿querías
herirlo nuevamente?, o que.
La mirada de esmeralda se
pusieron fijos en él, cruzo sus brazos que hasta Cassidy puso unos ojos de
miedo he dio un paso para atrás por el miedo que esmeralda le ocasiono. David
se puso más nervioso he quería llorar pero respiro profundo levanto la mirada
con voz firme.
-Ninguna, es mas no quiero
herirlo ni lastimarlo ya entendí mi lección el año pasado- bajo la cabeza y la
volvió a levantar.
Esmeralda no le creyó ninguna
palabra, así que su mirada he brazos aún seguían cruzados.
-si no me crees está bien, no
te culpo pero entiende esto no pretendo hacerle daño-dijo con más serio aunque
por ultimo casi su voz se quebró.
-no te creo, pero te estaré
observando-dijo y se marchó.
Cassidy sin decir nada se fue
tras él, solo le lanzo una mirada de seriedad a David he se marchó.
-¡WOW!, que fue todo eso- dijo
Cassidy sin creer lo que vio ase unos segundos.
-lo siento es que, Daniel es
como mi hermano y David es un pendejo, cobarde que ¡¡aah!!-dijo casi con el
puño cerrado.
-he tranquila- dijo mientras
trataba de calmarla.
-ya listo, en solo recordar
todo lo que pasamos él y yo. Más Daniel-a esmeralda sacó otras dos
lágrimas.-sabes que solo hay una manera de quitarme de dudas y que yo me calme.
Saco una cara traviesa, de la cual otra vez Cassidy se puso muy nerviosa.
Esmeralda saco su celular,
puso en llamada rápida he comenzó a sonar el celular.
-estas libre hoy en la noche-
-sí, ¿por?-
-curiosidad, bien ya sabes
dónde, ya que hoy es noche de chicas-
-Ok. Pero ¿de qué me estoy
perdiendo?- pregunto Cassidy algo curiosa.
-solo una pregunta, ¿tienes
ropa de colores o algo mejor que esto?-
Cassidy se miró la ropa
puesta, he luego le devolvió la mirada a esmeralda con diciendo que es lo mejor
que tiene.
-ok, iremos de compras y
después vamos con Daniel-
Sin palabras el plan se puso en marcha, esmeralda y
Cassidy no tardaron en encontrar lo indicado , así que se fueron a cambiar,
quedaron en verse a las 7:30 pm para ser los primeros he ponerse al día.
-ya es hora-
Pasaron minutos pero ambas
estaban listas.
-este es el fabuloso o
sospechoso lugar- pregunto Cassidy.
-No te dejas engañar, por la
primera impresión- dijo esmeralda.
-ok, pero el bar enserio se
-entra ya-
Apparently today was not the right one since he couldn't arrive with Daniel since the grandmother needed him more than ever and the girls came up with something to see David's plan.
"Well, grandma, where do you want me to put this?" Daniel asked since grandma had carried him around a bit with all the bags.
"There's on the table and the vegetables on the bar," he said continuously while he went to the bathroom.
"Thank you son, how lucky to have you, one day when you marry your girl I know she will have gained a great boy," he said, while he gently hit her with the palm of his hand.
With those last words from his grandmother, as soon as he finished saying it, Daniel's face became somewhat sad. I was disappointed since his grandmother was the only person who did not know that he was gay, nor was he a transvestite. A tear ran down her cheeks and I quickly packed the bags.
"Daniel!" he shouted.
-What happened grandma?-
"Nothing, son, I forgot," he scratched his head. He went to prepare the food, but then he remembered that. "Daniel, son, can you help me arrange the vegetables and fruit?"
Daniel took a deep breath and was helping her.
The girls had changed to face David, they had the notion of being the bad girl and the good girl like the typical police officers in movies or series.
Cassidy had somewhat baggy pants, dark glasses, a red blouse, flower earrings, white tennis shoes, and a very striking orange shirt, somewhat tight beige pants, and green and dark blue tennis shoes along with dark glasses.
"Look what God dropped," said a man, a few boys and gentlemen couldn't stop observing them with eyes of lust and desire.
The girls, to be honest, found it super uncomfortable and wondered if this was a “good idea.”
-did you know-
"I'm super uncomfortable, they don't stop watching us, I feel uncomfortable and if we change and come without looking so striking," Cassidy said, super nervous and shaking her hands.
-ok, but let's finish this quickly, since if we change we may not see him again-. Said Esmeralda who saw that one of the polleros said something to David who left the stall. - Now, come.
"Ok wait," she said because she almost tripped.
David was walking towards a crevrolet to take out the last chickens, to sell.
"I hope he doesn't recognize me," he said whispering, thinking of Daniel.
"Hello," Cassidy said behind him with a somewhat rough and seductive voice.
At that moment David thought it was strange, he thought that he was imagining things, so it didn't matter, so when he was about to leave.
"Hello David, how long has it been since I saw you?" Esmeralda said.
"But it is," she said, turning back surprised, at that moment she let go of the chicken and wanted to run but Cassidy got behind him.
"What do you want, Esmeralda?" She said in a voice of fear, "I've scared you." "Do you want to hit me?"
"Mmm, it doesn't sound bad for what you did to me and my friend Daniel, you deserve it but I can see that you're scared, I think you're very sorry, that's enough for me," he said, making a laugh.
"So, what do you want? Tell me," she said.
-I just want to know your intentions- her look became serious.
"Yes," he said without taking his eyes off of his, "in the afternoon I saw that Daniel was here asking for chicken, I saw that you were serving him, so I just want to know, what did you say to him? Did you insult him? Did you want to hurt him again? or what.
Emerald's gaze was fixed on him, he crossed his arms and even Cassidy looked scared and took a step back because of the fear that Emerald caused him. David became more nervous and wanted to cry but he took a deep breath and looked up with a firm voice.
-None, but I don't want to hurt him or hurt him. I already understood my lesson last year- he lowered his head and raised it again.
Esmeralda didn't believe any of his words, so she looked at him and his arms were still crossed.
"If you don't believe me, that's fine, I don't blame you, but understand this, I don't mean to hurt you," she said more seriously, although finally his voice almost broke.
"I don't believe you, but I'll be watching you," he said and left.
Cassidy without saying anything left after him, she just gave David a serious look and left.
-WOW!, that was all that- Cassidy said without believing what she saw for a few seconds.
"I'm sorry, Daniel is like my brother and David is an asshole, a coward, aah!!," she said, almost with her fist clenched.
"Calm down," he said while he tried to calm her down.
-That's it, just remembering everything he and I went through. More Daniel-a esmeralda brought out two more tears.-you know that there is only one way to remove my doubts and for me to calm down. He made a mischievous face, which again made Cassidy very nervous.
Esmeralda took out her cell phone, put it on speed call, and the cell phone started ringing.
-Are you free tonight-
-yes, why?-
-Curiosity, well you know where, since today is girls' night-
-Okay. But what am I missing? - Cassidy asked, somewhat curious.
-only one preQuestion, do you have colored clothes or something better than this?
Cassidy looked at her clothes, then looked back at Esmeralda saying that it is the best thing she has.
-ok, we'll go shopping and then we'll go with Daniel-
Without words the plan was put into motion, it didn't take long for Esmeralda and Cassidy to find the right thing, so they went to change, they agreed to meet at 7:30 pm to be the first to catch up.
-it's time-
Minutes passed but they were both ready.
"Is this the fabulous or suspicious place?" Cassidy asked.
"Don't be fooled by first impressions," said Esmeralda.
-ok, but the bar is seriously called SECRETS OF HEARTS-
-come in now-