DANCE OF THE COLORS: Bienvenido y protección
Esmeralda y yo nos quedamos viendo por unos minutos ya que no sabíamos que mas decir, entonces sin mas ni menos para no vernos tan sospechosos. Esmeralda dio dos pasos enfrente, respiro profundo, admito que las caras del papa de Leonel nos miraba muy raro que asta me estaba dando calor que me sentía que estaba nadando en sudor.
-Si, somos sus amigos mi nombre es esmeralda y el es...- menciono, pero al final se quedo callada fue cuando note que se me estaba quedando viendo pata que me acercara.-y el es Daniel es su mejor amigos, bueno de hecho somos sus mejores amigos (risa fingida).
-Aaah, si, si, si, somos sus mejores amigos y estábamos preocupados, así que venimos para verlo- dije igual tratando de que mi voz no sonara nerviosa o así.
-Bueno será mejor que nos vallamos, no queremos molestar- esmeralda me tomo del brazo y me jalo para irnos.
sus padres sin decir mas se voltearon para ver a su hijo, Leonel nos vio con una mirada de confusión y curiosidad, pero ya no pudo decir mas ya que el doctor lo interrumpió al mínimo intento de gritar.
-Padres de Leonel, pueden acompañarme por favor-
-Leonel, perdió la memoria con base a los golpes tubo una pequeña contusión,-respiro profundo- no se si sea permanente o regrese pero es lo podemos decirle-. dijo el seño mirando a sus padres algo preocupado por la reacción de ellos.
Los padres se le resbalaron unas lagrimas, al igual que a nosotros ya que me fui para escuchar un poco del diagnostico, pero a nosotros también se nos resbalaron algunos cuando escuchamos el diagnostico, por ultimo nos fuimos de ahi para que no nos tomaran por sorpresa o nos regañaran.
en la clase del señor Jesús maestro de ciencias sociales, fue interrumpido por la madre de Leonel y por el director presente.
-jóvenes y señoritas, he querido maestro el estudiante Leonel ha regresado con nosotros, denle un fuerte aplauso. dijo el director y muchos de nosotros aplaudimos, sin embargo se pudo notar como el director le dio unas señas al profesor para que saliera por unos minutos.
-que crees, que le dirá??- pregunto Daniel.
-lo que escuchamos de su perdida de memoria-
-de quien están ablando- dijo estela atrás de nosotros.
-no de nada-
-no ya cuéntenme no sean malos-
-esta bien pero después ok, primero hay que decirle a Leonel que se siente con nosotros- dijo Daniel buscando una butaca libre.
En la búsqueda el maestro entro junto con Leonel,
-muy bien chicos, como estuviste mucho tiempo ausente-necesito que te pongas al corriente.-!chicos! quien puede darle su cuaderno para que pueda copiar y repase lo que hemos hecho.
Rápidamente ambos levantamos el brazo Daniel y yo, pero no fuimos los únicos también Sebastián pero al saber que nosotros éramos como que los mas nerds por así decirlo el maestro no dudo ni un segundo en que nosotros le ayudaremos el cual era perfecto.
En ese momento no lo dude mas yo le explicaría los ejercicios y Daniel le prestaría la libreta al igual que seria mi fiel asistente en caso de que me trabara o se me olvidara el como se hacia.
Esmeralda and I looked at each other for a few minutes since we didn't know what else to say, so without more or less so as not to look so suspicious. Esmeralda took two steps in front, took a deep breath, I admit that the faces of Leonel's father looked at us very strangely that I was even getting so hot that I felt like I was swimming in sweat.
-Yes, we are his friends, my name is Esmeralda and he is...- she mentioned, but in the end she remained silent. It was when I noticed that he was staring at me to get me closer. -And this is Daniel, he is his best friends, well. in fact we are his best friends (fake laughter).
"Aaah, yes, yes, yes, we are his best friends and we were worried, so we came to see him," I said, trying not to make my voice sound nervous or so.
-Well, we better go, we don't want to bother you- Esmeralda took my arm and pulled me to leave.
Without saying anything more, his parents turned to see his son. Leonel saw us with a look of confusion and curiosity, but he could not say more since the doctor interrupted him at the slightest attempt to shout.
-Leonel's parents, can you please accompany me-
-Leonel, he lost his memory due to the blows, he had a small bruise, -he took a deep breath- I don't know if it is permanent or if it will return but we can tell him that. The man said, looking at his parents, somewhat worried about their reaction.
The parents shed some tears, as did we, since I left to hear a little about the diagnosis, but we also shed some tears when we heard the diagnosis, finally we left there so they wouldn't take us by surprise. or they will scold us.
In Mr. Jesús' social sciences teacher's class, he was interrupted by Leonel's mother and the principal present.
-Young men and women, I wanted, teacher, the student Leonel has returned with us, give him a big round of applause. The director said and many of us applauded, however we could see how the director gave a signal to the teacher to leave for a few minutes.
"What do you think, what will he say to him?" Daniel asked.
-what we heard about his memory loss-
"Who are they talking about?" Estela said behind us.
-not at all-
-No, tell me, don't be bad-
"Okay, but then ok, first we have to tell Leonel to sit with us," said Daniel, looking for a free seat.
In the search the teacher entered together with Leonel,
-Very well guys, since you were away for a long time-I need you to catch up.-Guys! who can give him his notebook so that he can copy and review what we have done.
Quickly we both raised our arms, Daniel and I, but we weren't the only ones, Sebastian too, but knowing that we were the nerdiest, so to speak, the teacher didn't doubt for a second that we would help him, which was perfect.
At that moment I didn't hesitate, but I would explain the exercises to him and Daniel would lend him the notebook as well as being my faithful assistant in case he got in the way or I forgot how he did it.