sangre por sangre y traición por traición parte final

Para el aprendiz no era necesario saber a donde ir si no todo era mas fácil cuando tu oídos y sentido del olfato son mas sensibles pues el sentir la voz, latidos son mas fácil identificar a tu presa, sin embargo se le olvido un sentido y era el de la vista,

-oh, perdón- dijo el mientras rápidamente atrapaba la bebida antes de que se cayera. levanto la vista y se quedo pasmado.

-no te preocupes, pero- dijo darren mientras volvía a tomar su vaso de "sangre" (ponche). pero se quedo pasmado pues los ojos del chico le llamaron la atención.

Un silencio se apodero de ese momento a su alrededor de ellos.

-Bueno, adiós-dijo darren y se fue.


volvió a poner sus dos sentidos en acción para encontrar su ubicación, pero esta vez su corazón empezó a sonar mas y mas fuerte, algunos estudiantes escucharon los gritos,( el pánico comenzó).

-no puede ser- se apresuro no le importo empujar a varios chicos, pero obviamente despacio para no aventarlos tan lejos.

En cuanto llego a la escena donde escuchaba los latidos esos pálpitos se hacían mas y mas lentos como si la vida estuviera por acabarse. pronto el salón estaba vacío, llego al jardín donde se olía el aroma a sangre fresca y ahi estaba. parado su maestro  parada en tubo de unos columpios y con su mano sosteniendo a darren quien apenas si podia aser un ligero movimiento por la falta de sangre estaba hecho un costal.

-mmm, ya veo por que te gusto o bueno su sangre te era tan irresistible- levanto a darren y lo acerco a el, saco la lengua, lo lambio para gustar de esa sangre que le estaba empezando a escurrir en su brazo.-mmm exquisita.

el silencio nuevamente apodero, de pronto soltó a darren y callo a la arena con un fuerte golpe ya que estaba muy debil que no pudo poner sus manos.

-por que lo hiciste- pregunto con una lagrima.

-porque ya no me interesa enseñarte y también ya me estaba muriendo de hambre- dijo mientras se limpiaba un poco de sangre de la boca.

-pero el, el-

-si tanto quieres probarlo, ahi esta ya te hice el trabajo, pero apurate ya que tienes tres opciones-


-pues ya lo mordí, a partir de ahora puedes, dejarlo morir, chuparle el veneno o probar su sangre-  voltio a verlo con una sonrisa malévola.

el enojo se convirtió en tristeza y confusión.

-tienes poco tiempo, ya perdió la mitad de su sangre- su mirada se iso mas intensa y puso una cara de confusión-por cierto nunca te llame por tu nombre o te he nombrado verdad-.¿cual es?-. 

-mi nombre es Abel- dijo tragando saliva.-le quitare el veneno y después.

se acerco a el lo levanto, darren apenas y se quejo lo poco que podía  ver ya era borroso.

-tranquilo- los colmillo se salieron , los ojos se pusieron rojos, mordió en el mismo lugar, la sangre aun se sentía caliente el sabor era como el esperaba.

-Muy bien- dijo- pero yo no te diré cuando parar, tu lo aras solo.

después de 2 min empezó a sentir mas y mas sed pero se empezó a controlar y lo soltó, darren se desmallo, Abel lo puso sentado en un árbol.

-bien lo hiciste bien-dijo aplaudiendo y con la sonrisa de par en par- pero no voy dejar que viva.

-Sabes del dicho que dicen algunos humanos- dijo mirándolo con una mirada fría.

-que dicho-.

-la de ojo por ojo y diente por diente- 

-si, lo he escuchado, y...-

-pues ahora va a cambiar, y es de sangre por sangre y traición por traición-. 

-MM, Interesante- se acomodo para pelear.

En eso el campo se iso una batalla, ambos estaban casi iguales pero Abel pudo darle batalla a su maestro, al salir un poco el sol ambos se decidió que era un empate.

-Esto aun no acaba, y ahora estas solo ya no soy tu maestro-

-me alegra saber eso-


For the apprentice it was not necessary to know where to go if not everything was easier when your ears and sense of smell are more sensitive because feeling the voice, heartbeats makes it easier to identify your prey, however he forgot one sense and it was the one of sight,

"Oh, sorry," he said as he quickly caught the drink before it fell. He looked up and was stunned.

"Don't worry, but," Darren said as he went back to drinking his glass of "blood" (punch). But he was stunned because the boy's eyes caught his attention.

A silence took over that moment around them.

"Well, goodbye," Darren said and left.


He put his two senses into action again to find his location, but this time his heartbeat began to beat louder and louder, some students heard the screams, (panic began).

-It can't be- he hurried, he didn't mind pushing several boys, but obviously slowly so as not to throw them so far.

As soon as he arrived at the scene where he was listening to the heartbeats, those palpitations became slower and slower as if life were about to end. Soon the living room was empty, he arrived at the garden where he could smell the aroma of fresh blood and there it was. His teacher stopped, standing on a swing tube and with his hand holding Darren, who could barely make a slight movement due to the lack of blood, he was in a heap.

-mmm, I see why you liked him or well, his blood was so irresistible to you- he picked up Darren and brought him close to him, he stuck out his tongue, licked him to taste that blood that was beginning to drip onto his arm. he .-mmm exquisite.

The silence took over again, suddenly he released Darren and fell to the sand with a strong blow since he was so weak that he couldn't put his hands on it.

"Why did you do it?" he asked with a tear.

"Because I'm no longer interested in teaching you and I was also already starving," he said while wiping some blood from his mouth.

-but he, he-

-If you want to try it so much, there it is, I've already done the work for you, but hurry up since you have three options-


"Well, I already bit him, from now on you can let him die, suck the poison or taste his blood." He turned to look at him with an evil smile.

anger turned to sadness and confusion.

"You have little time, he has already lost half of his blood." His gaze became more intense and he made a face of confusion. "By the way, I never called you by your name or have I named you right?" "What is it?" .

"My name is Abel," he said, swallowing saliva. "I'll remove the poison and then."

He approached him and lifted him up, Darren barely and complained how little he could see was already blurry.

-calm- his fangs came out, his eyes turned red, he bit in the same place, his blood still felt hot, the taste was as he expected.

"Very good," he said, "but I won't tell you when to stop, you'll plow it alone."

After 2 minutes he started to feel more and more thirsty but he started to control himself and let him go, Darren fainted, Abel put him sitting on a tree.

"Well, you did well," he said, applauding and smiling wide, "but I'm not going to let him live."

"You know that saying some humans say," he said, looking at him with a cold look.

-what said-.

-that of an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth-

-Yes, I have heard it, and...-

-well now it is going to change, and it is blood for blood and betrayal for betrayal-.

-MM, Interesting- he settled down to fight.

At that point the field was in a battle, both were almost equal but Abel was able to give battle to his teacher, when the sun rose a little it was decided that it was a tie.

-This is not over yet, and now you are alone, I am no longer your teacher-

-I'm glad to hear that-


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