La Calavera estaba sonriendo pues estaba emocionada de que volaría por el mundo 

Al volar por los cielos, le entusiasmaba mucho

Las culturas, nuevos pueblos y nuevas celebraciones, pero sin querer escucho

A la zafate decir de una gran evento de Halloween

Vestidos, lujos y pasarelas, ella pensaba 

Era su momento pues desfilar y cantar eran su gran talento 

Radiante, lujosa y fabulosa estaba la calavera tenia todo planeado pues un gran impacto iba a causar

Iso un Lip Sync que nadie olvido y una pasarela que muchos con la boca quedo

Triunfos y Lujos ella en mico junto con trofeos e estantes que ella guardo

Alabada sea la calavera pues demostrando sus talentos los demás monstros la respetaron y admiraron.

Los mostros del todo el mundo tenían nueva Reyna, así que cada año un evento le hicieron.+


The Skull was smiling because she was excited that she would fly around the world.

Flying through the skies, he was very excited about her

Cultures, new towns and new celebrations, but without wanting to hear

Great thing to say about a great Halloween event

Dresses, luxuries and catwalks, she thought

It was her time because parading and singing were her great talent.

The skull was radiant, luxurious and fabulous. I had everything planned because it was going to cause a great impact.

Iso a Lip Sync that no one forgot and a catwalk that many left with their mouths left.

Triumphs and luxuries in her pocket along with trophies and shelves that she kept

Praise the skull because by demonstrating its talents the other monsters respected and admired it.

Shows all over the world had a new Reyna, so every year they held an event for her.+


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