el principe y el cisne: conocen a un cocodrilo


Mientras que Bet y Teodoro nadaban para ver donde estaban, pero por mas que trataban por  mas que se adentraban al bayu, no lograban salir del mismo lugar.

-oye no te parece, ¿Qué solo estamos dando vueltas?- empezó a sentir un poco de miedo, el príncipe al ver eso, trato de hacerla sentirlo mejor con un poco de acrobacias (alegrar el animo).- pero que estas haciendo he.

-nada solo alegrándote- dijo el príncipe, toma una liana pero no la toma con suficiente fuerza. y cae.

-jajajajaj- no pudo evitar reírse.

Pero en ese momento, una burbujas comenzaron a salir de lo profundo del agua, pero no era mas que el príncipe rana, pero a espaldas de el salieron otras burbujas un poco mas grandes.

-este, am bethoven- mientras que Teo trataba de ser lo mas discreto para  no espantarlo, señalaba con lo ojos, para que viera atrás de el.

Las burbujas se hacían mas grandes, cuando de pronto unos ojos de cocodrilo se asomaron por el agua,  de pronto bethoven comenzó a sentir que algo estaba mal, pues entendió la cara de susto de Teodoro estaba mostrando, cuando voltio lento rápidamente el cocodrilo salió del agua y Beethoven brinco hacia el, los dos se abrazaron con fuerza..



-Espera, no nos vas a comer- hablo bethoven, mirándolo ya que Teo no podía abrir los ojos ni soltar a bet por culpa del miedo.

-la verdad noo- los vi solos y dije creo que les hace falta compañía-. también pensé a ellos podría gustar un poco de música.

 Bethoveen respiro un poco, pero antes de que pudiera hablar, sintió las alas de Teo todas temblorosas y que no lo dejaba incorporarse, el respiro profundo, se rio un poco..

-oye tranquilo, no no va a comer-dijo, acariciando su pluma.

-he, ¿que?- solto a bet.-. estas seguro??

-si, solo es un amable cocodrilo ¿verdad?-dijo dudando.

-si tranquilos-

-uuf- ambos.

-bueno y, ¿a donde se dirigen he?-pregunto, mientras se recargaba en un arbol.

-vamos aver a mama oigie- dijo teo-. queremos saber si no puede regresar a la normalidad.

.-Aah ok- cerro los ojos, pero.- ¿ como que a la normalidad?. sus ojos se pusieron en plato pues no entendió.

-perdón, es que nosotros somos humanos-.dijo el príncipe.- fuimos hechizados por dos personas diferentes, pero al fin es magia nop.

-ok, entiendo-

-bueno asta pronto- teo dijo mientras aleteaba su ala,

-oigan puedo acompañarlos-

los dos se quedaron viendo por un segundo, y accedieron.

-bien puedes acompañarnos- dijo el príncipe he chicazo.

-estupendo, yo puedo guiarlos mejor-



While Bet and Teodoro swam to see where they were, but no matter how hard they tried, no matter how hard they entered the bayu, they couldn't get out of the same place.

-Hey, don't you think, what are we just going around?- She began to feel a little afraid, the prince seeing that, tried to make her feel better with a little acrobatics (to brighten the mood).- But what are you doing? .

"Nothing just making you happy" said the prince, he takes a vine but he doesn't take it with enough force. and he falls.

-hahahahah- she couldn't help but laugh.

But at that moment, bubbles began to come out from the depths of the water, but it was no more than the frog prince, but behind him came other slightly larger bubbles.

-This, am bethoven- while Teo tried to be as discreet as possible so as not to scare him, he pointed with his eyes, so that he would see behind him.

The bubbles got bigger, when suddenly some crocodile eyes peeked out of the water, suddenly Beethoven began to feel that something was wrong, because he understood Teodoro's scared face he was showing, when he quickly turned slowly the crocodile came out of the water and Beethoven jumped towards him, the two hugged each other tightly..



"Wait, you're not going to eat us," Beethoven spoke, looking at him since Teo couldn't open his eyes or let go of Bet because of fear.

-the truth noo- I saw them alone and I said I think they need company-. I also thought they might like some music.

  Beethoveen breathed a little, but before she could speak, she felt Teo's wings all trembling and that she wouldn't let him get up, she took a deep breath, laughed a little..

"Hey, don't worry, he's not going to eat," he said, caressing his pen.

-hey, what?- I let go of bet.-. you're sure??

"Yeah, he's just a nice crocodile, right?" he said doubtingly.

-yes, calm down-

-ugh- both.

"Well, where are they going?" he asked, while he leaned against a tree.

"Let's go see mom, oigie," Teo said. we want to know if he can't go back to normal.

.-Aah ok- I closed my eyes, but.- how to normality? His eyes went wide because he didn't understand.

"Sorry, we are human," said the prince. "We were bewitched by two different people, but in the end it's magic nope.

-okay I understand-

"Well, see you soon," Teo said as he flapped his wing,

-hey I can accompany you-

the two stared at each other for a second, and agreed.

"Well, you can join us," said the prince, the boy.

-great, I can guide them better-



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