El principe y el cisne: SAPO O CISNE ?

Después de limpiar un poco el lugar, Teodoro y su madre diana se dirigieron afuera para continuar con su día, después de pasar las   horas Teodoro estaba listo para ir a la fiesta de disfraces de los Lavou.

Varios minutos después ya estaba con en la fiesta dando los dulces beñes. en ese momento. pasa un caballo.

-buenas noches señor benet,- la parte trasera se giro hacia ellos- oh y señor benet.

-Que maravillos beñez Teodoro- dijo el señor.

-iban a ser nuestra especialidad cuando firmara los últimos contratos para mi restaurante- dijo  Teodoro algo emocionado.

-Si, sobre eso-

-Llego otra oferta- dijo el otro señor benet, mientras gustaba su beñe.

-Oh, pero como es que...-

-escucha tiana- estaba diciendo el señor, mientras volteaba del lado izquierdo pensando en una mejor respuesta en lo que iba a decir.

-pues vino un mejor comprador y trajo la suma total- dijo el otro señor benet.

-pero no saben todo lo que sacrificado, que he hecho-.dijo teo molesto.

-nos vemos, que tengas una linda noche Teodoro-

-aunque los beñes, estan ricos-

-!!!no esperen no se vallan!!!- grito, sin embargo al tirar del disfrace, su mano se resbalo y cayo en su mesa, tirando todos sus beñes, azúcar y eso.

Pero en cuanto pasaba lo de los hermanos, Teodoro no se había dado cuenta de que el príncipe estaba bailando con su amiga. 

-Oye amigo es hora de atrapar a un hombre con tus asombrosos beñez- dijo su amiga.- ¿Pero que te paso?.

-No es nada-

-ok, ven vamos a que te cambies-

Sin decir mas, Teodoro se quito lo que tenia un poco encima y  su amiga charlotte solo le lanzo un beso a su príncipe, Teo solo estaba algo triste para ver al grandioso príncipe en persona, solamente lo había visto pero no le gustaba tanto, pues no lo conocía..

-oh por dios, amiga cuando éramos niños pensaba que pedir deseos a las estrellas era de tontos, o para bebes- en eso salió teodoro con un nuevo traje como de principe, capa, mas o menos como creo de la epoca medieval.-hay teo te vez guapisimo-

-eres tan hermoso como una flor que retoña en verano- le acomo la tiara de principe- Bueno amigo vuelvo a la contienda.

!plas! cerro la puerta.

cuando charlott se fue, Teodoro vio un poco triste a la ventana hacia la luna, a lado estaba la estrella, vio la foto de un restaurante que tenia escondida, y en esa foto tenia las palabras "the house teo", entonces suspiro y penso en que si realmente iba hacer esto.

-No puedo creer que haga esto- abraso, la foto y con voz casi de desesperación-por favor, puedes, puedes, puedes, pueeee...desss.

Terminando eso, a un lado de el se puso un cisne.

-y que ¿ quieres que te bese ya?-

-siii, claro si-

Teodoro grito, camino hacia atrás y choco contra un ropero que estaba lleno de peluches, el príncipe alterado y asustado comenzó arrojarlos  hacia el cisne.

-no espera, baja eso rufian- dijo cuando teo le lanzo un elefante de felpa. el cual si lo dejo un poco aturdido.-SOY EL PRINCIPE DE BARDOÑIA.

en ese momento se detuvo con una escoba que encontró.

-espera un momento, si tu eres el, entonces  ¿con quie  estuvo bailando charlotte alla bajo?

-no lo se, yo solo se que en la mañana era un príncipe encantador , un buen bailarín y de repente estoy así-. dijo el príncipe extendiendo sus alas.

en eso el príncipe ve que en el ropero, estaba el libro de la princesa y el sapo,

-mira, ese es mi libro favorito.

-¿La princesa y el sapo?- dijo Teo dándole el libro.

-Si mi madre hacia que los sirvientes me lo leyeran cada noche- en eso con su ala y pluma estaba viendo lo que podia hacer especialmente en las hojas donde se veian que el hechiso se rompia.- si, si, eso es lo que tenemos que hacer.

-wow, espera , es una princesa  y yo  no creo que esto funcione igual-

-andale y te concederé lo que quieras-

teo vio la foto del folleto.

-solo un besito- dijo algo dudoso, y asqueado al ver el pico del cisne. (siguente respira pronto, cerro los ojos y le dio el beso).

Sin embargo en ese momento comenzó a brillar el príncipe y Teo pero el resulto no fue el que esperaban así que, pues cuando Teo abrió los ojos ya no estaba al tamaño del ropero si no abajo, levanto sus manos pero ya no eran manos si no plumas.

-!!!!PERO QUE ME AS HECHO, TENGO PLUMAS!!!- en eso se enojo un poco y se fue contra el y como el no sabia volar comenzaron hacer un escandalo en la fiesta, el jefe de la mansión mando a su perro para que fuera contra ellos.

Los dos trataron de huir pero cuando no tenían otra opción aletearon sus alas y comenzaron a volar.

-No nora espera soy yo, teo-

-!!teo!!- dijo el perro.

en cuanto se iban volando un hombre enmascarado le puso un cara que pareciera que sus ojos parecían pistolas, el principe al sentir que algo pasaba fue corriendo a un almacen el cual vio una jaula abierta y preocupado pensado en que iba a decir, aparecio el enmascardo.


-El probe sestine se veia lastimado asi que le abri tantito-

-inútil, ahora que el príncipe esta suelto, ahora hay que encontrar a ese principe antes se interporga y necesitare a mis amigos del otro lado-.



After cleaning up the place a bit, Teodoro and his mother Diana headed outside to continue with their day, after spending the hours Teodoro was ready to go to the Lavou costume party.

Several minutes later he was already at the party giving the sweet babies. at that moment. he passes a horse.

"Good evening Mr. Benet," the rear turned to them, "Oh and Mr. Benet."

"How wonderful, Teodoro, baby," said the man.

"They were going to be our specialty when I signed the last contracts for my restaurant," Teodoro said somewhat excited.

-Yes, about that-

-Another offer arrived- said the other gentleman benet, while he tasted his bene.

-Oh, but how come...-

"Listen, Tiana," the man was saying, while he turned to the left thinking of a better answer to what he was going to say.

"Well, a better buyer came and brought the total amount," said the other Mr. Benet.

"But they don't know all that I've sacrificed, that I've done," Teo said annoyed.

-see you, have a nice night Teodoro-

-even if you drink them, they are delicious-

"Don't wait, don't go away!" he yelled, however, pulling the disguise, his hand slipped and fell on his table, throwing all his babies, sugar and stuff.

But as soon as the brothers thing happened, Teodoro hadn't realized that the prince was dancing with his friend.

-Hey friend, it's time to catch a man with your amazing babies- said his friend.- But what happened to you?

-It's no big deal-

-ok, come let's get changed-

Without saying more, Teodoro took off what he had on him and his friend Charlotte just blew his prince a kiss, Teo was just a little sad to see the great prince in person, he had only seen him but he didn't like him that much, well I didn't know him..

-oh my god, friend when we were kids I thought that wishing on the stars was for fools, or for babies- that's when Teodoro came out with a new suit like a prince, cape, more or less like I think from medieval times.-there's Teo you look gorgeous-

-You are as beautiful as a flower that blooms in summer- I adjust the prince's tiara- Well, friend, I'm back in contention.

!slap! close the door.

when charlott left, Teodoro looked a little sad at the window towards the moon, next to it was the star, he saw the photo of a restaurant that he had hidden, and in that photo he had the words "the house teo", then he sighed and thought that if he was really going to do this.

-I can't believe I'm doing this- he hugged the photo and with an almost desperate voice-please, you can, you can, you can, pueeee... desss.

Finishing that, to one side of him stood a swan.

-And what do you want me to kiss you now?-

-yes, of course-

Teodoro yelled, walked backwards and collided with a closet that was full of stuffed animals, the altered and scared prince began to throw them towards the swan.

"No wait, put that down, you ruffian," he said when Teo threw him a stuffed elephant. which did leave him a bit stunned.-I AM THE PRINCE OF BARDOÑIA.

at which point he stopped with a broom he found.

-Wait a minute, if you're him, then who was Charlotte dancing with down there?

-I don't know, I only know that in the morning he was a charming prince, a good dancer and suddenly I'm like this-. said the prince spreading his wings.

in that the prince sees that in the closet, there was the book of the princess and the frog,

Look, that's my favorite book.

"The princess and the frog?" Teo said, giving him the book.

-If my mother made the servants read it to me every night- in that with her wing and feather she was seeing what she could do especially in the leaves where the spell was broken.- yes, yes, that's what we have to do.

-wow, wait, she's a princess and I don't think this works the same way-

-Come on and I'll give you what you want-

Teo saw the photo in the brochure.

"Just a little kiss," he said somewhat doubtfully, and disgusted to see the swan's beak. (Next breathes soon, he closed his eyes and kissed her).

However, at that moment the prince and Teo began to shine, but the result was not what they expected, so when Teo opened his eyes, he was no longer the size of the wardrobe, but down, he raised his hands, but they were no longer hands but feathers.

-!!!!BUT WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ME, I HAVE FEATHERS!!!- In that he got a little angry and went against him and since he didn't know how to fly they started making a scandal at the party, the head of the mansion sent his dog to go against them.

The two tried to run away but when they had no choice they flapped their wings and began to fly.

-No nora wait it's me, teo-

-! Teo! - said the dog.

as soon as they flew away, a masked man gave him a face that made it seem like his eyes looked like guns, the prince, sensing that something was happening, ran to a store where he saw an open cage and worried about what he was going to say, the masked man appeared .


-The probe sestine looked hurt so I opened him a little bit-

-Useless, now that the prince is loose, now you have to find that prince before you and I interpose and I need my friends on the other side.



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