La historia de estefany: Genio deseo que seas libre

Mientas aladdin gozaba su reinado, Estefany llego a parar a un acantilado, junto con su compañero abu, el cual estaba temblando de frio, en cuanto dio un paso la alfombra mágica se levanto totalmente congelada.

Rápidamente estefany se apresuro para sacarla, sin embargo cada vez que quitaba la nieve para poder sacarla, la torre que estaba encima comenzaba a resbalarse, al ver eso rápidamente ella quito la ultimo monte de nieve que tenia la alfombra, he inmediatamente corrió hacia el barranco, tomo Abu del brazo y cuando por fin estaba lo suficientemente  alejada vio una ventana  de la cual rápidamente corrió, se agacho, agarro con fuerza a Abu, esperando que no pasara nada. la torre paso sobre ellos y cayo por fin, cuando la alfombra ya no tenia encima nada, se levanto de un brinco, estefany alegre salto de un brinco para subirse a ella para emprender camino a agrava.

Mientras tanto en el palacio de agraba.

-quieres mas galletas, anda !come¡, !come!- 
-!Nooo!, déjelo lo van a lastimar- grito la princesa.
-oh, princesa no le pasara nada solamente yago esta jugando con el, y te puedo asegurar que estarás segura conmigo siempre y cuando estés de mi lado- digo mientras le acariciaba el hombro.
-Ni, loca-
-segura, si esa es tu respuesta no garantizare la seguridad de tu padre-.

en ese momento jazmín pensaba en responderle pero, observo que desde la ventana de arriba a Estafany estaba entrando. sin embargo cuando brinco se escucho unos pequeños pasos, jafar al escucharlo se alarmo y antes de que la pudiera ver Jazmin se abalanzo contra el y lo beso.

en cambio Yago pudo ver que Estefany estaba acercándose poco a poco a la lámpara.

-!! Hey ja.....!- fue interrumpido por Abu.
-Y porque fue ese beso- pregunto jafar algo sorprendido y confundido.
-la verdad, es cierto me estaba negando mi amor hacia ti, pero ahora veo que eres un hombre fuerte, poderoso ,inteligente.

Pero jazmín no se había dado cuenta que en su corona era como un reflejo, en cuanto jafar levanto la mirada, vio a estefany por tomar la lámpara.

-!!tu, ratera de pacotilla ahora si acabare contigo¡¡¡¡-

Cuando Estefany rápidamente se quito pues pensó que jafar lanzo algo hacia el, de inmediato se escondió y trato de llamar su atención .Jafar respiro profundo y junto con su vara lanzo fuego al piso, rápidamente ella tomo una espada que estaba por ahi para evitar el fuego, pero callo en la trampa de jafar pues el fue iso un circulo rodeando a Estefany para que no escapara.

-Porque no sales de tu escondite y sales peleas asquerosa serpiente-
-Dijiste serpiente- salió del fuego como si nada-quieres ver que tan serpiente puede ser- sin mas preámbulo jafar se fue convirtiendo poco a poco en una serpiente, 

Estefany trato de buscar por ambos lados a Abu y la alfombra pero fue inútil, pues Abu termino convertido en un juguete y fue desenredada hilo por hilo, intento ayudar pero jafar la encerró en un reloj de arena.

-¡¡jazmin, resiste!!!- 

Comenzó la pelea, Estefany a pesar de estar aterrada lucho con valentía, pero jafar logro atraparla.
-Lista, para morir-
Estefany trato de luchar, pero era en vano, sin embargo en ese momento se le ocurrió una idea increíble
-el genio es mucho mas poderoso que tu, jafar- dijo Estefany con una risa si sañosa.
-¿que dices?- 
-que el genio es mucho mas poderoso que tu, te dio tus poderes y también te los puede quitar-
justo cuando jafar iba a comérselo, entendió el mensaje y sintió que  estaba en desventaja, el genio al saber a que iba esto y las consecuencias que podría hacer jafar.
-si,si,s.siis,siiiii  amo- dijo el genio temblando.
-he, decidido cual será mi tercer deseo-
-pero mi amo yo-
-!!callate¡¡, yo soy tu amo y me  obedecerás lo quieras o no- lo miro fijamente- mi tercer deseo es que quiero ser el genio mas poderoso de todos-
El genio al escuchar ese deseo, observo a Estefany como decepcionado, levanto su mano y con su dedo gordo apunto a jafar. Mientras en el reloj de arena ya estaba apunto de cubrirla, rápidamente Estefany lanzo la mirada al genio para que confiara en ella, el genio cerro los ojos y lanzo un rayo de magia, en lo que jafar se convertía en genio, Estefany estaba libre rápidamente con un mazo rompió el cristal, Jazmín estaba casi inconsciente.
-siii, el poder es mío, el universo, todo-.
-!!!Oye jafar!!!, ¿ no se te olvida algo?-
-si quieres ser un genio lo serás, pero junto con todo lo que implica-
Después de decir eso, una lámpara mágica apareció, Estefany lo levanto y jafar estaba aterrado también enojado pues no podía creer que estaba siendo derrotado.

Yago trato de escapar volando pero antes de que pudiera escapar y jafar lo atrapo de una de sus piernas, y se metieron los dos a la lámpara.

-justo en esta lamparita-dijo Estefany con una voz chillona.

cuando ya estaba todo resuelto el genio, se iso enorme, sin ningún preámbulo lo mando lo mas lejos de las dunas. por fin todo había acabo excepto.

-hola, oye prometo irme de aquí, se las reglas, se que una chica como yo no puede desposar a una chica como tu, también se que esta prohibido esto-
El genio al escuchar eso, se acordó del ultimo deseo de Estefany.
-oye aun te queda un deseo, solo desea volver a ser un príncipe hombre-
Estefany, escuchó eso tomo la lámpara, vio a Jazmín.
-Genio, deseo que seas libre-
la lámpara comenzó a temblar y brillar. los broches de oro de genio desaparecieron.
-Estefany, tutu- estaba impresionado-no puede ser que hay de ti, ya se desea el Nilo, desea el Nilo-
-Bien, deseo el Nilo-
-En tus sueños- el genio al terminar eso, el con un grito y risas de alegría empezaba a pensar es sus próximos planes  ya que es libre, sin embargo Estefany comenzó a caminar , dio una ultima mirada hacia ella.
-OH, patrañas yo aun soy el sultán, y he decidido dejar eso atrás desde ahora proclamo y digo que la princesa puede gobernar y que cualquier persona que sea digna de ella sea hombre o mujer puede casarse con ella siempre y cuando sea mutuo-.



While Aladdin was enjoying his reign, Estefany ended up on a cliff, along with his partner abu, who was trembling with cold, as soon as he took a step the magic carpet got up totally frozen.


Quickly, Estefany hurried to get it out, however, every time she removed the snow to get it out, the tower that was on top began to slip, seeing that, she quickly removed the last pile of snow from the carpet, and immediately ran towards the ravine. She took Abu by the arm and when she was finally far enough away she saw a window from which she quickly ran, crouched down, and grabbed Abu tightly, hoping nothing would happen. The tower passed over them and finally fell, when the carpet no longer had anything on it, it jumped up, Estefan and joyfully jumped on it to get on it to set out on the road to aggravated.

Meanwhile in the palace of agraba.

-You want more cookies, go! Eat!,! Eat!-
"Nooo! Leave him alone, they're going to hurt him," the princess cried.
"Oh, princess, nothing will happen to him, only Yago is playing with him, and I can assure you that you will be safe with me as long as you are by my side," I say while she caressed her shoulder.
-No way-
-Sure, if that's your answer I won't guarantee your father's safety-.

At that moment, Jasmine was thinking of answering her, but she observed that Estafany was entering from the window above. However, when she jumped, a few small steps were heard, Jafar upon hearing it was alarmed and before she could see it, Jazmin rushed against hers and kissed him.

instead Yago could see that Estefany was getting closer little by little to the lamp.

-!! Hey ha.....!- was interrupted by Abu.
"And why was that kiss" Jafar asked, somewhat surprised and confused.
-The truth, it is true I was denying my love towards you, but now I see that you are a strong, powerful, intelligent man.

But Jasmine had not realized that in his crown it was like a reflection, as soon as Jafar looked up, he saw Estefany for taking the lamp.

-!! You, cheap thief, now I will finish you off! -

When Estefany quickly took off because she thought that Jafar threw something towards him, she immediately hid and tried to get her attention. Jafar took a deep breath and with his staff threw fire on the floor, she quickly took a sword that was there to avoid the attack. fire, but fell into Jafar's trap because he was iso a circle surrounding Estefany so that she did not escape.

-Why don't you come out of hiding and fight disgusting snake-
"You said snake" she came out of the fire as if nothing had happened "you want to see how snakelike she can be" without further ado Jafar gradually became a snake,

Estefany tried to search both sides for Abu and the carpet but it was useless, because Abu ended up turned into a toy and was untangled thread by thread, she tried to help but Jafar locked her in an hourglass.

-Jasmine, hold on!!!-

The fight began, Estefany despite being terrified fought bravely, but Jafar managed to catch her.
-Ready, to die-
Estefany tried to fight, but it was in vain, however at that moment an incredible idea occurred to her.
-The genius is much more powerful than you, Jafar- Estefany said with a laugh if vicious.
-what are you saying?-
-That the genius is much more powerful than you, he gave you your powers and he can also take them away-
Just when Jafar was going to eat him, he understood the message and felt that he was at a disadvantage, the genius knowing what this was about and the consequences that Jafar could have.
"Yes, yes, yes. Yes, yes, master," said the genius, trembling.
-I have decided what my third wish will be-
-but my love I-
-!!Shut up, I am your master and you will obey me whether you want to or not- I stare at him- my third wish is that I want to be the most powerful genius of all-
The genius upon hearing that wish, looked at Estefany as disappointed, raised his hand and with his big toe pointed to jafar. While in the hourglass he was about to cover her, Estefany quickly looked at the genius so that he would trust her, the genius closed his eyes and released a ray of magic, in which Jafar became a genius, Estefany was quickly free with a mallet he broke the glass, Jasmine was almost unconscious.
-yes, the power is mine, the universe, everything-.
-!!!Hey Jafar!!!, are you not forgetting something?-
-If you want to be a genius you will be, but along with everything that implies-
After saying that, a magic lamp appeared, Estefany picked it up and Jafar was terrified as well as angry because he couldn't believe that he was being defeated.

Yago tried to fly away but before he could escape and Jafar caught him by one of his legs, and they both got into the lamp.

"Right in this lamp," Estefany said with a shrill voice.

When everything was resolved, the genius was huge, without any preamble I sent him as far away from the dunes. finally everything was over pt.

-Hi, hey, I promise to get out of here, I know the rules, I know that a girl like me can't marry a girl like you, I also know that this is forbidden for her-
The genius upon hearing that, remembered Estefany's last wish.
-hey, you still have one wish, you just want to be a man prince again-
Estefany, heard that, took the lamp, saw Jasmine.
-Genie, I want you to be free-
the lamp began to shake and shine. the gold genie brooches disappeared.
-Estefany, tutu- he was impressed-it can't be what about you, you want the Nile, you want the Nile-
-Well, I want the Nile-
-In your dreams- the genius at the end of that, with a shout and laughs of joy began to think about her next plans since he is free of her, however Estefany began to walk, took one last look at her.
-OH, nonsense I am still the sultan, and I have decided to leave that behind from now on I proclaim and say that the princess can rule and that any person who is worthy of her, whether male or female, can marry her as long as it is mutual-.




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