Dance of the colors: Capitulo 1 Globo con Agua (version 2.0)
Capítulo 1: Globo de agua
Estoy por entrar a la escuela cuando vi ese letrero estoy
emocionada, voy pasando la puerta y obviamente ando echando ojo a las chicas
hay algunas que están guapas, simpáticas, pero hay que mantener la compostura
cuando de pronto escucho..
Alguien me empujo, me raspe un
poco mi brazo y mi cabello estaba algo arrebatado.
-Discúlpame, solo quería
protegerte ya que en esta escuela tienen la costumbre de…-
-Oye ¿qué te pasa?-estaba
furiosa, sentí que me puse roja y me ardía mi mano por mi raspón.
-Discúlpame, me llamo Daniel,
solo quería protegerte de eso- dijo el chico señalando un globo de agua
ponchado en el piso salpicado el agua.
-pero ¿porque?-
-a los chicos de nuevo
ingreso, existe la tradición de que los alumnos antiguos ósea los de tercero
reciban a los chicos/as nuevos con globos de agua- (suspiro) como quejándose.
Después de eso, el chico se
fue de la nada y ya no pude decirle mi nombre, me apareció agradable, admito
que estaba simpático pero no era para
mí. Pero ahora que se la tradición tendré que cuidarme nuevamente de ello.
Pensando en la advertencia del chico, me fui a mi
salón el cual era el salón de educación sexual, con la profesora Michael Peralta,
todo estuvo fabuloso en esta primera clase como siempre son las presentaciones y
el primer tema se trató de los aparatos reproductores de la mujer y del hombre
por primera vez en la vida no me sentía tan incómoda pero me resulto si lo
pensaba para ayudarme con mi futura novia.
-no había estado tan incómoda
en una clase- me dijo una chica que estaba tan sentada a mi lado.
-Sí, lo sé, pero creo todos
estamos mejor así que hablarlo con nuestros padres-.
-jajajaaj tienes razón-
En eso me quede callada y me
tape la boca para no hacer lo mismo ya que mi risa se escucha igual de fuerte,
en eso escuche a la profesora azotar el plumón con el que estaba escribiendo.
-señorita Cassidy y Melany, sálganse
del salón, hablaremos después pero por ahora no las quiero en el salón-
-es para todos-
En cuanto escuche eso último
de la maestra antes de salir del salón complemente con la compañera, se me salió
una risita como diciendo “lero.lero”.
Yo y ella después de haber
salido del salón fuimos al patio para poder platicar, ya estábamos a mitad del
pasillo cuando siento el agua fría resbalando por mi cabello y mi cabeza, el
agua estaba helada, me quite rápido mi mochila para evitar que lo demás se
empapara, me quite mi cabello que estaba tapando mis ojos para ver a la
compañera, pero ella no estaba mojada de la cabeza si no dé la espalda. Rápidamente
me acuerdo de lo que me había dicho el chico ese, entonces la tome del brazo y
corrimos hacia el jardín para evitar otro ataque.
-Muero de frio- dije temblando.
-yo también, ven vamos a dejar
las cosas mojadas ahí para que se sequen-
En cuanto nos quitamos las
cosas mojadas, y me seque mi cabello nos acostamos cerca de unas rosas, para
evitar que nos vieran en caso de una nuevo proyectil.
Trasladated in Inglish
Chapter 1: Water Balloon
Hello my name is Cassidy I am currently studying high school I am 18 years old, I like anime I must confess, the truth is that I have not told anyone other than my best friend, but hey I must admit that going to high school is much better than being in high school, Well, being at that stage was more difficult for me, in those days the constant change of emotions, the hormones, the body and everything that entails and other things to be honest I admit that I'm still beautiful well I think so, but my preferences began to change starting because I began to like girls instead of boys I admit that I had two boyfriends but the second one was the one that made me officially realize that I don't like boys, when I began to understand it I stayed on the sidelines without However, my efforts were not enough because, in fact, it is a long story, I think that I will tell you better another day, well, another thing is that my friend loves dancing too, but sometimes we did not coincide in our dance workshop given by the school, which was called school sword lion.
I'm about to enter the school when I saw that sign I'm excited, I'm passing the door and obviously I'm keeping an eye on the girls there are some who are pretty, nice, but you have to keep your composure when suddenly I hear...
Someone pushed me, I scraped my arm a bit and my hair was a bit blown out.
-Excuse me, I just wanted to protect you since in this school they have the habit of…-
"Hey, what's wrong with you?" I was furious, I felt that I turned red and my hand was burning from my scratch.
"Excuse me, my name is Daniel, I just wanted to protect you from that" the boy said, pointing to a water balloon flattened on the floor, splashed with water.
-but why?-
-To the new boys, there is a tradition that the old students, that is, the third years, receive the new boys with water balloons- (sigh) as if complaining.
After that, the guy left out of nowhere and I couldn't tell him my name anymore, he seemed nice to me, I admit he was nice but he wasn't for me. But now that I know the tradition I will have to take care of it again.
Thinking about the boy's warning, I went to my room, which was the sex education room, with the teacher Michael Peralta, everything was fabulous in this first class, as presentations always are, and the first topic was about the reproductive devices of the woman and the man for the first time in life I did not feel so uncomfortable but it turned out to me if I thought about it to help me with my future girlfriend.
"I had never been so uncomfortable in a class" a girl who was sitting next to me told me.
-Yes, I know, but I think we're all better off talking about it with our parents-.
-hahahaha you're right-
In that I remained silent and I covered my mouth so as not to do the same since my laughter is heard just as loud, in that I heard the teacher whip the down with which she was writing.
-Miss Cassidy and Melany, get out of the room, we'll talk later but for now I don't want you in the room-
-it's for everyone-
As soon as I heard that last thing from the teacher before leaving the room, I complemented with the classmate, I got a giggle as if to say "lero.lero".
Me and her, after having left the room, we went to the patio to talk, we were already in the middle of the corridor when I felt the cold water running down my hair and my head, the water was freezing, I quickly took off my backpack to avoid the rest got soaked, I removed my hair that was covering my eyes to see the partner, but she was not wet from the head if she did not turn her back. I quickly remember what that boy had told me, so I took her arm and we ran towards the garden to avoid another attack.
"I'm freezing to death," I said, trembling.
-me too, come let's leave the wet things there to dry-
As soon as we took off our wet things, and I dried my hair, we lay down near some roses, to avoid being seen in case of a new projectile.