La historia de estefany: Un mundo ideal


Jafar rápidamente se apresuro a alcanzar al sultán para impedir que abriera la puerta, pero al momento de que con su brazo sostiene la puerta fuertemente para que el sultán no jale de la puerta para abrirla pero fue emvano, sin embargo la fuerza de abu en forma de elefante iso que la puerta se estrellara contra ellos haciendo que se golpearan también con la pared. en eso el genio bailando, cuando vio que el sultán estaba se distraído se me tío a su lámpara  en la cual estaba abajo del sombrero de Estefany.

-Hola mi querido sultán es un placer conocerlo, mi nombre es la..... perdón el príncipe Estefan-extendió su mano para poder saludarlo. el sultán de buena ,manera respondió el saludo, al igual que con la alfombra quien se unió al saludo dando señal que le había agradado.

-es un placer conocerlo príncipe, y que ¿lo trae por estos lugares?-

-Su alteza he venido desde muy lejos claro, con riquezas, tesoros he increíbles criaturas para pedir la mano de su hija-.

-pero señor...debo....- decía jafar cuando fue interrumpido por la princesa Elena quien los estaba escuchado por el otro lado del pasillo.

-!!!NO!!!, yo no soy un premio que hay que ganar y por ultima vez no quiero casarme con nadie, quiero ser sultana sin tener que casarme, y usted príncipe puede regresar desde donde sea que venga y vallase que no quiero volver-. dio media vuelta para irse, su mascota ra el tigre lanzo solo un gruñido de advertencia para que no fueran tras ella pues el la cuidaría.

-oh, cuanto lo siento príncipe pero después de todo tiene que irse, ya escucho a la princesa así que, es mejor que se valla-.

-pero Jafar acaba de llegar, por cierto rápidamente el es mi fiel consejero Ja, bueno ya se conocen-

-es un placer, pero si me permites- se voltio rápidamente haber al sultán he hipnotizarlo con su cetro, sin embargo antes de que lo pudiera lograr el Sultan se salvo de ello y llevo a Estefan a su cuarto, al ver como se iban tranquilamente puso una cara de odio y repulsión.

mientras en el jardín del palacio se encontraba la princesa jazmín sentada en la fuente acariciando a su compañero Raja.

-Hay Raja, a veces desearía no ser una princesa y poder salir del palacio- dijo mientras miraba el cielo-

Estefany (estefan) viéndola desde una distancia adecuada, y pensando si seria adecuado ir a saludarla.

-!!!!ding!!,!!ding!!, ella esta esperando por ti Estefany ¿Qué esperas para ir a hablarle-dijo el genio disfrazado de una abeja.

-pero que tal sii...- se interrumpió pensando mientras se rascaba la cabeza en señal de duda.

sin embargo, le iso caso al genio y fue caminando lentamente, la princesa al escuchar los pasos pensó que era su padre y se fue a su habitación, Estefany se quedo sorprendida y sin mas remedio fue a buscarla por medio de la alfombra mágica. Mientras en el balcón del cuarto de la princesa jazmín ella estaba observando el paisaje lo que estaba mas allá de los muros  y aparte del pueblo que rodeaban al palacio de agrava, la princesa distraída y pensativa no se dio cuenta que el principe estefan la veia cautivamente viendo su belleza..

-AH!¿pero que te pasa que haces tu aquí?-dijo la princesa algo enojada, al escuchar el grito Raja se empezó a acercar lentamente gruñendo y enseñando los colmillos solo esperando la señal de su ama para atacar.

-oye, espera no quería molestarte enserio, solo quería saludarte- dijo algo nervioso ya que el tigre estaba a 1 metro de distancia.-tranquilo gatito, tranquilo, no me hagas daño.

en ese momento la princesa puso mas atención al príncipe pues cuando se quito el sombrero vio algo en su rostro que le iso muy familiar.

-raja, para- dijo mientras se acercaba un poco mas.- No te he visto antes- 

Estefany preocupada por saber si la princesa la habrá reconocido se puso nerviosa y volvió a ponerse el sombrero rápidamente en su lugar.

-NO!!!,NOOO!!!, creo lo mas seguro es que me estés confundiendo con alguien mas-

-MMMM...- la princesa algo pensativa he inseguridad si lo que le dijo era verdad, decidió creele.

-y que hacías?-

-nada solo viendo el paisaje y pensando que habrá mas allá de estas paredes-dijo la princesa volvió a su lugar que estaba antes de ser interrumpida-

-Oye, ¿te gustaría dar un pequeño paseo?- pregunto Estefany extendiendo su mano.


-Si claro, no te are nada, confía en mi- de pronto Jazmín se sorprendió al escuchar esa frase, pero de nuevo concedió dar el don de la duda, pero antes de que aceptara le vino a la mente la pregunta que en donde.

-Pero como saldremos del castillo?-

-fácil, en mi alfombra mágica- cuando dijo eso la alfombra se elevo y le un pequeño rose en señal de que le agrada.

Jazmin tomo la mano del principe y subio alfombra.

-regreso pronto, raja- dijo la princesa cuando la alfombra comenzó a volar lejos del palacio.

La luna en todo su esplendor, las luces de todo el pueblo iluminando la tierra de abajo, la princesa estaba encantada y Estefany al verla mostro una risa de par en par.

Yo te quiero enseñarEste mundo espléndidoVen, princesaY deja a tu corazón soñar
Yo te puedo mostrarCosas maravillosasCon la magia de mi alfombraVamos a volar
Un mundo idealSerá fantástico encontrarNadie que diga no, o a dónde irA aquellos que se aman
Un mundo idealTan deslumbrante y nuevo, amorDonde ya vi al subir, con claridadQue ahora en un mundo ideal estoyAhora que en un mundo ideal estoy
Fabulosa visiónSentimiento divinoBaja y subeY vuela hacia celestial región
Un mundo ideal (Mira bien lo que hay)Allí mil cosas voy a ver (Conteniendo el aliento)Soy como azul estrella que se vaY nunca será igual, ya, otra vez
Un mundo ideal (Cada vuelta es sorpresa)Un horizonte nuevo abrir (Cada instante un relato)Hay que seguir, sin fin, hasta el confínJuntos, en un mundo ideal, tú y yo
Un mundo idealUn mundo idealQue compartirQue compartirQue alcanzarQue contemplarTú junto a mí


Jafar quickly rushed to catch up with the sultan to prevent him from opening the door, but at the moment he holds the door tightly with his arm so that the sultan does not pull the door to open it but it was in vain, however the force of abu in the form of elephant was that the door crashed against them causing them to also hit the wall. In that the dancing genius, when he saw that the sultan was distracted, he uncled himself to his lamp in which he was under Estefany's hat.

-Hello my dear sultan, it's a pleasure to meet you, my name is ..... sorry Prince Estefan- he extended his hand to greet him. The sultan responded to the greeting in a good manner, as with the carpet, who joined the greeting, giving a sign that he had liked it.

-It is a pleasure to meet you prince, and what brings you to these places?-

-His highness of him I have come from very far of course, with riches, treasures and incredible creatures to ask for the hand of his daughter-.

-But sir... I must...- Jafar said when he was interrupted by Princess Elena who was listening to them on the other side of the corridor.

-!!!NO!!!, I'm not a prize to be won and for the last time I don't want to marry anyone, I want to be a sultana without having to marry, and you prince can come back from wherever you come and don't worry I want to come back-. he turned to leave, her pet tiger ra just gave a growl warning not to go after her because hers would take care of her.

-oh, I'm so sorry prince but after all you have to go, I already listen to the princess so, it's better that you go-.

-but Jafar has just arrived, by the way quickly he is my faithful adviser Ja, well you already know each other-

-It is a pleasure, but if you allow me- he quickly turned to have the sultan hypnotize him with his scepter, however before he could achieve it the Sultan was saved from it and took Estefan to his room, seeing how they were leaving calmly He put on a face of hatred and revulsion.

while in the garden of the palace was the princess jasmine sitting in the fountain caressing her companion Raja of her.

-There is Raja, sometimes I wish I weren't a princess and could leave the palace- she said while looking at the sky-

Estefany (estefan) seeing her from a suitable distance, and wondering if it would be appropriate to go and greet her.

-!!!!ding!!,!!ding!!, she is waiting for you Estefany, what are you waiting for to go talk to her? said the genie disguised as a bee.

-But what if...- he was interrupted thinking while he scratched his head as a sign of doubt.

However, he ignored the genius and walked slowly, the princess, hearing the steps, thought it was her father and went to her room, Estefany was surprised and without any other choice, she went to look for her through the Magic carpet. While on the balcony of Princess Jasmine's room she was observing the landscape that was beyond the walls and apart from the people that surrounded the palace of Aggrava, the distracted and thoughtful princess did not realize that Prince Estefan was watching her captively seeing her beauty..

"AH! But what's the matter with you, what are you doing here? "Said the princess somewhat angry, hearing the cry Raja began to approach slowly growling and showing his fangs just waiting for the signal from his mistress to attack.

-hey, wait, I didn't really want to bother you, I just wanted to say hello- he said a little nervously since the tiger was 1 meter away.-calm down kitty, calm down, don't hurt me.

At that moment the princess paid more attention to the prince because when she took off her hat she saw something on his face that was very familiar to her.

-raja, stop- she said as she got a little closer.- I haven't seen you before-

Estefany, worried about whether the princess had recognized her, became nervous and quickly put her hat back on in her place.

-NO!!!, NOOO!!!, I think the safest thing is that you are confusing me with someone else-

-MMMM...- the princess was somewhat pensive and insecure if what she told him was true, she decided to believe him.

-so what were you doing?-

-nothing just looking at the landscape and thinking what will be beyond these walls-said the princess she returned to the place she was before being interrupted-

"Hey, would you like to go for a little walk?" Estefany asked, extending her hand.

-With you?-

-Yes, of course, they won't do anything to you, trust me- Suddenly Jasmine was surprised to hear that phrase, but again she agreed to give the gift of doubt, but before she accepted the question where came to mind.

-But how do we get out of the castle?-

-easy, on my magic carpet- when she said that the carpet rose and gave her a small rose as a sign that she liked it.

Jazmin took the prince's hand and climbed the carpet.

-I'll be back soon, Raja- said the princess when the carpet began to fly away from the palace.

The moon in all its splendor, the lights of the entire town illuminating the land below, the princess was delighted and Estefany when she saw her showed a wide laugh.

I want to teach you

this world splendid said

come on princess

And let your heart dream

i can show you

Wonderful things

With the magic of my carpet

Let's fly

An ideal world

it will be great to find

No one to say no, or where to go

to those who love each other

An ideal world

So dazzling and new, love

Where I already saw when going up, clearly

That now in an ideal world I am

Now that I am in an ideal world

fabulous vision

divine feeling

go down and up

And fly to heavenly region

An ideal world (Take a good look at what there is)

I'm going to see a thousand things there (Holding my breath)

I'm like a blue star that leaves

And it will never be the same, anymore, again

An ideal world (Every turn is a surprise)

A new horizon will open (Every moment a story)

You have to continue, endlessly, to the edge

Together, in an ideal world, you and me

An ideal world

An ideal world

what to share

what to share

what to achieve

what to contemplate

You next to me


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