Cuando llegaron a la casa de Elena, vieron varios globos de colores negros , algo de telaraña y una casa repleta de golosinas como por ejemplo un tazón de refresco rojo con un murciélago a un lado señal de sangre o algo por el estilo. un par de gomas en forma de ojo, chocolate en forma de ataúdes, refresco, papas, etc... pero todo claro con un estilo halloweenesco, los chicas estaban asombradas pues no esperaban tanto, asi que en lo que caminaban por la casa vieron la decoración, pues en medio estaban algunas luces que daban a la sala, y al comedor estaban como una lámpara giratoria que daba al momento de pasar la luz salían como fantasmas de la cual rodeaban todo el comedor y sala. en medio de eso asta arriba solo venían las palabras de BIENVENIDOS.
-Bueno, sean bienvenidos amigas se ven espectaculares- dijo Elena con voz de asombrada pues al ver los disfraces de los chicas, se quedo impactada,-Wow, se ven increíbles, en especial tu Dany, te vez toda una diosa.
-Gracias- algo sonrojado.
-Bien, Elena nos puedes decir la verdadera razón del porque nos invitaste a esta fiesta-dijo estela esperando la sorpresa de humillación. hay ninguna, solo creo que como somos de la misma comunidad, pensé en hacer un team LGBT o bueno amig@s de las mismas orientaciones- dijo mientras levantaba sus hombros debiendo que mas da.
-espera entonces también eres homosexual?-
-si, así es yo soy Lesbiana-.
-Que, No se nota?-
-No, la verdad nop, yo pensé que eras la típica niña fresa que solo vive para humillar a la gente-dijo Cassidy algo confundida.
-Bueno, en ese caso bienvenida a nuestro grupo-.
los chicos se quedaron impresionados al saber la noticia, pues a pesar de que algunos pueden distinguir quienes son y quienes no son de la comunidad. ella si fue muy desapercibida.
-Que esperamos, que inicie la fiesta-Estela dijo con un poco de ponche en la mano.
todos se quedaron impresionados nuevamente pues no supieron cuando estela ya estaba empezando la fiesta. El ambiente se empezó a sentir bien, la música a todo volumen, Elena y Daniel comenzaron a presumir sus pasos de baile aunque cassidy y Estela no se quedaron atrás.
-Oigan, seria interesante ver la reaccion de los chicos del baile y nos veríamos fabulos@s-dijo cassidy.
-Seriamos las mas perras de las escuela y el baile-.
-Si, seriamos la envidia de todas las chicas, jajajajaj-
en cuanto se termino la frase, las cuatro se miraron a los ojos y sin decir ninguna palabra se levantaron y se dirigieron a la fiesta de la escuela.
Mientras tanto en la en la escuela el baile estaba en el salón de educación física, todo el mundo estaba bailando varios grupos por allá claro los populares vs los impopulares, había muchos draculas, momias, zombies, brujas,, etc.
-Muy bien chicos, es hora de anunciar a los/ganadoras de este baile de disfraces...-
- y ¿Quiénes son ustedes?- pregunto un guardia de seguridad.
-Somos, estudiantes de esta escuela- dijo Cassidy.
-Muéstrenme sus credenciales- los miro seriamente, y levanto la mano para que uno se lo entregara. las chicas se quedaron viendo para ver si alguien tenia la credencial, pero pues nadie la tenia desafortunadamente, pues el director nunca menciono nada de que tenían que llevar la credencial de la escuela.
-Miren a es@s ridiculas-
-quien las invito.-
-de seguro no son de esta escuela-
-!!!Oigan, esto no es una fiesta de payasos, jajajajaajajajajaj!-
-Vámonos- dijo Daniel dando media vuelta-.
al ver que tenia razón, las chicas ya lo estaban siguiendo, cuando un profesor las reconoció excepto a Daniel pues fuera del clud o mejor dicho del antro era la primera vez que alguien lo veia asi, aunque logro convenser al profesor.
-Dejalas pasar son mis estudiantes y a su acompañante, por favor-
el guardia no estaba seguro, pero asintió con la cabeza y las dejo pasar, en cuanto ya estaban adentro el profesor les lanzo una sonrisa como de confianza para que disfrutaran la fiesta, las chicas estaban nerviosas y un poco asustadas ya que no sabrían como seria adentro de muchos chicas y chicos heterosexuales, estuviera criticándolas o humillándolas, al cada vez que se acercaban se escuchaba la canción de David guetta con nicky minaj ft david guetta where them girls,.
- !!!!Muy bien chicos¡¡¡¡, ¿Cómo se la están pasando?-
-AAAAAAAA!!- todos los chicos.
Pero pararon la música cuando el reflector ilumino a las chicas, el silencio se apodero del lugar, muchos comenzaron a susurrar, pues se veían increíbles y con ayuda de la lentejuela se veían fascinantes, algunos chicos se quedaron boquiabiertos, uno que otro solo veían quien era la mas buena de todas o la mas guapa, las chicas ver quien era la mas fea, al igual quien era la mas gorda o desnutrida, incluso en el maquillaje. pero a las chicas no les importo pues al ver sus caras estaban satisfechas y así como llegaron y con esa victoria decidieron irse. he ir camino al hospital donde estaba Leonel.
-Disculpen, señoritas pero aquí no damos dulces, así que por favor pueden retirarse-.
-Solo venimos a dejarle un obsequio a un compañero- dijo cassidy.
-venga por favor- dijo, mientras la esperaba ahí en la oficina de seguridad-.
El guardia no abrió el regalo, pero si lo manoseo para asegurarse de que no tenia nada malo, he igual a cassidy la reviso de pieza a cabeza.
-OK, solo puede pasar la que va a dejar el regalo-.
-nosotras, te esperamos aquí afuera ve-.
cassidy, acepto y comenzó a subir las escaleras, pero justamente cuando levanto la cabeza para ver a Leonel, el ya estaba con los ojos abiertos mostrando una rostro de confusión.
-¿QUIEN ERES TU?- pregunto.
When they arrived at Elena's house, they saw several black balloons, some cobwebs and a house full of goodies such as a red soda punch with a bat on one side, a sign of blood or something like that. a couple of rubber bands in the shape of eyes, chocolate in the shape of coffins, soda, potatoes, etc... but all of course with a Halloweenesque style, the girls were amazed because they did not expect much, so as they walked through the house they saw the decoration, because in the middle there were some lights that gave to the room, and to the dining room they were like a revolving lamp that gave when the light passed by they came out like ghosts from which they surrounded the entire dining room and living room. in the middle of that upstairs only the words of WELCOME came.
-Well, welcome friends, they look spectacular- Elena with an astonished voice said when she saw the girls' costumes, she was shocked, -Wow, they look amazing, especially your Dany, you look like a goddess.
-Thanks- somewhat blushed.
"Well, Elena, can you tell us the real reason why you invited us to this party?" Estela said, waiting for the surprise of humiliation.
-.there is none, I just think that since we are from the same community, I thought of making an LGBT team or good friends of the same orientations- she said while she shrugged her shoulders, owing that she doesn't care.
-wait then are you also homosexual?-
Yes, that's right, I'm a lesbian.
-What, is not noticeable?-
-No, not really, I thought you were the typical strawberry girl who only lives to humiliate people- Cassidy said somewhat confused.
"Well, in that case, welcome to our group."
the boys were impressed when they heard the news, because despite the fact that some can distinguish who is and who is not from the community. she if she was very unnoticed.
-What are we waiting for, the party has started- Estela said with a bit of punch in her hand.
Everyone was impressed again because they did not know when Estela was already starting the party. The atmosphere began to feel good, the music at full volume, Elena and Daniel began to show off their dance steps, although Cassidy and Estela were not far behind.
-Hey, it would be interesting to see the reaction of the boys at the dance and we would see each other fabulously- said cassidy.
-We would be the most bitches of the school and the dance-.
-Yes, we would be the envy of all the girls, hahahahaha-
As soon as the sentence was finished, the four looked into each other's eyes and without saying a word they got up and went to the school party.
Meanwhile at school the dance was in the physical education room, everyone was dancing various groups there, of course the popular vs the unpopular, there were many draculas, mummies, zombies, witches, etc.
-Very well guys, it's time to announce the winners of this costume ball...-
- And who are you? - asked a security guard.
"We are, students of this school," Cassidy said.
-Show me your credentials- I look at them seriously, and raise my hand for one to give it to him. The girls kept looking to see if someone had the credential, but unfortunately nobody had it, because the director never mentioned anything about them having to carry the school credential.
-Look at those ridiculous-
-who invites them.-
-surely they are not from this school-
-!!!Hey, this is not a clown party, hahahahahahahaha!-
"Let's go," Daniel said, turning around.
Seeing that he was right, the girls were already following him, when a teacher recognized them except for Daniel because outside the club, or rather the club, it was the first time someone had seen him like that, although he managed to convince the teacher.
-Let them pass, they are my students and their companion, please-
The guard was not sure, but he nodded and let them pass, as soon as they were inside the teacher gave them a confident smile so that they would enjoy the party, the girls were nervous and a little scared since they would not know how it would be inside of many heterosexual girls and boys, they would be criticizing or humiliating them, every time they approached, the song by David guetta with nicky minaj ft david guetta where them girls, was heard.
- !!!!Very good guys, how are you having a good time?-
-AAAAAAAA!!- all the guys.
But they stopped the music when the spotlight illuminated the girls, silence took over the place, many began to whisper, because they looked amazing and with the help of the sequin they looked fascinating, some boys were left speechless, one or the other just saw who It was the best of all or the most beautiful, the girls see who was the ugliest, as well as who was the fattest or malnourished, even in makeup. but the girls didn't care because when they saw their faces they were satisfied and just as they arrived and with that victory they decided to leave. I have to go to the hospital where Leonel was there.
"Excuse me, ladies, but we don't give out sweets here, so please go away."
"We just came to leave a gift for a colleague," Cassidy said.
-Come please- she said, while he waited for her there in the security office-.
The guard didn't open the gift, but if he fingered it to make sure there was nothing wrong with it, I just as cassidy went through it from head to toe.
-OK, only the one who is going to leave the gift can pass-.
-we, we wait for you here outside go-.
Cassidy accepted and began to climb the stairs, but just when he raised his head to see Leonel, he was already wide-eyed showing a confused face.
"WHO ARE YOU?" I ask.