Dance of the colors: The Team Phenomeon
sin embargo antes de entrar se escucho un grito.
-¿Quien es el?- pregunto el hermano de Elena.
-es Daniel-.
Pero al llegar estaba casi sudoroso y traía su gran atuendo con una maleta grande.
-!Perdón, por la tardanza es que...!!-
-Tranquilo, no pasa nada, justamente yo también acabo de llegar a la casa-
en eso la puerta de abre mas dando mas chance para que Elena.
-hola cassidy.... y-
Daniel respiraba (agitado), levanto la mano para decir hola mientras se tranquilizaba.
-bien pasen, son bienvenidos- abrió mas la puerta Elena, para que les diera chance de entrar con todo y sus vestuarios incluyendo la maleta de Daniel.
-¿te gustaría que te ayudara amigo?- pregunto el hermano de Elena.
Daniel levanto un poco la cara y asistió con la cabeza en lo que recuperaba el aliento.
En cuanto entraron, se quedaron sorprendidos pues era una casa bastante grande, la madre de Elena estaba cortando la verdura, mientras que su padre le ayudaba a lavar los platos.
-¿Quienes eran?-
-!!son mis amigos!! (grito) en eso se escuchaban los pasos de ellos que se dirigían hacia allá.
llegaron a la cocina.
-Hola chicos, que tal buenas tardes, ¿Cómo están?. pregunto su madre mientras hacia la comida.
-adelante, siéntanse en confianza-dijo el padre ahora, pero viendo algo raro a Daniel.
-Este, no gracias, no tienen hambre nos tenemos que preparar, adiós- dijo Elena.
sin decir ninguna palabra los tres se dirigieron al cuarto, pero aun no estaba del todo completamente ordenado y aunque a Elena, si tenia algo de vergüenza con solo acordarse, pero no le tomo mucha importancia pues ella prefirió llevarlos para terminar con todo antes de que sus padres los invitaran a comer, subieron las escaleras, abrió la puerta se metieron y Elena cerro la puerta, pero Daniel y Cassidy estaban sorprendidos pues en el pequeño trayecto para llegar a su cuarto no los soltó ni por un momento ni siquiera los dejo hablar o contemplar la casa.
-pero que paso, ahora porque tan apurada?- pregunto Cassidy mientras se acostaba en la cama.
-si he?- replico Daniel mientras le echaba un vistazo al cuarto.
-Perdón, por el desorden pero empecemos de una vez antes que mi padre empiece con el interrogatorio o cosas así va- dijo Elena algo estresada.
En eso se pusieron manos a la obra todos, la ayudaron a acomodar sus cosas, empezando por la ropa sucia sucia, los muebles para el maquillaje y así.
25 min después ya estaba todo acomodado , dándoles por lo menos un espacio para que se acomodaran los tres, dado que a pesar de Daniel en ser gay, tanto el como las chicas no se sentían a gusto, cambiándose enfrente de el ni el tampoco, así que lo que son las mayas y para poder esconder su miembro se fue al baño, al salir se espero a que no hubiera nadie por ahí, en cuanto termino y vigilo por el pasillo que no hubiera nadie por ahí así que cuando vio que estaba solo, corrió rápidamente hacia el cuarto donde estaban Elena y Cassidy.
toc,toc (toco la puerta).
-adelante- dijo cassidy.
-Gracias, bien chicas ahora comencemos con la transformación- dijo Daniel.
las chicas y Daniel se pusieron los vestidos, para comenzar con el maquillaje no contaban con una visita.
-Disculpen, chicas ¿ no les gustaría algo de comer?-pregunto la madre de Elena.
-No, mama gracias-
Daniel estaba un poco a penado ya que era la primera vez que alguien lo veía en plena sección de maquillaje y mas cuando se trata de una señora.
-oh, pequeño no te preocupes, conmigo no tendrás problema es mas si mi esposo tiene algo o te pregunta de mas yo te cubriré vale-.
en cuanto dijo eso, cerro la puerta y se fue, las chic@s empezaron con el maquillaje y poco a poco la magia empezó hacer efecto, los tres se veían espectaculares en sus trajes, Daniel tenia una sombras negras combinado con rojo y blanco, elena algo dorado con sombras negras y un toque de gris y cassidy solo brillo y un toque de sombre gris.
al salir y bajar las escaleras, estaba pasando el padre de Elena quien al verlas se quedo sorprendido, wow chicas se ven espectaculares las 2, esperen pero ¿ donde este Dani?.
-estoy aquí señor- dijo Dani levantado el brazo algo apenado.
-¿Donde?- pregunto nuevamente.
-Aquí- alzo mas el brazo.
-oh, perdón, No te reconocí, te vez muy bien - dijo con voz dudosa.
-bueno las dejo, sigan con su camino-
en cuanto el padre de Elena se fue, las chicas se dirigieron al hospital y de ahí Asia la casa de su nueva amiga. (tocaron el timbre).
-wow, chicas se ven increíbles, si no las conocieran parecerían las tres fenómenos- dijo riendo un poco.
However, before entering, a scream was heard.
"Who is he?" asked Elena's brother.
It's Daniel.
But when he arrived he was almost sweaty and he had his big outfit with a big suitcase.
-!Sorry, for the delay is that...!!-
-Don't worry, nothing's wrong, I just got home too-
in that the door opens more giving more chance for Elena.
-hello cassidy.... and-
Daniel breathed (agitated), raised his hand to say hello while he calmed down.
-Come in, you are welcome- Elena opened the door more, so that she would give them a chance to enter with everything and her changing rooms including Daniel's suitcase.
"Would you like me to help you, friend?" Elena's brother asked.
Daniel lifted his face a little and nodded as he caught his breath.
As soon as they entered, they were surprised because it was a fairly large house, Elena's mother was cutting the vegetables, while her father helped her wash the dishes.
-Who were they?-
-!!They are my friends!! (scream) in that you could hear their footsteps heading there.
They reached the kitchen.
-Hello guys, how are you good afternoon, how are you? her mother asked as she made the food.
-Go ahead, feel confident- said the father now, but seeing something strange in Daniel.
"Um, no thanks, they're not hungry, we have to get ready, bye," Elena said.
Without saying a word, the three of them went to the room, but it still wasn't completely tidy and although Elena was embarrassed just by remembering, but she didn't care much because she preferred to take them to finish everything before they their parents invited them to eat, they went upstairs, opened the door, they got in and Elena closed the door, but Daniel and Cassidy were surprised because on the short walk to get to their room they didn't let go of them for a moment, they didn't even let them talk or look at the house.
"But what happened, now why so rushed?" Cassidy asked as she lay down on the bed.
"Yes, have I?" Daniel replied as he took a look around the room.
-Sorry, for the mess but let's start once and for all before my father starts with the interrogation or things like that- Elena said somewhat stressed.
In that they all got to work, they helped her to accommodate her things, starting with the dirty clothes, the furniture for the makeup and so on.
25 minutes later everything was settled, giving them at least a space for the three of them to settle down, given that despite Daniel being gay, both he and the girls did not feel comfortable, changing in front of him and neither did he, so what are the Mayans and to be able to hide his member he went to the bathroom, when he left he waited until there was no one around, as soon as he finished and I watched through the corridor that there was no one around so when he saw that he was Alone, he quickly ran to the room where Elena and Cassidy were.
Knock, knock (knock on the door).
"Go ahead," Cassidy said.
-Thanks, well girls now let's start with the transformation- said Daniel.
the girls and Daniel put on their dresses, to start with the makeup they didn't have a visitor.
"Excuse me, girls, wouldn't you like something to eat?" Elena's mother asked.
-No, mom thanks-
Daniel was a little embarrassed since it was the first time that someone had seen him in the middle of the makeup section and even more so when it comes to a lady.
-oh, little one, don't worry, you won't have a problem with me, it's more if my husband has something or asks you more, I'll cover you okay-.
As soon as he said that, he closed the door and left, the girls started with the makeup and little by little the magic began to take effect, the three of them looked spectacular in their suits, Daniel had black shadows combined with red and white, elena something gold with black shadows and a touch of gray and cassidy just glitter and a touch of gray shadow.
When they went out and went down the stairs, Elena's father was passing by, who was surprised when he saw them, wow girls, the two of them look spectacular, wait, but where is Dani?
-I'm here sir- Dani said raising his arm somewhat embarrassed.
"Where?" I ask again.
"Here," I raise my arm.
-oh, sorry, I didn't recognize you, you look great-he said with a doubtful voice.
-Well I'll leave you, continue on your way-
As soon as Elena's father left, the girls headed to the hospital and from there Asia to her new friend's house. (they rang the bell).
-wow, girls look incredible, if you didn't know them, the three phenomena would seem like- she said laughing a little.