Una vez en diciembre.... capitulo 4 SONG
-tranquilo, no pasa nada pequeño, mi nombre es adrien-
dijo en cuanto el cachorro esta olfateando la palma de su mano, en cuanto el cachorrito empezó a tomar confianza lo cargo y lo puso entre sus brazos, pero en cuanto camino a unos pasos mas se topo con una mansión abandonada ( el castillo real), pero no era el único quien estaba explorando el palacio, pues dos sujetos quisieron explorar para ver si había pistas o rastros que allá dejado el príncipe aziel para encontrar su paradero.
adentro estaba todo cubierto de polvo incluso las pinturas, al momento de que entro Adrien entro sintió algo de nostalgia como si ya hubiera estado aquí antes.
-oye, august no han nada, aquí no encontraremos ninguna pista de el-
-tranquilo, Dimitri tiene que a ver algo aquí-
dijo un chico y su compañero quienes estaban en busca del príncipe para la jugosa recompensa que estaba pidiendo la reyna.
así que mientras ellos buscaban un inicio del príncipe en aquel cuarto cerca de la sala principal , Adrián mas exploraba el palacio destruido y abandonado, pero primero le llamo la atención un cuadro en el cual estaba toda la familia pero en esa foto se encontraba un niño que a adrien le llamaba la atención, le dio curiosidad estaba apunto de sacudir el polvo pero antes de eso escucho un ruido, así que fue a investigar, en eso vio unos platos y cosas que se el hacían conocidas, en cuanto levanto una mano como que un vio en el plato el reflejo del niño.
-estas cosas las he visto, siento como que yo he vivido aquí-
Esta vez puedo ver
Los recuerdos me envuelven
La canción que escuché
Una vez en Diciembre
Me adoraban con fervor
Como extraño sentir amor
¿Quién gozaba al bailar
Un vals inmemorial?
Me adoraban con fervor
Cómo extraño sentir amor
¿Quién gozaba al bailar
Un vals inmemorial?
Lejos fue tiempo atrás
Poco a poco se pierde
Lo que amé de verdad
Mas conservo en mi mente
La canción que escuché
Una vez en Diciembre
As soon as Adrien (Aziel) was starting his journey, on his way he found a villager who was lowering a small puppy in a box, he thought he was going to play with the puppy, so he hid behind a tree to see how he had fun but was surprised when that person who thought he was his owner took out a toy ball which that puppy was anxious and playful, as soon as his owner threw the ball he told the puppy to catch it and he ran for it, as soon as He turned around quickly, he got into his truck and started the engine, he stepped on the accelerator, that little puppy as soon as he heard the car went after him, but everything ended against him because he was approaching and he didn't realize where he was walking. of his legs he tripped over a tree root and fell, in which the poor puppy tried to get up but the car was already far away, so he sat down and began to cry, Adrien tried to approach as slowly as possible so that the puppy ro wouldn't be scared, but as soon as he was getting closer the puppy heard the footsteps, turned around growling and showing his teeth. Adrien stopped and sat down as if to tell the puppy that nothing would happen to him and that everything was fine. He stretched out his arm so that the puppy could smell him, that gesture pleased him so little by little he began to approach him, paying attention in case of a suspicious movement, when he reached for his hand.
-calm down, nothing small happens, my name is adrien-
He said as soon as the puppy is sniffing the palm of his hand, as soon as the puppy began to gain confidence, he carried him and put him in his arms, but as soon as he walked a few more steps he ran into an abandoned mansion (the royal castle), But he was not the only one who was exploring the palace, because two subjects wanted to explore to see if there were clues or traces left by the prince Aziel to find his whereabouts.
inside everything was covered in dust, even the paintings, the moment Adrien entered he felt something nostalgic as if he had been here before.
-Hey, August has nothing, here we will not find any trace of him-
-calm down, Dimitri has to see something here-
Said a boy and his companion who were looking for the prince for the juicy reward that he was asking for the queen.
So while they were looking for a beginning of the prince in that room near the main room, Adrián explored the destroyed and abandoned palace, but first he was struck by a painting in which the whole family was, but in that photo there was a child that caught adrien's attention, he was curious, he was about to dust himself off but before that he heard a noise, so he went to investigate, in that he saw some dishes and things that were familiar to him, as soon as he raised a hand like that one saw in the plate the reflection of the child.
-I have seen these things, I feel like I have lived here-
this time i can see
memories surround me
the song i heard
once in december
they adored me with fervor
How I miss feeling love
who enjoyed dancing
An immemorial waltz?
they adored me with fervor
How I miss feeling love
who enjoyed dancing
An immemorial waltz?
far gone long ago
Little by little it is lost
what i really loved
But I keep in my mind
the song i heard
once in december