Dance Of the colors: the fathres angrys
Después de que los tres conocieran sus preferencias y vieran el taller de Daniel, cada uno de ellos agarró una máquina de coser para empezar el diseño de su disfraz con las telas que trajeron, claro que su amistad se fortaleció e hizo mas fuerte, Estela tomo una tela de un rosa mexicano y un negro, primero hizo una falda increíble, la parte de arriba totalmente negra empezó con el contorno del camisón, Cassidy una tela de azul cielo con lentejuelas y una tela liza gris al principio de ambas tomó unas tijeras cortó unas grandes partes de las telas, lo demás lo puso a un lado y los dos trozos empezó a cortar en tiras dando la impresión de que había sido desgarrada, además que no quería disfrazarse de algo clásico o típico así que decidió crear su propio monstruo entonces empezó desde cero y con esto que estaba haciendo poco a poco le empezó a surgir la idea, así que mientras las chicas ya comenzaban a coser Daniel tenia dos vestidos elegantes y muy bien diseñados bueno en realidad estaban casi terminados uno se inspiró en el fantasma de la opera y de la dama de negro, mientras el otro se estaba inspirando en la llorona y en un demonio así que no sabia cual terminar para esta ocasión, las chicas de pronto notaron que Daniel no estaba ahí así que decidieron buscarlo pero no tardaron mucho pues fueron a una habitación donde la puerta estaba medio abierta, Cassidy se asomó y vio a Daniel como que pensativo, al entrar encontraron dos maniquís con dos estilos casi medio terminados,una ya tenia media ala y el otro como que una parte en trozos que son la parte de hombro a hombro y como un sombrero tapando medio rostro. Las chicas estaban algo impresionadas al ver un poco de los atuendos de Daniel.
-Wow, enserio estos los has hecho tu Daniel-.
-Si, así es, pensaba terminarlos hoy, pero creo que prefiero ayudarlas y asesorarlas-
-¡QUUEE!!,!Estas bromeando estos trajes son increíbles am bueno mejor digamos un impacto y medio, pero puedes terminarlos ahora-
-pero Casi...-.
-No quiero escuchar nada ahora somos un equipo las tres y juntos terminaremos estos atuendos increíbles, ahora elije uno, Elena vamos sigamos con nuestros disfraces en lo que Dani decide cual terminara con nosotras-
- a mi me agrada el de que esta tapando la cara (susurro Elena)-
entonces las chicas comenzaron a terminar la parte superior de sus disfraces, mientras que ellas cocían los bordes se escucharon unos golpes como si unos objetos se hubieran caído al suelo, en cuanto voltearon a ver, era Daniel quien traía el disfraz con el que estaba inspirado en la llorona y el fantasma de la opera. las chicas se pusieron a ayudarlo
-Nada, somos un equipo y las tres podemos hacer unos disfraces increíbles-
cada uno empezó a terminar su vestido y a la vez cada uno ponía un toque o un detalle para darle mas perfección o mejor dicho una parte de cada uno como símbolo de confianza y amistad.
Los vestidos estaban por fin terminados, increíbles cada uno de ellos, cada tela y estilo estaban mesclados a la perfección.
-Bien, chicas lo hicimos-
-si, así es-
-No pudiera haberlo terminado si no fuera por ustedes chicas , gracias-
-Oigan, ya es noche y no hemos comido nada, aparte tengo que regresar a mi casa mis padres deben estar algo preocupados-
-estoy, de acuerdo con estela-
en eso Cassidy vio su celular y aparecieron como 50 llamadas perdidas y 100 mensajes de texto pues era su padre preocupado, al igual que cuando Elena reviso tenia 55 llamadas y 120 mensajes de texto de sus padres y su hermano.
-!No puede ser!!-
-!Me van a matar, mis padres!-
ambas estaban algo asustadas pero mas Elena pues nunca había llegado tan tarde a la casa y menos en la noche, en eso le entro una llamada a Cassidy y luego a Elena repentinamente, ambas contestaron, Daniel por sus caras se veía algo incomodo y también preocupado. al casi terminar sus llamadas y los gritos que levemente se escuchaban el les iso unas señas para que les dijeran que no colgaran las llamadas y que el hablaría con sus padres, las chicas al principio negaban con su cabeza porque no querían que Daniel fuera regañado por ellos, Cassidy se relajo y le dio su celular.
el padre de Cassidy al principio se enojo un poco y si descargo un poco de su enojo hacia Daniel pero después de un rato ella se sorprendió de como Daniel platica y platica, y como no soltaba el celular como que estaba confundida no se imaginaba o no se le ocurría de que tanto platicaba su padre con Daniel, en eso por fin termino la llamada y le entrego su celular.
-listo, todo arreglado puedes quedarte a dormir si quieres-
-am, ok ¿Cómo es que mi padre te dejo si no te conoce?-
-pues le esplique quien soy, mi orientación sexual y listo-
-AH, Bueno-
- !mama, escucha!, !perooo!,!mamaaa!,!papa no espera dejame explicarte!, (unos golpecitos en la espalda).
Daniel extendió su mano para que le diera el celular y pudiera hablar con ellos, Elena estaba tan preocupada y temerosa por lo que le podían decir a Daniel que no quería problemas con el, pero a el no le importo y le quito el celular. en eso comenzó hablar con ellos. al principio se quito el celular de la oreja por el padre iso un grito que casi lo deja sordo. de nuevo paso lo mismo pero esta vez no platico mucho, por lo poco que las chicas podían escuchar fue que el padre de Elena excedió pero con la condición de que mañana saliera temprano y se fuera a su casa inmediatamente.
Converted to english.
After the three knew their preferences and saw Daniel's workshop, each one of them grabbed a sewing machine to start the design of their costume with the fabrics they brought, of course their friendship grew stronger and stronger, Estela took a fabric of a Mexican pink and a black, first she made an incredible skirt, the totally black top began with the outline of the nightgown, Cassidy a sky blue fabric with sequins and a plain gray fabric at the beginning of both she took scissors cut some large parts of the fabrics, the rest he put aside and the two pieces he began to cut into strips giving the impression that they had been torn, also he did not want to dress up as something classic or typical so he decided to create his own monster then he started from scratch and with what he was doing little by little the idea began to emerge, so while the girls were already starting to sew Daniel had two elegant and very well designed dresses well actually it is they were almost finished, one was inspired by the phantom of the opera and the lady in black, while the other was inspired by la llorona and a demon so he didn't know which one to finish for this occasion, the girls suddenly noticed that Daniel didn't it was there so they decided to look for it but it didn't take long because they went to a room where the door was half open, Cassidy peeked out and saw Daniel as if thoughtful, upon entering they found two mannequins with two styles almost half finished, one already had half a wing and the other like a part in pieces that are the part from shoulder to shoulder and like a hat covering half the face. The girls were somewhat shocked to see some of Daniel's outfits.
-Wow, seriously, these have been made by you, Daniel-.
-Yes, that's right, I thought to finish them today, but I think I prefer to help and advise them-
-WHAT!!,! Are you kidding these suits are incredible am well better let's say an impact and a half, but you can finish them now-
-but almost...-.
-I don't want to hear anything now we are a team the three of us and together we will finish these incredible outfits, now choose one, Elena let's continue with our costumes while Dani decides which one will end with us-
-I like the fact that he is covering his face (whisper Elena)-
Then the girls began to finish the upper part of their costumes, while they sewed the edges, they heard some blows as if some objects had fallen to the ground, as soon as they turned to see, it was Daniel who was wearing the costume with which he was inspired in la llorona and the phantom of the opera. the girls started to help him
-Nothing, we are a team and the three of us can make incredible costumes-
each one began to finish her dress and at the same time each one put a touch or a detail to give it more perfection or rather a part of each one as a symbol of trust and friendship.
The dresses were finally finished, each one of them incredible, each fabric and style was mixed perfectly.
-Well, girls we did it-
-Yes it is-
-I couldn't have finished it if it wasn't for you girls, thank you-
-Hey, it's already night and we haven't eaten anything, apart from that I have to go back home, my parents must be a bit worried-
-I agree with estela-
In that Cassidy saw her cell phone and they appeared like 50 missed calls and 100 text messages because her father was worried about her, just like when Elena checked she had 55 calls and 120 text messages from her parents and brother her.
-!Can not be!!-
-They're going to kill me, my parents!-
They were both a little scared but more so Elena because she had never come home so late and less so at night, in that a call came to Cassidy and then to Elena suddenly, they both answered, Daniel from their faces looked somewhat uncomfortable and also worried . Almost finishing his calls and the cries that were slightly heard, he gave them some signs so that they would tell them not to hang up the calls and that he would talk to their parents, the girls at first shook their heads because they did not want Daniel to be scolded by them, Cassidy relaxed and gave him her cell phone.
Cassidy's father at first got a little angry and if he vented a little of his anger towards Daniel but after a while she was surprised how Daniel talked and talked, and how he didn't let go of the cell phone like he was confused he didn't imagine or not It occurred to him that his father talked so much with Daniel, that's when he finally ended the call and handed him his cell phone.
-ready, all fixed you can stay to sleep if you want-
-am, ok, how come my father left you if he doesn't know you?-
-Well, I explained who I am, my sexual orientation and that's it-
-Ah good-
- Mom, listen! Perooo! Momma! Dad can't wait, let me explain! (a pat on the back).
Daniel held out his hand for her to give him the cell phone so she could talk to them, Elena was so worried and fearful of what they could tell Daniel that she didn't want problems with him, but he didn't care and took his cell phone. In that she started talking to them. At first he took the cell phone from his ear for his father, a scream that almost left him deaf. The same thing happened again but this time I didn't talk much, from the little that the girls could hear was that Elena's father exceeded it but with the condition that she leave early tomorrow and go to his house immediately.