Era una vez en diciembre
Hechicero: !!Miralos!! , divirtiéndose, bailando y comiendo, sin invitar a este pobre hombre que muere hambre, bueno disfrútenlo pues a unos minutos yo mandare en este reino !!seré el conquistador, jajajaj!!.
Silbaly (compañero del hechicero): ok, pero Rasputín, ¿Cómo lo aras si el palacio esta rodeado de guardias y miles de soldados protegiendo tanto afuera como adentro?.
Hechicero Rasputín: lo se silbaly, pero no te preocupes un hechicero tan poderoso como yo, esos guardias no son nada, además tengo un plan.
Al terminar Rasputín con esa oración se dirigió a lo mas profundo del bosque para comenzar con el plan, saco un libro de su túnica, una esfera y su cetro. comenzó a decir lo siguiente.
spiritus caliginosos voco eos
da potestatem ut perdat
ad finem vitae
obtenebrare animam meam et hoc corpus in immortalem transform
anima mea sibi et corpus meum;
sed da mihi summam potestatem et immortalitatem
regere ac delere omnia Robo.
los espíritus que se encontraban en la esfera estaban tan emocionados por el hechizo y suplica que accedieron a cumplir lo que rasputin les pidio, entonces la esfera comenzó a romperse, él cielo comenzó a ponerse color verde, las nubes hicieron como un tipo remolino, la luna color verde, en eso la esfera se rompió y todos los espíritus obscuros rodearon pero en cuanto lo comenzaron a rodear Rasputín gritaba pues su alma estaba siendo arrebatada y la piel igual pues los espíritus también tenían hambre, pero en lo que se lo comían se regeneraba pues ese era piel temporal, el poder cada vez incrementaba de Rasputín pues el dolor le daba mas y mas fuerza, cuando los espíritus terminaron, Rasputín como zombi estaba aunque ya no estaba vivo el poder y la inmortalidad ya eran suyos.
Rasputin: !!por fin!!, ¡¡El poder, la inmortalidad son mios!! !!JAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAAJAJAJAJAJ!!.
It was a long time ago once in December when a royal family from the United Kingdom by England made wonderful parties in that kingdom there was a King and a Queen who were loved by all who lived there in complete harmony, every day once in the month of December they organized a beautiful party full of banquets, guests from other royalty, people from all over came to this celebration but this time it was going to do differently because it was the birthday of their third child which they named Aziel on this day he would be 10 years old, the He was very close to his grandmother in this case the mother of King Arthur, the grandmother was happy for the prince's birthday and gave him a gift of a music box of which he had the song they sang which was called once in December , everything was incredible and beautiful but they did not realize that a sorcerer would take away their happiness.
Sorcerer: Look at them !! , having fun, dancing and eating, without inviting this poor man who is dying of hunger, well enjoy it because in a few minutes I will rule in this kingdom !! I will be the conqueror, hahaha !!.
Silbaly (companion of the sorcerer): ok, but Rasputin, how do you do it if the palace is surrounded by guards and thousands of soldiers protecting both outside and inside ?.
Sorcerer Rasputin: I know whistle, but don't worry a sorcerer as powerful as me, those guards are nothing, besides I have a plan.
When Rasputin finished with that prayer, he went to the deepest part of the forest to begin with the plan, he took out a book from his tunic, a sphere and his scepter. he started to say the following.
caliginous spiritus voco eos
da potestatem ut perdat
ad finem vitae
Obtenebrare animam meam et hoc corpus in immortalem transform
anima mea sibi et corpus meum;
sed da mihi summam potestatem et immortalitatem
regere ac delere omnia Robo.
The spirits that were in the sphere were so excited by the spell and begged that they agreed to fulfill what rasputin asked of them, then the sphere began to break, the sky began to turn green, the clouds made like a swirling type, the green moon, in that the sphere broke and all the dark spirits surrounded but as soon as they began to surround him Rasputin screamed because his soul was being taken away and the skin was the same because the spirits were also hungry, but what they ate was He regenerated because that was temporary skin, the power of Rasputin increased every time because the pain gave him more and more strength, when the spirits finished, Rasputin was as a zombie although he was no longer alive, the power and immortality were already his.
Rasputin: !! at last !!, The power, the immortality are mine !! !! JAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAAJAJAJAJAJ !!