Sasha y la bestia capitulo 5: HAY ALGO AHI.

Después de la cena Lumiere y ding-dong lo acompañaron a su dormitorio y en su platica sin querer  a los dos se les escapo decir sobre el aula oeste.

Sasha: que hay en el aula oeste.

ding-dong y lumiere se quedaron asta que uno se acordó de algo.

Ding-dong: Nada!!!, pues pura basura, desechos, cosas sin importancia.

Lumiere: si así es nada de nada, pero tenemos una biblioteca

Sasha:¡¡Tienen una biblioteca!! grito aunque su curiosidad por saber que había en aquella aula era mas interesante que otra cosa.

Dingdong y Lumiere sin querer se distrajeron en eso  sasha al ver que  no lo vigilaban fue hacia el aula oeste. El pasillo estaba obscuro varias estatuas rotas, muebles rotos  al igual que algunas fotos, en eso en lo profundo del pasillo había un cuarto y sasha quiso investigar. Al entrar vio una cama desordenada. Sin embargo lo que a sasha le llamo la atención fue una foto familiar que estaba completamente rota al la mitad ,sasha agarro la otra mitad y trato de descubrir aquel joven sin embargo una ráfaga de aire lo distrajo pues dejo al margen una rosa de la cual estaba protegida por un vidrio, poco a poco se fue acercando y la rosa encantada brillaba. Sasha por su curiosidad se quedo impactado por un segundo quito el vidrio y poco a poco acercaba su dedo para tocar la rosa pero fue interrumpido.

Bestia:¿que haces aquí?. ¿Qué no piensas lo que pudiste hacer?.

Sasha: yo, yo, yo solo

Bestia:!!Largate de aquí¡¡¡, !!afuera!!

Sasha por el pánico salió corriendo sin pensarlo. Corrió por el pasillo, bajo las escaleras, tomo su saco y con philip escapo del castillo sin embargo. Los lobos lo estaban esperando, phillip corría lo mas rápido que podia pero era inutil pues estaban siendo rodeados por los lobos asta que por fin no tenían salida. En eso un lobo se le aventó a philip sasha salto para no ser victima del lobo rápidamente encontró un rama y le pego al lobo para que no lastimara a philip. Pero respondieron un lobo se abalanzo, sasha lo golpeo pero otro con su mordida agarro la rama y se la quito, justamente cuándo sasha pensó que seria comida de lobo apareció la bestia. Del cual dio una batalla esplendida sin embargo los lobos lograron hacerle algunas heridas y sasha no podía dejarlo solo así que regreso al castillo.

Mrs.pops: muchas gracias por traerlo de vuelta

Sasha: no es nada, pero ¿Cómo fue que terminaron así?.

Lumiere: fue un hechizo.

Sasha: y ¿existe una forma de romperlo?

Ding-dong: bueno si la hay una forma solo si un o una..... 

Mrs.pops: no es necesario que te preocupes por nosotros esta fue culpa nuestra y aceptamos las consecuencias. Por cierto no seas duro con el pues desde que su madre murio su padre todo a ese joven y iso como el.

Lumiere: bueno dejémoslo descansa.

Despues de varios días...

Sasha lo había curado el brazo y le puso una venda al brazo donde estaba la herida que le había causado un lobo. en eso  la bestia lo veía desde una terraza  que daba una vista hacia el jardín donde estaba sasha cabalgando a philip.

Bestia: Quiero hacer algo por el pero ¿que?

Ding-dong: Bueno amo hay tantas cosas como  regalos, chocolates, una cena, am..

Lumiere: !Oh, yase!

 en eso la bestia fue por sasha con el cual le tapo los ojos con una trapo de cocina,  abrió la puerta del salón, sasha se quedo parada por un minuto y trataba de adivinar que pasaba con el sentido de oído sin embargo  no lo lograba, ya cuando todo estaba listo la bestia le pidió a sasha que se quitara la venda en pocas palabras el trapo, en eso se la quito y sasha estaba asombrado de ver muchísimos libros para leer, después de eso  poco a poco el ambiente comenzó a cambiar.


Que gran bondad descubro ahí

Aunque al principio rudo y malo lo creí

Ahora se que el no es así

Y me pregunto por que antes no lo vi


Miro hacia acá me pareció

Y cuando nos tocamos no me rechazó

No puede ser, lo ignoraré

Mas sin embargo nunca me a mirado así


Es nuevo y excitante

Como imaginar que fuera así

No es un gallardo príncipe

Pero algo hay en el que antes no lo vi


Nadie penso

[Mrs. Potts]

Que bendición


Nadie soñó


Como iba ser que al juntarse algo increíble resulto

[Mrs. Potts]

Eso es tan raro

Hay que esperar


Hay que esperar que siga así

Y puede ser que haya algo mas ahí


Y creo yo

Que puede ser que haya algo mas ahí


¿Que mamá?

[Mrs. Potts]

Y puede ser que haya algo mas ahí


¿Que tiene? ¿Que hay ahí?

[Mrs. Potts]

Te contare cuando seas mayor


Listo soy mayor

[Mrs. Potts]

Chip... Eres único


After dinner Lumiere and ding-dong accompanied him to his bedroom and in their conversation inadvertently they both missed saying about the west classroom.

Sasha: what's in the west classroom.

ding-dong and lumiere stayed until one remembered something.

Ding-dong: Nothing !!! Well, pure garbage, waste, unimportant things.

Lumiere: yes that's nothing at all, but we have a library

Sasha: They have a library !! he yelled although her curiosity to know what was in that classroom was more interesting than anything else.

Dingdong and Lumiere inadvertently got distracted by that. Sasha seeing that they were not watching him went to the west classroom. The corridor was dark, several broken statues, broken furniture, as well as some photos, in that deep corridor there was a room and Sasha wanted to investigate. As she entered she saw a messy bed. However, what caught Sasha's attention was a family photo that was completely broken in half, Sasha grabbed the other half and tried to discover that young man, however, a blast of air distracted him as he left aside a rose from which it was protected by a glass, little by little it got closer and the enchanted rose shone. Sasha, out of her curiosity, was shocked for a second, she removed the glass and little by little brought her finger closer to touch the rose but was interrupted.

Beast: what are you doing here ?. What do you not think what you could do ?.

Sasha: I, I, I just

Beast: Get out of here! Get out !!

Sasha in panic ran out without thinking. She ran down the hall, down the stairs, took the sack from her and with Philip escaped the castle however. The wolves were waiting for him, Phillip ran as fast as she could but she was useless because they were being surrounded by the wolves until they finally had no way out. In that a wolf threw himself at philip sasha jumped so as not to be a victim of the wolf she quickly found a branch and hit the wolf so that he would not hurt philip. But they responded, a wolf lunged, Sasha hit him but another with his bite grabbed the branch and took it away, just when Sasha thought it would be wolf food, the beast appeared. From which she gave a splendid battle, however the wolves managed to do some injuries and Sasha could not leave him alone so he returned to the castle.

Mrs.pops: thank you so much for bringing it back

Sasha: it's nothing, but how did they end up like this?

Lumiere: it was a spell.

Sasha: and is there a way to break it?

Ding-dong: good if there is a way only if one or one .....

Mrs.pops: you don't need to worry about us this was our fault and we accept the consequences. By the way, don't be hard on him, since his mother died, his father, everything to that young man and I was like him.

Lumiere: well let's let him rest.

After a few days...

Sasha had healed his arm and put a bandage on his arm where the wound had been caused by a wolf. in that the beast saw him from a terrace that gave a view towards the garden where sasha was riding philip.

Beast: I want to do something for him but what?

Ding-dong: Well master there are so many things like gifts, chocolates, a dinner, am ..

Lumiere: Oh yase!

In that the beast went for sasha with which he covered his eyes with a kitchen cloth, he opened the door of the living room, sasha stood for a minute and tried to guess what was happening with the sense of hearing, however he could not, When everything was ready, the beast asked Sasha to take off the bandage in a few words, the rag, then he took it off and Sasha was amazed to see so many books to read, after that little by little the environment began to change.


What great goodness I discover there

Although at first rude and bad I believed it

Now I know that he is not like that

And I wonder why I didn't see it before


I look over here it seemed to me

And when we touched he did not reject me

It can't be, I'll ignore it

Yet he has never looked at me like that


It's new and exciting

How to imagine it being like this

Not a dashing prince

But there is something in which I did not see it before


Nobody thought

[Mrs. Potts]

What a bless


Nobody dreamed


How could it be that when something incredible came together it turned out

[Mrs. Potts]

That's so weird

We have to wait


We must hope that it continues like this

And it may be that there is something else there


And i believe

That there might be something else there


What mom?

[Mrs. Potts]

And it may be that there is something else there


What's wrong with it? What is there?

[Mrs. Potts]

I will tell you when you are older


Ready I'm older

[Mrs. Potts]

Chip ... you are unique


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