Sasha y la bestia: Capitulo 3 conoce a la bestia

 Esa noche  aquellos sirvientes trataron de convencer a su amo para no ser tan cruel con la madame pero fue en vano pues la encerró en un calabozo por el resto de su vida por a ver llegado sin invitación al palacio..

Mientras tanto en el pueblo..

El joven Gastón prepara una boda sorpresa para aquel chico hermoso llamado Sasha sin embargo..

¡toc,toc¡ toco la puerta.

 Sasha fue a la puerta y se asomo por el periscopio que izo su padre en cuanto vio pues era Gastón con un ramo de flores, una corbata y sonriendo así mostrando su encantadora sonrisa.

Sasha: Gastón que inesperada sorpresa (sorprendido)

Gaston: ooh sasha es cierto estoy lleno de sorpresas, que chica quisiera ser tu con toda mi atención, mira este día se te cumplen tus sueños.

sasha: ouh enserio ¿como?.

Gaston: mira te lo explicare imaginate esto yo trayendo comida, tu preparando la cena con la comida que traje haciéndose en el fuego, los niños jugando con el perro y mi lindo esposo masajeándome los pies, !tendremos 6 o 7¡.

Sasha: ¿perros?

gaston:No sasha hijos.

Sasha: gaston pero yo soy hombre como crees que tu y yo vamos a tener..

Gaston: No te preocupes por eso yo se como remediarlo tu solo tienes que.

Sasha: hay Gastón me alagas pero no se que decir

en eso gaston se levanto de la silla y fue hacia sasha para darle un beso sin embargo sasha logro encontrar la manija de la puerta y la abrió dejando que Gastón se callera a un fango de lodo. Los músicos tocaron en cuanto lefou escucho y detuvo la música.

Lefou: ¿bien y que te dijo?

Gaston: Sasha será mi esposo lo quiera o no.

 10 segundos después se asomo por la puerta trasera y se fue.

sasha: ¿ya se ha ido?
¿0s imaginais?
Me ha pedido que me case con él
¡Yo! el hombre de ese palurdo estúpido

Misier Gaston que cosas tiene
Misier Gaston yo su hombre
ni hablar, yo no, lo garantizo
el mundo entero quiero conocer

Quiero vivir preciosas aventuras
es mi esperanza y mi ilusión
y podérselas contar
a un amigo de verdad
y que siempre sepa escuchar.

En eso filip llego a la casa asustado sin carruaje ni nada, sasha al ver que no estaba su madre se subió a filip y le pidió que lo llevara hacia ella , el escucho y se puso en marcha... después de unos cuantos minutos por fin llegaron al castillo. Sasha dejo a filip en el poste cercano al agua. Abrio la puerta todo estaba obscuro.

Lumier:mira es un chico

Dingdong:claro que es un chico no estoy ciego.

Lumiere:pero si es el indicado

Sasha:!Madree!.Estas aqui?

En eso sasha escucho una tos leve que venía de unaz escarelas que daban hacia los calabozos corrio rapido sin que el se diera cuenta tomo un candelabro de velas y se subio en la 3 celda del piso de arriba estaba su madre con mucha tos.helada y temblando.

Sasha: madre ¿que te paso?,¿quien te izo esto?.

Madre de sasha: hijo vete de aqui o te atrapara.

Sasha:¿quien madre?.

La bestia: yo la encerre se metio a mi castillo sin ser invitada es una ladrona.

Sasha:¿quien eres?,dejala ir

Bestia: jamas se quedara ahi toda la eternidad

Sasha:!cadena perpetua solo por refugio!.

El silencio se apodero se la sala.

Bestia:si asi es

Sasha:ven hacia la luz.

La bestia no iso caso y sasha tomo a lumier para iluminar aquella persona.cuando vio la cara se asusto y fue con su madre por el susto.tomo aire.

Sasha:por favor dejala ir esta fria puede morir.

Bestia:!!jamas¡¡ amenos que...

Sasha: de que?

Bestia:de que tomes su lugar.

Madre de sasha: no sasha. No lo hagas yo ya vivi por favor no lo hagas.


Bestia:bien pero una vez hecho jamas saldras de aqui

La bestia en eso se fijo en la mirada de sasha para ver si se arrepentia pero al ver que estaba firme le abrio a su madre . ella corrio con sasha para que cambiara de opinion pero era tarde. Pues la bestia la agarro para llevarla a una carroza encantada pero antes de que se fuera le gritaba que volveria por el.

Sasha estaba llorando.

Sasha:No dejaste que me despidiera

Bestia:yo no...

Sin decir mas sasha se metio a la celda y la bestia de un empujon asoto la reja y se fue.


Traducing in inglish

That night those servants tried to convince their master not to be so cruel to the madame but to no avail as he locked her in a dungeon for the rest of her life to see her arrive uninvited at the palace.

Meanwhile in town ..

The young Gaston prepares a surprise wedding for that beautiful boy named Sasha however ..

Knock, knock! Knock on the door.

 Sasha went to the door and looked through the periscope that his father raised as soon as he saw it because it was Gastón with a bouquet of flowers, a tie and smiling like that, showing his charming smile.

Sasha: Gaston what an unexpected surprise (surprised)

Gaston: ooh sasha it is true I am full of surprises, what a girl I would like to be you with all my attention, look this day your dreams are fulfilled.

sasha: ouh really, how?

Gaston: Look, I'll explain it to you. Imagine this with me bringing food, you preparing dinner with the food I brought, making it over the fire, the children playing with the dog and my cute husband massaging my feet! We will have 6 or 7¡.

Sasha: dogs?

gaston: No sasha sons.

Sasha: gaston but I am a man as you think you and I are going to have ..

Gaston: Don't worry about that, I know how to remedy it, you just have to.

Sasha: there is Gastón you praise me but I don't know what to say

in that gaston got up from the chair and went to sasha to give him a kiss, however sasha managed to find the door handle and opened it, letting Gastón fall into a muddy mud. The musicians played as soon as he heard them and stopped the music.

Lefou: well and what did he tell you?

Gaston: Sasha will be my husband whether he wants it or not.

 10 seconds later he peeked out the back door and left.

sasha: is he already gone?

Can you imagine?

He asked me to marry him

Me! the man of that stupid peasant

Misier Gaston, what do you have?

Misier Gaston me your man

not to mention, not me, I guarantee it

the whole world I want to know

I want to live precious adventures

it is my hope and my illusion

and be able to tell them

to a real friend

and always know how to listen.

In that Filipino arrived at the house scared without a carriage or anything, Sasha, seeing that his mother was not there, got on Filip and asked him to take him to her, he listened and started off ... after a few minutes for they finally reached the castle. Sasha left filip on the pole near the water. She opened the door everything was dark.

Lumier: look it's a boy

Dingdong: of course he is a boy I am not blind.

Lumiere: but if he's the one

Sasha:! Madree! .Are you here?

In that Sasha heard a slight cough that came from one of the stairs that led to the dungeons, she ran quickly without him noticing, she took a candle holder and climbed into the 3rd cell upstairs, her mother was with a lot of cough. shaking.

Sasha: mother, what happened to you ?, who did this to you ?.

Sasha's mother: son get out of here or I'll catch you.

Sasha: who mother ?.

The beast: I locked her up, she got into my castle without being invited, she's a thief.

Sasha: who are you ?, let her go

Beast: it will never stay there all eternity

Sasha:! Life imprisonment just for shelter!

Silence took over the room.

Beast: yes it is

Sasha: Come into the light.

The beast ignored it and Sasha took Lumier to illuminate that person. When she saw the face she was scared and went to her mother out of fright. I took a breath.

Sasha: please let her go, this cold can die.

Beast: !! never unless ...

Sasha: of what?

Beast: that you take his place.

Sasha's mother: no sasha. Don't do it, I already lived, please don't do it.

Sasha: done.

Beast: good but once done you will never leave here

The beast in that fixed on Sasha's gaze to see if she would regret it but when he saw that she was firm he opened it to his mother. she ran with sasha to change her mind but it was late. Well, the beast grabbed her to take her to an enchanted float but before she left she screamed at him that she would return for hers.

Sasha was crying.

Sasha: You didn't let me fire you

Beast: I don't ...

Without saying more, Sasha got into the cell and the beast shoved the fence and left.

 continue ...



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