Capitulo II Un día tormentoso CONCURSO DE DIVAS (historia original)

Después de ese día  Carlos no contaban con el festival de la escuela ni al igual que todos que podría ser arruinada por una tormenta que se acercaba.

-wow que frio- dijo Carlos entrando a la escuela.

-si lose, pero ya llegamos-dijo Natalie

Cuando por fin ambos se quitaban su suéter por un tiempo para refrescarse claramente hacia mucho frio bueno excepto Natalie quien solamente bajo la bragueta de la chamarra pero Carlos si se lo quito ya que él le gustaba los climas frio claro está bien aunque tiene límites.

-¿yo digo que te dejes la chamarra?-dijo Natalie algo invirtuosa.

-lo aria pero ya estamos en la escuela y ahorita estamos todos nosotros juntos ósea estudiantes en un lugar poco a poco se empezara a calentar esto- dijo felizmente aunque luego le explico bien ya que Natalie se fue por otro lado- me refiero a la escuela ósea cuando estemos todos amontonados en los salones.

-aaaaah- dijo Natalie algo apenada.

-hay babosa te pasas he- dijo Carlos.

-perdón-se sonrojo.

Pero en cuanto se dirigían a sus casilleros comenzaron a notar algo extraño del cual no pusieron atención en cuanto llegaron a la escuela, pues varios carteles de los eventos para el festival, como dance, teatro, karate, etc.. Pero el más grande de todos seria para terminar el equipo americano de futbol de la escuela los DANGEROUS VS TOROS DE AMERICA  en ese momento sabían que eso podría desatar el pánico pues  varios de ellos son enemigos mortales de varios de sus compañeros jugadores y había dos opciones que se agarraran a madrazos o quien ganara le haría una broma  todos los estudiantes por perdedores del cual desataría terror en el campo de juego.

-Oye pero si es hoy el festival entonces no podremos  usar el teatro para que ensayemos- dijo carlos algo preocupado.

-Así es- dijo algo enojada- pero ya viste el fin para este festival esperemos que ganemos esta vez-, bajo su enojo.

-porque te preocupa eso- dijo algo ignorante.

-no te acuerdas que hace un año volvieron a perder contra ellos y a todos resultamos bañados en agua o pintura, otros casi en ropa interior, otros con polvo picapica , etc- dijo Natalie con voz algo temblorosa- acuérdate que tú y yo resultamos ser unos del baño de pintura.

-cierto, prometí eliminar esa escena de mi vida- dijo pero movió la cabeza de lado a lado para borrar inmediatamente ese recuerdo.- pero no te fue tan mal pues en tu ayuda asistió el capitán del equipo de futbol Cristopher-.

-y de que te quejas si también te ayudo su co-capitan, he- dijo Natalie recordándole para que no empezara de celoso.

Después de aquella plática se separaron cada quien para ir  a sus casilleros he ir a sus clases correspondientes y de ahí ver que hacían con sus prácticas o mejor dicho ensayos sobre el concurso, paso 1 hora antes de que las clases se acabaran y comenzara el festival. ¡¡¡ RING!!!,!!RING!! Sonó la campana del receso pero antes...

-Muy buenos días estudiantes- dijo el director desde el micrófono- debido a que hoy es el festival  se suspenderán las clases por el día de hoy, sin embargo mañana espero con muchos ánimos como ahora, gracias y recuerden ir a poyar al equipo de futbol esta tarde.

Cuando termino el anuncio todos los estudiantes gritaron felizmente por la noticia, en cuanto el maestro dio las últimas  instrucciones todos los estudiantes de todos los salones salieron, pero Carlos y Natalie estaban más preocupados por sus ensayos que por el festival he incluso el juego de hoy.

-hay miren quienes son nada más y nada menos que una perdedora y un pobretón, me llegaron los rumores de que se inscribirán al concurso de divas de este año, bueno lamento informales que yo ganare así que no veo por qué se inscriban-dijo de una manera arrogante y ambiciosa.

-¿Cómo te enteraste?- dijo Carlos.

-Carlos tranquilo, si ya sabemos quién fue-dijo Natalie seria.

-si así es mi padre, este año apoyara al concurso y como yo estoy inscrita ganare- dijo con una voz segura y confiada.- bueno hasta pronto perdedoras.

 Se fue sin decir palabra, Carlos por a ver escuchado se recargo en los casilleros, se veía una cara de odio y tristeza pues tenía razón el concurso está arreglado  ahora  y no había manera de ganar pues el concurso ya solo le faltan 10 días para empezar.

-no tiene caso que practiquemos, ya sabemos quién ganara-dijo Carlos con voz de tristeza.

-tranquilo la venceremos en su mismo juego, pero hay que practicar y después te contare el plan-dijo Natalie pues sus ojos y rostro cambiaron del cual a Carlos le dio algo de miedo.

Antes de comenzar a ensayar fueron a la cafetería a comprar algo y ya que hoy es el festival, la cafetería es un buffet donde se puede encontrar claro la comida típica de todo joven carnes, hamburguesas, hot-dogs, chilaquiles, etc. Claro que hay para todos desde suculentas ensaladas para lo que se cuidan bien.

-oye pero no tengo tanto y acuérdate que en esto del buffet suelen dejar la mayoría de lo más caro- dijo Carlos.

-ok ntp yo te ayudo va- dijo Natalie algo hambrienta.


En ese momento escucharon un poco del escándalo que se estaba armando en la cafetería tal cual fue que ya estaban pensando en que había una guerra de comida o una pelea por el espacio, así que pensaron en comer afuera y asi fue fueron a comer a un pequeña comida económica la cual se llamaba “doña rosa” pero no contaban con algo.

-hola-dijo una voz tras ellos.

En eso momento ambos se voltearon de sus cillas y para su sorpresa no era más que Cristopher y su co-capitan.

-am hola-dijeron ambos algo nerviosos.

-no esperábamos verlos por aquí-dijo su compañero.-casi siempre los vemos comiendo en la cafetería.

-jejej si, este hoy quisimos cambiarle ya que hoy creo es un desastre ahí en la café-dijo Carlos ya que el compañero de cris lo veía con mucha atención.

-y no se equivocan-dijo Cristopher.-fuimos ahí pero la mayoría de los estudiantes hicieron un desorden en la cafetería del cual el director fue a poner orden pero hizo que todos se formaran en una fila para que a cada quien  le den en su turno.-por eso vinimos.

-de hecho nosotros igual, no vimos el desastre pero si escuchamos el relajo así que por eso nos venimos para acá- dijo  Natalie.

-por cierto los presento él es benjamín mi couch- dijo Cristopher.

-hola, es un placer- dijo algo apenado- a no ya me habían conocido excepto que no me presente ese día que les estábamos ayudando con la pintura.

-si es cierto- dijo Carlos- bueno de igual manera por si también lo olvidamos me presento mi nombre es Carlos y ella mi amiga es Natalie.

 -nuevamente es un placer-volvió a decir benjamín

En ese momento un silencio algo incómodo se apodero del ambiente, Carlos y Natalie solo se quedaban viendo a los uniformes de benjamín y Cristopher del cual tenían los números 10 y 1  el cual era interesante.

-¿que desean ordenar?- pregunto la camarera

-este, ¿Qué tiene de comer hoy?- pregunto Natalie

-Tenemos arroz y sopa, de guisado son enchiladas o croquetas de papas con ensalada, y de postre arroz con leche. En la cuestión de que me digan su orden vendrían las tres platillos incluidos con su jarra de agua o pueden escoger- dijo la camarera aunque se veía algo cariñosa con benjamín y Cristopher.

-nosotros queremos 2 ordenes-dijo Natalie señalando también a Carlos.

-y de guisado?-pregunto la camarera.

-am yo enchiladas- dijo Carlos.

-yo croquetas de papa, gracias- dijo Natalie.

- y ustedes caballeros?- dijo poniéndole la mano en el hombro de Cristopher.

-bueno igual, pero sin postre gracias- dijo Cristopher.

En ese momento la camarera se fue dejando a los chicos algo incomodos pero el silencio se apodero del ambiente pues no encontraban un tema de conversación.

-¿Nos irán a echar porras hoy en el juego?-pregunto benjamín para quitar el ambiente.

-no creo que podamos- dijo Carlos agachando la cabeza.

-¿porque?- dijo Cristopher

-tenemos que ensayar para un evento- dijo Natalie al igual con una voz triste.

-rayos, que triste nosotros queríamos que fueran- dijo benjamín con voz decepcionante.

Carlos al escucharlo quiso tomarle el brazo pero de inmediato reacciono pues quizá él no era de aquellos que no toleran a las personas gay, Cristopher al igual que ben hiso una respiro profundo como apoyando a su amigo sin embargo a lo contrario de carlos Natalie lo tomo del brazo para que no estuviera triste.

-Aquí están sus pedidos- dijo la chica interrumpiendo el momento- arroz para la señorita y caballero, ahorita le traigo los demás pedidos.

-muchas gracias- respondieron ambos.

En ese momento Natalie y Carlos se comieron el  primer bocado del cual fue con un gusto en su paladar pues ya tenían hambre.

-bien chicos aquí tienen sopa y arroz- dijo la camarera-provecho.

 -gracias-dijeron ambos al mismo tiempo.

Y al igual que Natalie y Carlos al momento de probar el primer bocado. Paso una hora y media y solo faltaba el postre.

-que rico estuvo la comida- dijo Cristopher.

-si-dijo Carlos.

-bueno, permiso-dijo benjamín levantándose de su asiento.

-espera a ¿Dónde vas?-  grito Cristopher y benjamín le hizo una señal diciendo que iba al baño.

-yo, igual ahorita vengo-dijo Cristopher.

En cuanto los dos se fueron por lo menos un rato, Natalie y Carlos se pusieron a platicar un rato antes de que regresaran a la mesa, pero en fin en lo que ambos estaban de acuerdo es que ellos se pusieran cariñosos o tan amables pues después aquel dia que los ayudaron con la pintura era muy rara la vez que se encontraban o cruzaban alguna palabra.

-se les ofrece algo más- dijo la camarera mientras buscaba a los chicos.

-no, gracias, nos puede dar la cuenta por favor- dijo Natalie.

-si claro en un segundo-  dijo la camarera.

Después de 5 segundos la camarera trajo su cuenta el cual tenía anotado la jarra, comida pero tenía anotada también los pedidos de Cristopher y benjamín el cual sumaba un costo de $140.

-Nat, yo solo tengo 50 ¿tu cuanto tienes?-pregunto Carlos preocupado

-yo solo tengo 60- dijo Natalie al igual preocupada.- aun nos faltan 30.

-porque esas caras-pregunto Cristopher

-porque aún nos faltan 30 pesos por la comida y no nos alcanza-dijo Carlos.

-no se preocupen nosotros ponemos el resto- dijo benjamín mientras buscaba su cartera.-tomen.

Al igual que benjamín, Cristopher dio igual 15 pesos con eso completaron  140 para la comida.

-oye benjamín, corre ya casi es hora del partido ¡corre- dijo Cristopher quien se despidió de Natalie con un beso en la mejilla y benjamín con un chócalas a Carlos en cuanto terminaron de despedirse corrieron inmediatamente a la escuela.

-no negare que están guapos o bueno simpáticos- dijo Carlos.-pero no negare que algo es muy raro.

-tienes razón- dijo Natalie algo pensativa- pero ahora no hay que pensar en eso.

En ese momento la mesera llego a la mesa  recogiendo  el dinero de la cuenta. Mientras que Natalie y Carlos salían de la comida económica de ahí pensaban ir a apoyar a los chicos, así también servía para ver si se tenían que preparar para la broma del otro equipo o no. En cuanto llegaron a la escuela, dejaron sus cosas en su casillero sin embargo encontraron una sorpresa el cual era una nota con las iniciales B y C las notas decían lo siguiente.

B para Carlos: sé que no te conocí del todo pero creo que hicimos una conexión espero nos apoyes a mí y a C en el partido de hoy y también disculpa que hallamos estado callados en la comida pero de mi parte soy muy tímido. Att:C

C para Natalie: hola!! Sé que no te conocí del todo pero creo que hicimos una conexión especial y espero que tú y Carlos nos puedan apoyar a mí y a B en el juego de hoy también disculpa que estuviéramos  callados pero también soy algo tímido y por cierto tienes unos tiernos cachetes.

Rápidamente ambos cerraron sus casilleros y fueron a verse el por el pasillo principal, corrieron tanto por la emoción que chocaron ambos y se dieron un golpe con su cabeza tanto así que cayeron también.

-auch-dijeron los dos

-mira lo que me dejaron en el casillero- dijo Carlos emocionado.

-qué casualidad a mí también-dijo Natalie viendo detalladamente la nota de el- B-

-sí, y la tuya solo dice C- dijo Carlos.-acaso crees que sean de Benjamín y Cristopher.

-no lo se, es muy extraño no creo que ellos hayan sido, pues nunca les dijimos cual eran nuestros casilleros y ni creo que hayan sabido que esos eran nuestros.

En ese momento un trueno se escuchó cerca, que los espanto un poco a ellos. 5 segundos tomaron aire y se tranquilizaron.

-vamos a partido y preguntemos- dijo Carlos algo ansioso.

-buena idea, vamos- dijo Natalie mostrándose valerosa.

Ambos partieron al campo de juego pero  antes de llegar escucharon susurros y gritos en uno de los salones, como si se estuvieran golpeándose por todo el salón, a medida que se acercaban más gritos se escuchaban, en cuclillas poco a poco se acercaron al salón, Natalie agarro la puerta y lentamente la abrieron, para su sorpresa era Benjamín y Cristopher con su peor enemiga y su amiga la “duquesa” ósea Andrea Garza. Carlos y benjamín estaban casi semi-desnudos excepto Cristopher que parecía estar muy cerca de su enemiga y benjamín no le hacía falta poco pues Andrea cada vez se mostraba más cerca y ben estaba a punto de caer, Carlos cerró la puerta lentamente, Natalie no podía creerlo pues aquella nota solo era un truco, ambos con lágrimas resbalándose por los ojos  salieron corriendo a sus casas pero Carlos acompaño a Natalie por apoyo moral y prometió no irse hasta que estuviera más tranquila. Y aquella tarde una tormenta callo en el pueblo haciendo que el partido se pospusiera para otro día, aquel día se convirtió en una tormenta que paso de amor a odio y tristeza.


After that day Carlos didn't count on the school festival nor like all that it could be ruined by an approaching storm.

-wow so cold- said Carlos entering the school.

"Yes, I lost, but we're here" said Natalie

When they finally took off their sweater for a while to cool off, it was clearly very cold, well, except for Natalie, who only lowered the fly of the jacket, but Carlos did take it off since he liked cold weather, of course, it's fine, although he has limits.

"Should I say you leave your jacket on?" Natalie said, somewhat invirtuous.

-I would, but we're already at school and right now we're all together, I mean students in one place little by little this will start to heat up- she said happily although later I explained it well since Natalie went the other way- I mean school bone when we are all crowded in the halls.

-Aaaaah- Natalie said somewhat embarrassed.

"There's a slug, you've gone too far," Carlos said.

"Sorry," he blushed.

But as soon as they went to their lockers they began to notice something strange that they did not pay attention to as soon as they got to school, because several posters of the events for the festival, such as dance, theater, karate, etc. But the biggest of everyone would be to finish the American football team of the school the DANGEROUS VS BULLS OF AMERICA at that moment they knew that this could unleash panic because several of them are mortal enemies of several of their fellow players and there were two options that would grab madrazos or whoever won would make a prank on all the students as losers which would unleash terror on the playing field.

"Hey, but if the festival is today, then we won't be able to use the theater for rehearsals," said Carlos, somewhat worried.

-That's right- she said somewhat annoyed- but you saw the end for this festival let's hope we win this time-, under her anger.

"Because you're worried about that," he said somewhat ignorantly.

-Don't you remember that a year ago they lost against them again and we were all bathed in water or paint, others almost in underwear, others with itchy powder, etc- Natalie said with a somewhat trembling voice- remember that you and I turned out to be of the paint bath.

-true, I promised to eliminate that scene from my life- she said but moved her head from side to side to immediately erase that memory.- but it didn't go so badly because the captain of the soccer team Cristopher assisted you-.

-And what are you complaining about if his co-captain also helped you, hey- Natalie said reminding him so that he wouldn't start being jealous.

After that talk, each one separated to go to their lockers and go to their corresponding classes and from there see what they did with their practices or rather rehearsals about the contest, I spent 1 hour before the classes ended and the festival began . RING RING!! The recess bell rang, but first...

-Good morning students- said the director from the microphone- because today is the festival, classes will be suspended for today, however tomorrow I look forward to it with great encouragement like now, thank you and remember to go support the soccer team this afternoon.

When the announcement finished all the students shouted happily at the news, as soon as the teacher gave the last instructions all the students from all the rooms left, but Carlos and Natalie were more worried about their rehearsals than the festival and even today's game .

-there are look who are nothing more and nothing less than a loser and a poor man, I got the rumors that they will sign up for this year's divas contest, well I'm sorry to inform you that I will win so I don't see why they sign up, "he said of an arrogant and ambitious way.

"How did you find out?" Carlos said.

-Don't worry, Carlos, we already know who it was- Natalie said seriously.

-Yes, my father is like that, this year he will support the contest and since I am registered I will win- she said with a sure and confident voice.- Well, see you soon, losers.

 He left without saying a word, Carlos leaned against the lockers to see and hear, a face of hatred and sadness was seen because he was right the contest is fixed now and there was no way to win because the contest only has 10 days left to start .

"There's no point in practicing, we already know who will win," Carlos said with a sad voice.

"Don't worry, we'll beat her in her own game, but you have to practice and then I'll tell you the plan," Natalie said, because her eyes and face changed, which scared Carlos.

Before starting to rehearse, they went to the cafeteria to buy something and since today is the festival, the cafeteria is a buffet where you can find the typical food of all young people: meat, hamburgers, hot-dogs, chilaquiles, etc. Of course there is something for everyone, from succulent salads to those who take good care of themselves.

-hey but I don't have that much and remember that in this buffet they usually leave most of the most expensive- said Carlos.

-ok ntp I'll help you- said Natalie somewhat hungry.


AND At that moment they heard a bit of the scandal that was taking place in the cafeteria as it was that they were already thinking that there was a food fight or a fight for space, so they thought about eating outside and that's how they went to eat at a small cheap food which was called "doña rosa" but they did not have anything.

"Hello," said a voice behind them.

At that moment they both turned from their chairs and to their surprise it was nothing more than Cristopher and his co-captain.

"Hello" they both said nervously.

"We didn't expect to see you around here," his partner said. "We almost always see them eating in the cafeteria."

-Hehe, yes, this today we wanted to change him since today I think it's a disaster there in the cafe-said Carlos since Cris's partner was looking at him very carefully.

-and they're not wrong-said Cristopher.-we went there but most of the students made a mess in the cafeteria which the director went to put order but he made everyone line up so that everyone gets hit in their turn.-that's why we came.

-In fact, we did the same, we didn't see the disaster but we did hear the mess so that's why we came here- Natalie said.

-By the way, I present to you, he is Benjamin, my couch- Cristopher said.

-Hello, it's a pleasure- he said somewhat embarrassed- they hadn't already met me except that I didn't show up that day that we were helping them with the painting.

-Yes, it's true- Carlos said- well in the same way, in case we also forget, I'll introduce myself. My name is Carlos and my friend is Natalie.

 "Again, it's a pleasure," Benjamin said again.

At that moment, a somewhat awkward silence took over the environment, Carlos and Natalie just stared at the uniforms of Benjamin and Christopher, whose numbers were 10 and 1, which was interesting.

"What do you want to order?" asked the waitress.

-Um, what do you have for lunch today?- asked Natalie

-We have rice and soup, enchiladas or potato croquettes with salad for stew, and rice pudding for dessert. In the matter of telling me your order, the three dishes would come included with your jug ​​of water or you can choose- said the waitress although she looked somewhat affectionate with Benjamin and Cristopher.

-We want 2 orders-said Natalie also pointing to Carlos.

-And stew?-asked the waitress.

-Am me enchiladas- said Carlos.

-I have potato croquettes, thanks- Natalie said.

"And you gentlemen?" she said putting her hand on Cristopher's shoulder.

"Well, the same, but without dessert, thank you," Cristopher said.

At that moment the waitress left leaving the boys somewhat uncomfortable but silence took over the environment because they couldn't find a topic of conversation.

"Are they going to cheer us on today at the game?" Benjamin asked to remove the atmosphere.

"I don't think we can," Carlos said, bowing his head.

"Why?" said Christopher.

-We have to rehearse for an event- Natalie said with a sad voice.

-Damn, how sad we wanted them to be- Benjamin said with a disappointing voice.

Listening to him, Carlos wanted to take his arm but he immediately reacted because perhaps he was not one of those who do not tolerate gay people, Cristopher, like Ben, took a deep breath as if supporting his friend, however, contrary to Carlos, Natalie took it arm in arm so he wouldn't be sad.

"Here are her orders," the girl said, interrupting the moment, "rice for the lady and gentleman, right now I'll bring you the other orders."

"Thank you very much," they both replied.

At that moment Natalie and Carlos ate the first bite of which was with a pleasure in their palate because they were already hungry.

-well guys here they have soup and rice- said the waitress-take advantage.

 "Thank you" they both said at the same time.

And just like Natalie and Carlos at the time of trying the first bite. An hour and a half passed and only dessert was missing.

-How delicious the food was- Cristopher said.

"Yes," Carlos said.

"Well, excuse me," Benjamin said, getting up from his seat.

"Wait, where are you going?" Cristopher yelled and Benjamin made a sign saying that he was going to the bathroom.

"I'm coming right now," Cristopher said.

As soon as the two of them left for at least a while, Natalie and Carlos began to talk for a while before they returned to the table, but in the end, what they both agreed on was that they should become affectionate or so friendly, well after That day that they helped them with the painting, it was very rare that they met or exchanged a word.

-You are offered something else- said the waitress as she looked for the boys.

-No, thanks, can you give us the bill please- Natalie said.

"Yes, of course, in a second," the waitress said.

After 5 seconds the waitress brought her bill which she had written down the jar, food but she also had written down the orders of Cristopher and Benjamin which added up to a cost of $140.

-Nat, I'm only 50, how old are you? -asked Carlos worried

-I'm only 60- Natalie said, just as worried.- We still have 30 left.

-why those faces-asked CrAt that moment they heard a bit of the scandal that was taking place in the cafeteria as it was that they were already thinking that there was a food fight or a fight for space, so they thought about eating outside and that's how they went to eat at a small cheap food which was called "doña rosa" but they did not have anything.

"Hello," said a voice behind them.

At that moment they both turned from their chairs and to their surprise it was nothing more than Cristopher and his co-captain.

"Hello" they both said nervously.

"We didn't expect to see you around here," his partner said. "We almost always see them eating in the cafeteria."

-Hehe, yes, this today we wanted to change him since today I think it's a disaster there in the cafe-said Carlos since Cris's partner was looking at him very carefully.

-and they're not wrong-said Cristopher.-we went there but most of the students made a mess in the cafeteria which the director went to put order but he made everyone line up so that everyone gets hit in their turn.-that's why we came.

-In fact, we did the same, we didn't see the disaster but we did hear the mess so that's why we came here- Natalie said.

-By the way, I present to you, he is Benjamin, my couch- Cristopher said.

-Hello, it's a pleasure- he said somewhat embarrassed- they hadn't already met me except that I didn't show up that day that we were helping them with the painting.

-Yes, it's true- Carlos said- well in the same way, in case we also forget, I'll introduce myself. My name is Carlos and my friend is Natalie.

 "Again, it's a pleasure," Benjamin said again.

At that moment, a somewhat awkward silence took over the environment, Carlos and Natalie just stared at the uniforms of Benjamin and Christopher, whose numbers were 10 and 1, which was interesting.

"What do you want to order?" asked the waitress.

-Um, what do you have for lunch today?- asked Natalie

-We have rice and soup, enchiladas or potato croquettes with salad for stew, and rice pudding for dessert. In the matter of telling me your order, the three dishes would come included with your jug ​​of water or you can choose- said the waitress although she looked somewhat affectionate with Benjamin and Cristopher.

-We want 2 orders-said Natalie also pointing to Carlos.

-And stew?-asked the waitress.

-Am me enchiladas- said Carlos.

-I have potato croquettes, thanks- Natalie said.

"And you gentlemen?" she said putting her hand on Cristopher's shoulder.

"Well, the same, but without dessert, thank you," Cristopher said.

At that moment the waitress left leaving the boys somewhat uncomfortable but silence took over the environment because they couldn't find a topic of conversation.

"Are they going to cheer us on today at the game?" Benjamin asked to remove the atmosphere.

"I don't think we can," Carlos said, bowing his head.

"Why?" said Christopher.

-We have to rehearse for an event- Natalie said with a sad voice.

-Damn, how sad we wanted them to be- Benjamin said with a disappointing voice.

Listening to him, Carlos wanted to take his arm but he immediately reacted because perhaps he was not one of those who do not tolerate gay people, Cristopher, like Ben, took a deep breath as if supporting his friend, however, contrary to Carlos, Natalie took it arm in arm so he wouldn't be sad.

"Here are her orders," the girl said, interrupting the moment, "rice for the lady and gentleman, right now I'll bring you the other orders."

"Thank you very much," they both replied.

At that moment Natalie and Carlos ate the first bite of which was with a pleasure in their palate because they were already hungry.

-well guys here they have soup and rice- said the waitress-take advantage.

 "Thank you" they both said at the same time.

And just like Natalie and Carlos at the time of trying the first bite. An hour and a half passed and only dessert was missing.

-How delicious the food was- Cristopher said.

"Yes," Carlos said.

"Well, excuse me," Benjamin said, getting up from his seat.

"Wait, where are you going?" Cristopher yelled and Benjamin made a sign saying that he was going to the bathroom.

"I'm coming right now," Cristopher said.

As soon as the two of them left for at least a while, Natalie and Carlos began to talk for a while before they returned to the table, but in the end, what they both agreed on was that they should become affectionate or so friendly, well after That day that they helped them with the painting, it was very rare that they met or exchanged a word.

-You are offered something else- said the waitress as she looked for the boys.

-No, thanks, can you give us the bill please- Natalie said.

"Yes, of course, in a second," the waitress said.

After 5 seconds the waitress brought her bill which she had written down the jar, food but she also had written down the orders of Cristopher and Benjamin which added up to a cost of $140.

-Nat, I'm only 50, how old are you? -asked Carlos worried

-I'm only 60- Natalie said, just as worried.- We still have 30 left.

-why those faces-asked CrAt that moment they heard a bit of the scandal that was taking place in the cafeteria as it was that they were already thinking that there was a food fight or a fight for space, so they thought about eating outside and that's how they went to eat at a small cheap food which was called "doña rosa" but they did not have anything.

"Hello," said a voice behind them.

At that moment they both turned from their chairs and to their surprise it was nothing more than Cristopher and his co-captain.

"Hello" they both said nervously.

"We didn't expect to see you around here," his partner said. "We almost always see them eating in the cafeteria."

-Hehe, yes, this today we wanted to change him since today I think it's a disaster there in the cafe-said Carlos since Cris's partner was looking at him very carefully.

-and they're not wrong-said Cristopher.-we went there but most of the students made a mess in the cafeteria which the director went to put order but he made everyone line up so that everyone gets hit in their turn.-that's why we came.

-In fact, we did the same, we didn't see the disaster but we did hear the mess so that's why we came here- Natalie said.

-By the way, I present to you, he is Benjamin, my couch- Cristopher said.

-Hello, it's a pleasure- he said somewhat embarrassed- they hadn't already met me except that I didn't show up that day that we were helping them with the painting.

-Yes, it's true- Carlos said- well in the same way, in case we also forget, I'll introduce myself. My name is Carlos and my friend is Natalie.

 "Again, it's a pleasure," Benjamin said again.

At that moment, a somewhat awkward silence took over the environment, Carlos and Natalie just stared at the uniforms of Benjamin and Christopher, whose numbers were 10 and 1, which was interesting.

"What do you want to order?" asked the waitress.

-Um, what do you have for lunch today?- asked Natalie

-We have rice and soup, enchiladas or potato croquettes with salad for stew, and rice pudding for dessert. In the matter of telling me your order, the three dishes would come included with your jug ​​of water or you can choose- said the waitress although she looked somewhat affectionate with Benjamin and Cristopher.

-We want 2 orders-said Natalie also pointing to Carlos.

-And stew?-asked the waitress.

-Am me enchiladas- said Carlos.

-I have potato croquettes, thanks- Natalie said.

"And you gentlemen?" she said putting her hand on Cristopher's shoulder.

"Well, the same, but without dessert, thank you," Cristopher said.

At that moment the waitress left leaving the boys somewhat uncomfortable but silence took over the environment because they couldn't find a topic of conversation.

"Are they going to cheer us on today at the game?" Benjamin asked to remove the atmosphere.

"I don't think we can," Carlos said, bowing his head.

"Why?" said Christopher.

-We have to rehearse for an event- Natalie said with a sad voice.

-Damn, how sad we wanted them to be- Benjamin said with a disappointing voice.

Listening to him, Carlos wanted to take his arm but he immediately reacted because perhaps he was not one of those who do not tolerate gay people, Cristopher, like Ben, took a deep breath as if supporting his friend, however, contrary to Carlos, Natalie took it arm in arm so he wouldn't be sad.

"Here are her orders," the girl said, interrupting the moment, "rice for the lady and gentleman, right now I'll bring you the other orders."

"Thank you very much," they both replied.

At that moment Natalie and Carlos ate the first bite of which was with a pleasure in their palate because they were already hungry.

-well guys here they have soup and rice- said the waitress-take advantage.

 "Thank you" they both said at the same time.

And just like Natalie and Carlos at the time of trying the first bite. An hour and a half passed and only dessert was missing.

-How delicious the food was- Cristopher said.

"Yes," Carlos said.

"Well, excuse me," Benjamin said, getting up from his seat.

"Wait, where are you going?" Cristopher yelled and Benjamin made a sign saying that he was going to the bathroom.

"I'm coming right now," Cristopher said.

As soon as the two of them left for at least a while, Natalie and Carlos began to talk for a while before they returned to the table, but in the end, what they both agreed on was that they should become affectionate or so friendly, well after That day that they helped them with the painting, it was very rare that they met or exchanged a word.

-You are offered something else- said the waitress as she looked for the boys.

-No, thanks, can you give us the bill please- Natalie said.

"Yes, of course, in a second," the waitress said.

After 5 seconds the waitress brought her bill which she had written down the jar, food but she also had written down the orders of Cristopher and Benjamin which added up to a cost of $140.

-Nat, I'm only 50, how old are you? -asked Carlos worried

-I'm only 60- Natalie said, just as worried.- We still have 30 left.

-why those faces-asked CrIstopher

"Because we still need 30 pesos for food and it's not enough," said Carlos.

-Don't worry, we'll provide the rest- Benjamin said while he was looking for his wallet.-Take it.

Like Benjamin, Cristopher did not care 15 pesos with that they completed 140 for food.

"Hey Benjamin, run, it's almost time for the game, run," said Cristopher, who said goodbye to Natalie with a kiss on the cheek and Benjamin with a high-five to Carlos as soon as they finished saying goodbye, they immediately ran to school.

-I won't deny that they are handsome or nice- said Carlos.-but I won't deny that something is very strange.

-You're right- Natalie said somewhat thoughtfully- but now you don't have to think about that.

At that moment the waitress came to the table collecting the money from the bill. While Natalie and Carlos left the inexpensive meal there they thought to go support the boys, so it also served to see if they had to prepare for the other team's prank or not. As soon as they arrived at school, they left their things in their locker however they found a surprise which was a note with the initials B and C the notes said the following.

B for Carlos: I know I didn't really know you but I think we made a connection I hope you support me and C in today's game and also sorry we've been quiet over lunch but I'm very shy on my part. Att:C

C for Natalie: hi!! I know I didn't really know you but I think we made a special connection and I hope you and Carlos can support me and B in today's game also sorry we were quiet but I'm also kind of shy and by the way you have some cute cheeks.

Both quickly closed their lockers and went to see him in the main hallway, they ran so excitedly that they both collided and hit their heads so much that they fell too.

"ouch" they both said

-look what they left me in the locker- Carlos said excitedly.

"What a coincidence for me too," Natalie said, seeing his note in detail. B-

-Yes, and yours only says C- said Carlos.-Perhaps you think they belong to Benjamin and Christopher.

-I don't know, it's very strange, I don't think they were, because we never told them what our lockers were and I don't think they knew that those were ours.

At that moment a thunder was heard nearby, which scared them a little. 5 seconds they took a breath and calmed down.

-Let's go to the match and ask- Carlos said somewhat anxiously.

"Good idea, let's go," Natalie said, showing courage.

They both left for the playing field but before they arrived they heard whispers and screams in one of the rooms, as if they were hitting each other throughout the room, as they approached more screams were heard, squatting little by little they approached the room, Natalie grabbed the door and slowly opened it, to her surprise it was Benjamin and Cristopher with their worst enemy and their friend the bone "duchess" Andrea Garza. Carlos and benjamín were almost semi-naked except Cristopher who seemed to be very close to his enemy and benjamín didn't need much because Andrea was getting closer and closer and ben was about to fall, Carlos closed the door slowly, Natalie couldn't believe it because that note was just a trick, both with tears slipping from their eyes they ran home but Carlos accompanied Natalie for moral support and promised not to leave until she was calmer. And that afternoon a storm fell in the town causing the game to be postponed for another day, that day became a storm that went from love to hate and sadness.


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