Milo y su entrenamiento part 1

Cuando milo  entro al campamento vio muchas mujeres eso si educadas, lindas y elegantes en ese momento estuvo tan distraído que choco con una joven ruda y algo rebelde pero con buen corazón.
-oye fíjate por donde caminas- dijo algo enojada-na
-perdón, no fue mi intención- contesto milo algo preocupado- am, discúlpame amiga (agudizo un poco mas su voz)
-y que me vez-volvió  a preguntar.
milo al no saber que hacer , mushu salió a escondidas.
-dale una cachetada pensara que es un saludo-susurro.
Milo puso cara de indignación pues su madre le enseño a no golpear a una mujer ni si quiera con el petalo de una rosa, pero como trataba de encajar no le quedo opción, en eso la golpeo causando que se golpeara con una cobija que estaba tendida.
-voy golpearte tan fuerte que a tus ancestros le causaras nauseas-.
En ese momento otra amiga de ella interrumpió.
-oh mao veo que tienes una nueva amiga- dijo su amiga tratando de calmarla.
En eso ella se calmo, milo al verla calmada se fue retirando poco a poco.
-aah!,no vales ni mi tiempo chica miedosa- dijo.
-miedosa, te voy a dar algo que si te va a dar miedo- dijo mushu.
En  cuento ella escucho eso luego luego se abalanzo sobre ella pero milo la escucho y se quito entonces a la que estaba golpeando era a su amiga. Milo nuevamente trato de escapar de una forma silenciosa pero no le funcionó.
-ooh, aya va!!-dijo otra compañera.
Las tres chicas lo persiguieron pero fue en vano pues milo se escondió bien en una casa de campaña, las tres chicas no la vieron así que chocaron con otras compañeras el cual cayeron como piezas de domino hicieron que tiraran el arroz.
Mientras tanto en una casa de campaña.
-los unos atacaron aquí aquí y aquí, mi caballería y los mantendremos aquí para evitar que avancen y no estén cerca del  emperador, los esperamos en el paseo tonchang y se unirán a nosotros capitanes- dijo la general. Entregando una espada y un abanico.
-claro que si madre, perdón señora- dijo una chica.
-claro capitana- dijo un chavo.
-oh!! Debe ser un gran honor capitana, tal vez una guerrera con mas experiencia-dijo un juez enviado por el emperador.
-neji shang el mejor en la academia y con alto reflejo, sin mencionar aah sakura shang quien posee un alta habilidad para manejar estrategias y evaluación del campo de batalla-describió a los hijos diciendo a eso que están calificados, en eso se levantaron todos para despedirse, en eso detuvo el general para decirle algo al juez.
-espero un informe completo en tres semanas-.
-y no pasare nada por alto-dijo el juez a los dos.

En cuanto salieron todos, ante ellos se encontraba una lucha de mujeres vs mujeres.
-mucha suerte, capitanes, iahhhh!!-dijo mientras avanzaba con todo su ejercito.
-buena suerte padre!-dijeron los dos en voz baja.
Los dos tomaron aire  y se pusieron firmes.
-soldados-dijo neji
-chicas-dijo sakura.
Todos se pusieron a un lado y señalaron a milo.
-ella empezó-dijeron todos.
-levantate- dijo neji
Milo iso caso y se levanto tratando de quitarse el polvo.
-como te llamas-dijo sakura
-ah,bueno, yo,yo,yo-tartamudeaba.
-mao, que tal mao?- dijo mushu
-ella se llama mao- contesto milo con susurro.
-como te llamas?-volvía a preguntar sakura.
-tomoyo, como mi mejor amiga-
-tomoyo?-dijo sorprendida.
-aunque tomoyo me engaño-dijo mushu pero fue interrumpidos.
-si me llamo tomoyo-dijo milo haciendo su voz mas aguda.
-quiero ver tu anuncio de reclutamiento- dijo sakura.
-la general saori "la guerrera"-dijo sorprendida.
-no sabia que saori tuviera una hija-dijo el juez.
-es que no habla mucho sobre mi-dijo milo.
-ya entiendo porque la chica es una completa lunática-



When milo entered the camp he saw many women that were educated, beautiful and elegant at that moment he was so distracted that he collided with a rude and somewhat rebellious young woman but with a good heart.
-hey look where you walk- she said something angry-na
-Sorry, it was not my intention- answered milo somewhat worried- am, excuse me friend (I sharpen her voice a little more)
"And what do you see?" he asked again.
Milo not knowing what to do, mushu sneaked out.
-A slap will think it is a greeting-whisper.
Milo made a face of indignation because his mother taught him not to hit a woman even with the petal of a rose, but as he tried to fit in, he had no choice, in that he hit her causing her to hit a blanket that was lying .
"I'm going to hit you so hard that your ancestors will be nauseous."
At that moment another friend of hers interrupted.
-oh mao I see you have a new friend- said her friend trying to calm her down.
In that she calmed down, milo seeing her calm from her she was withdrawing little by little.
-Aah !, you are not worth my time, scared girl- she said.
"Fearful, I'm going to give you something that will scare you," said mushu.
As a matter of fact, she heard that then then she pounced on her but milo heard her and took off then the one who was hitting was her friend. Milo again tried to escape silently but it didn't work.
-ooh, there it goes! - said another colleague.
The three girls chased him but it was in vain because Milo hid well in a tent, the three girls did not see her so they collided with other companions which fell like dominoes and made them throw the rice.
Meanwhile in a tent.
-The ones attacked here and here, my cavalry and we will keep them here to prevent them from advancing and not being close to the emperor, we are waiting for them on the tonchang promenade and they will join us captains- said the general. Delivering a sword and a fan.
-Of course if mother, sorry ma'am- said a girl.
"Sure Captain," said a guy.
-oh !! It must be a great honor captain, perhaps a warrior with more experience -said a judge sent by the emperor.
-neji shang the best in the academy and with high reflection, not to mention aah sakura shang who has a high ability to handle strategies and evaluation of the battlefield-he described the children saying that they are qualified, in that they all got up to say goodbye, that's where the general stopped to say something to the judge.
"I expect a full report in three weeks."
"And I will not overlook anything," said the judge to both of them.

As soon as they all left, before them was a fight of women vs women.
"Good luck, captains, iahhhh!" he said as he advanced with his entire army.
"Good luck father!" they both said in a low voice.
They both took a deep breath and stood at attention.
-Soldiers-said neji
"Girls," Sakura said.
They all stepped to the side and pointed at me.
"She started," they all said.
-Get up- said neji
Milo took the case and got up trying to dust himself off.
-What's your name -sakura said
"Ah, well, I, I, I," she stuttered.
-mao, how about mao? - said mushu
-She's name is Mao- Milo answered in a whisper.
-mao? -
-noo! -
"What's your name?" Sakura asked again.
-I take, like my best friend-
-Tomoyo? -She said surprised.
"Even though I am kidding myself," said mushu but was interrupted.
-If my name is tomoyo -said milo making his voice higher.
"I want to see your recruitment announcement," Sakura said.
-General Saori "the warrior" -said she surprised.
"I didn't know that saori had a daughter," said the judge.
"He doesn't say much about me," said Milo.
-I understand why the girl is a complete lunatic-


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