Milo (hacia el campamento)

Al entrar a la casa de la sacerdotisa  lo vio detalladamente su físico.
-muy flacucho no será bueno para procrear hijos-.
Milo la veía con miedo y nervios pues este seria un día importarte en su vida.
-ahora milo recitame el ultimo de los preceptos-dijo la sacerdotisa.
Milo acento con la cabeza solo agarro un pequeño pañuelo que tenia para guardar al grillo que había escapado de la jaula.
-y bien milo-.
-preservar las tradiciones con calma y respeto, cumplir las tareas, también pensar antes de cantar.... actuar eso te dará honor y gloria- dijo rápidamente.
La sacerdotisa después de eso rápidamente le quito el pañuelo de la manos, lo miro por ambos lados lo reviso cuidadosamente para ver si no había hecho trampa.
-por acá-dijo llevándolo a mesa.-ahora sirve el te para complacer a tus futuros debes mostrar equilibrio de la igualdad y refinamiento.
Cuando la sacerdotisa dijo lo ultimo miro rápido puso el te en la tasa pues una parte se había caído a la mesa. Pero milo no sabia que el te seria un te de grillo. La sacerdotisa tomo la taza y olio el dulce aroma.
-podría devolverme eso un segundo -dijo cuando tomo la tasa.
La  sacerdotisa agarro fuertemente la tasa entonces a  milo se le resbalo la taza entonces todo el te se le derramo todo encima  junto con el grillo, al tratar de quitárselo se callo encima del carbón caliente, milo para poder apagarlo se le ocurrió echarle aire  con el pañuelo pero fue en vano pues las cenizas que se habían quedado pegadas se prendieron, la sacerdotisa por pánico corrió por todos lados.
-!!apagalo, apagalo, apagalo!!!-
Milo agarro la tetera y se la aventó así mojándola toda, al ver como quedo milo iso reverencia y salió de ahí. en cuanto llego con su madre y abuela la sacerdotisa tiro la tetera.
-eres una desgracia, podrás parecer un novio pero no le brindaras honor a tu familia nunca-.
En eso todos se fueron, en cuanto milo regreso a casa vio a su padre viéndolo con alegría milo por la pena volteo la cara y dejo a su caballo en el corral.
De ahí se fue con los ancestros a pedirles disculpas, fue a su cuarto y se cambio de ropa aunque no podía con la vergüenza fue a un árbol de Cerezo, su padre al ver a su hijo triste fue acompañarlo.
-que hermosos retoños tenemos este año, mira ese aun esta cerrado apuesto que cuando florezca será el mas hermoso de todos- dijo algo alegre.
Milo al ver a su padre con esa sonrisa, le respondió igual con una sonrisa, pero unos tambores empezaron  a sonar dando la bienvenida al consejo del emperador.
-hola pueblo de china, vengo a nombre del emperador con una noticia importante!!- los unos han invadido china-.
-por esto  una mujer de cada familia deberá ingresarse al ejercito imperial-.
-noooo- dijo milo.
-la familia chao- dijo el jefe.
En eso una mujer agarro su pergamino.
-la familia lee-
-yo serviré al emperador en lugar de mi madre- dijo la hija.
-la familia fa-.
En ese momento milo se acordó que su madre se había retirado pero su madre respiro profundo , así que ella iba en camino por el pergamino.
-nooo, alto-
-milo-dijo su madre.
-por favor señor mi madre a peleado valientemente , no puede-.
-debería enseñarle a su hijo a no abrir la boca en presencia de un reclutador-.
-milo, me estas deshonrando- dijo su madre furiosa.
En ese momento su abuela fue por el y lo aparto. Cuando su madre recibió el pergamino se fue muy seria.
Milo al preocuparse por su madre fue a buscarla la encontró en una habitación donde ella  guardaba sus armas. Su madre practicaba pero por un pequeño problema tiro los abanicos. En ese momento todos fueron a cenar pero milo no aguantaba mas.
-no es tu obligación, hay muchas mujeres que lucharan por china- dijo milo.
-es un honor proteger a mi país y a mi familia-.
-pero...!!!- lo interrumpió su madre.
-tengo que hacerlo por dignidad, se cual es mi lugar ya es tiempo de que conozcas el tuyo- dijo su madre con lagrimas en los ojos
Milo salió corriendo pues no soportaba esa idea. Pasaron 20 segundos cuando puso en marcha para remplazar  a su madre, así que se cambio de ropa, robo los abanicos su madre, fue por su caballo se fue.
-Milo, sé ha ido dijo la abuela-
-que?- se levanto su madre, pero viendo el ropero a lado suyo vio el dije que milo tenia el de una flor de loto.
-miiiiloooo!!!!-grito su madre.-si lo descubren morirá-.

Upon entering the priestess's house, her physique saw him in detail.
-very skinny will not be good to procreate children-.
Milo looked at her with fear and nerves because this would be an important day in her life.
"Now milo recite to me the last of the precepts," said the priestess.
Milo accenting his head just grabbed a small scarf that he had to keep the cricket that had escaped from the cage.
-and well milo-.
-preserve traditions with calm and respect, fulfill tasks, also think before singing .... acting that will give you honor and glory- she said quickly.
The priestess after that quickly took the handkerchief from her hands, looked at it from both sides and carefully checked it to see if she had not cheated.
"Over here," she said, taking him to the table. "Now tea is useful to please your futures. You must show a balance of equality and refinement."
When the priestess said the last, she looked quickly and put the tea in the cup as part of it had fallen to the table. But milo did not know that he would be a cricket tea. The priestess took the cup and smelled the sweet aroma.
"Could you give me that back for a second," she said when she took the cup.
The priestess gripped the cup tightly then Milo's cup slipped then all the tea spilled all over him along with the cricket, when trying to take it off she fell on top of the hot coal, Milo to be able to turn it off it occurred to him to blow it with air with the handkerchief but it was in vain because the ashes that had been stuck caught fire, the priestess in panic ran everywhere.
- !! turn it off, turn it off, turn it off !!! -
Milo grabbed the kettle and threw it like that, wetting it all, when he saw how milo was bowed and left there. As soon as I arrived with her mother and grandmother, the priestess threw down the kettle.
-You are a disgrace, you may look like a boyfriend but you will never honor your family.
At that they all left, as soon as milo returned home he saw his father looking at him with joy, milo turned his face and left his horse in the corral.
From there he went with the ancestors to apologize, he went to his room and changed his clothes, although he could not with shame, he went to a cherry tree, his father when he saw his son sad about him was accompany him.
-What beautiful shoots we have this year, look at that one is still closed I bet that when it blooms it will be the most beautiful of all- he said something joyful.
Milo seeing his father with that smile, responded the same with a smile, but some drums began to sound welcoming the emperor's advice.
-Hello people of China, I come on behalf of the emperor with important news !! - Some have invaded China.
-For this reason, a woman from each family must join the imperial army.
-noooo- said milo.
-the family bye- said the boss.
At that a woman grabbed the parchment from her.
-the family reads-
"I will serve the emperor instead of my mother," said the daughter.
-the family fa-.
At that moment milo remembered that his mother had retired but his mother took a deep breath, so she was on her way through the parchment.
-nooo, stop-
"Milo," said his mother.
"Please sir, my mother has fought bravely, she can't."
He should teach her son not to open his mouth in the presence of a recruiter.
-Milo, you are dishonoring me- said his mother, furious at him.
At that moment his grandmother went for him and pushed him away. When her mother received the scroll she left very serious.
Milo, when he was worried about her mother, went to look for her and found her in a room where she kept her weapons. Her mother practiced but for a little problem she threw the fans. At that moment everyone went to dinner but Milo couldn't take it anymore.
"It is not your obligation, there are many women who will fight for China," said Milo.
-It is an honor to protect my country and my family.
-but ... !!! - his mother interrupted him.
-I have to do it for dignity, I know where my place is, it's time for you to meet yours- said his mother with tears in her eyes
Milo ran out because he couldn't bear that idea. Twenty seconds passed when he started to replace his mother, so he changed his clothes, stole the fans, his mother, went for his horse and left.
-Milo, I know it's gone, said the grandmother-
"What?" His mother got up, but looking at the wardrobe next to her she saw the pendant that Milo had that of a lotus flower.
-miiiiloooo !!!! - shouted his mother. -if they discover him he will die-.


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