Espejito espejito, en la pared Capitulo 3
Después de eso, el rey llamo a su fiel cazador.
-!buenos días su majestad!-dijo el cazador mientras se arrodillaba haciendo un gesto de reverencia.
-necesito que lleves a benjamín aun lugar apartado del reino que traiga fruta-
-si su majestad-dijo el cazador casi levantándose.
-pero, cuando este distraído !!matalo!! Y traeme su corazón en esta caja así sabré que cumpliste la tarea-.
El cazador al escuchar la noticia se levanto de repente, movió su cabeza de lado a lado tratando saber si había escuchado mal.
-pero su majestad, es el príncipe-.
-!CALLATE! Solo aslo llevalo aquel bosque donde hay mucha fruta de todo tipo y cuando te de la espalda hazlo y así no veras su rostro, solo traeme su corazón o tu morirás-dijo el rey viéndolo con una mirada fría.
-si su majestad-dijo el cazador titubeando.
Al salir del gran salón se puso en marcha, como el rey le dijo lo llevo aquel bosque lejos del reino, benjamín recogió todo tipo de fruta de una manera feliz aquella que recogía la ponía en su cesto pero hubo una que le llamo la atención pues unas uvas colgaban de una rama entonces se dispuso a alcanzarlos en ese momento el cazador saco una navaja se fue acercando paso a paso pero benjamín vio su sombra y voltio dando así que tirara toda la fruta.
-pero que estas haciendo-grito con miedo.
El cazador al ver la cara del príncipe tiro la navaja se puso de rodillas y con lagrima resbalando por su rostro suplico misericordia.
-perdóneme, perdóneme su majestad-dijo el cazador con vos temblorosa.
Benjamín al ver el acto que iso se le acerco y ver la nobleza junto con la gentileza de aquel hombre.
-no te preocupes y no tienes que pedir perdón ok esta bien- dijo benjamín con voz dulce.
Cuando por fin el cazador recupero la cordura, respiro hondo y se puso de pie, respiro ondo.
-mi rey hulla por favor hulla, el no descansara asta matarlo corra, corra-
-pero quien?-pregunto benjamín algo sorprendido.
-el rey, su hermano, por favor hulla y corra no se detenga-.
Ben al sorprenderse por la noticia se fue corriendo asta llegar al centro del bosque corrió antes que anochecerá. Cuando llego al corazón del bosque ya estaba obscuro no podía dejar de mirar al rededor obscuridad sentía miedo. Cuando por fin no pudo soportar el miedo y la paranoia se desmayo esa noche.
After that, the king summoned his faithful hunter.
"Good morning, his majesty!" said the hunter as he knelt down with a gesture of reverence.
-I need you to take Benjamin to a secluded place in the kingdom that brings fruit-
"Yes, his majesty," said the hunter, almost getting up.
-but, when he's distracted !! kill him !! And bring me his heart in this box so I will know that you accomplished the task.
When the hunter heard the news he got up suddenly, he moved his head from side to side trying to know if he had heard wrong.
(But the majesty of him is the prince)
-!SHUT! Just take him to that forest where there is a lot of fruit of all kinds and when he turns his back on you, do it and you won't see his face, just bring me his heart or you will die -said the king looking at him with a cold gaze.
"Yes, his majesty," said the hunter, hesitating.
When he left the great hall he set off, as the king told him, the forest took him away from the kingdom, Benjamin collected all kinds of fruit in a happy way, the one who collected it put it in his basket but there was one that caught his attention because Some grapes were hanging from a branch so he started to reach them at that moment the hunter took out a knife and approached him step by step but the baby saw his shadow and turned, so he threw all the fruit.
-But what are you doing- I scream with fear.
When the hunter saw the face of the prince, he threw the razor on his knees and with a tear running down his face, he begged for mercy.
"Forgive me, forgive me for his majesty," said the hunter with your trembling voice.
Benjamin seeing the act that iso approached him and seeing the nobility along with the kindness of that man.
-Don't worry and you don't have to ask for forgiveness, ok, that's fine- said Benjamin with a sweet voice.
When the hunter finally regained his sanity, he took a deep breath and stood up, took a deep breath.
-My king coal please coal, he will not rest until he is killed run, run-
-But who? -asked Benjamin somewhat surprised.
-the king, his brother, please coal and run don't stop-.
Ben, being surprised by the news, ran until he reached the center of the forest, he ran before nightfall. When he got to the heart of the forest it was already dark he could not stop looking around the darkness he felt fear. When he finally couldn't bear the fear and paranoia he passed out that night.