el fin de la historia de niku

en cuanto niku por fin llego con su gente vio a toda su tribu reunida por la playa que daba a su hogar
 varios botes de varios guerreros y el gran jefe de esa tribu venían con ellos.
-Mira niku ya somos mas para derrotar a esos demonios blancos- dijo kukum con alegría viendo a su futuro esposo.
se orillaron  enfrente de la tienda de la madre de niku el cual los resibio con una sonrisa y con los brazos abiertos pues estos guerreros eran compañeros o mejor dicho hermanos de tribu pues nunca pelearon y fue una aldea en donde se llevaban bien. niku fue corriendo a su madre para hablar con ella pero no pudo pues su madre en cuanto vio que se acercaba levanto la mano poniendo en señal de alto. Niku agacho la cabeza, dio media vuelta y se fue de nuevo con la abuela sauze.
Mientras tanto en el otro campamento.
-En que me equivoque charls ¿en que?, hemos escarbar dado y escarbado, y ni si quiera hemos encontrado ni una pisca o pipa de oro- dijo el jefe.
- yo, yo...- dijo con una cara de sufrimiento- yo lo hice. entonce enseño una flecha de indio con una di-adema del cual parecía que le había atravesado la cabeza
-Charl, ¿porque crees que esos indios nos atacaron- dijo con una mirada pensando como analizando la situación.
-porque llegamos a sus tierras, cortamos arboles y escarbamos- dijo
-Eso es ellos tienen el oro y nos atacaron porque no quieren que se los quitemos bien entonces se los quitaremos por las fuerzas no crees- dijo aventando la flecha y su mapa.
en ese momento llego Quil.
-Oye quil donde estabas- dijo unos de sus compañeros.
en cuanto el jefe escucho su nombre salio de su tienda de campaña.
-Muy bien Quil ¿donde estabas?-dijo apresurado y enfurecido.
-Estaba explorando el terreno, señor-
-Muy bien ya debes saber donde están los indios, necesito la información para la batalla- dijo mientras daba vuelta para ir a su tienda.
-Pero señor no hay porque luchar- dijo gritando.
-Y se puede saber porque-dijo algo desafiante.
-porque no hay oro señor-
-claro que si, y como puedes estar seguro-
muchos de sus compañeros se pusieron enojados pues pensaron que todo lo que habían cavado y hecho había sido en balde.
-No mire- entonces saco aquel elote que niku le había enseñado ese día.
-Que es eso-
-Es comida es  mejor que avena y el cereal- dijo Quil
-No es comida tontos, Quieren matarnos-
-Pero no son malos señor, ellos pueden ayudarnos conocen el terreno-
-Y como sabes que no son peligrosos- dijo otro de sus compañeros
-Conocí a uno-
-A uno-
-A un indio no son malos señor son buenos nos pueden ayudar-
-y su pongo que tu nueva amistad te dijo eso- dijo el capitán en tono de burla.
-así es-
-Bien pero yo soy el capitán y digo que quien vea a un indio y no lo mate sera acusado de traición y colgado-.
en ese momento Quil supo de tenia que advertirle a Niku sobre esto entonces apago su vela de su tienda para que creyeran que estaba dormido, a hurtadillas fue caminando paso a paso para que no lo descubrieran esxecto uno quien su amigo carlos había comenzado su primera aventura. cuando por fin salio de su campamento , solo carlos pudo ver como se desvanecía en la sombras del bosque.
-Síguelo-dijo el capitán.
-sii , señor-
-Quiero saber donde están los indios-
-Si señor-
-y toma si vez un dio disparare-
-claro señor- dijo algo ansioso
-ah por cierto as sido un marino descuidado y un pésimo soldado, no vuelvas a decepcionarme- dijo mientras lo veía con desprecio. Carlos agacho la cabeza y vio el arma por unos segundos después se puso en marcha.
-La tierra esta temblando que ocurre pequeño- dijo la abuela sauce preocupada.
-Los guerreros llegaron-
-Niku!!!!- grito quil
-Quil!!- respondió
-los guerreros llegaron debes hablar con mi madre para...- en ese momento quil lo detuvo del brazo.
-Niku no tiene caso, ya hable con mi gente pero nadie me iso caso parece que todos están hechizados-
-Un momento esperen- dijo la abuela sauce
en ese momento niku y quil vieron el lago justo cuando la abuela sauce con una de sus hojas callo al lago creo ondas.
-Que debemos ver?- dijo Quil como preguntándose o el porque era importante ver eso.
-Las ondas-dijo niku
-Tan pequeñas al principio pero miren como crecen-dijo la abuela.
-No nos escucharan-dijo quil rendido y algo apagado
-Jovencito asta que allan cesado las peleas ustedes podrán estar juntos- dijo la abuela alegre.
en ese momento niku y Quil se quedaron viendo a los ojos con mucho cariño y dulzura.
-Esta bien hablare con tu madre- dijo quil alegre.
en cuanto niku escucho eso lo abraso de sorpresa creando un ambiente lindo como si el tiempo hubiera parado la abuela sauce puso una sonrisa de alegría y con sus ramas e hojas iso como una cortina para que nadie los viera. en cuanto termino el abraso no paso ni un minuto para que quil se acercara a besarlo. pero había un problema pues en ese tiempo que se estaban besando no se dieron cuanta de que estaban  siendo observados por su charls y por Kukum.
Kukum al ver la intriga y que le habían quitado a su prometido por el enojo corrió a atacarlos.
-Kukum- dijo niku
la pelea comenzó  kukum derribo sin piedad a Quil, en cuanto se callo kukum tomo su martillo  y comenzó a golpearlo, en ese momento Niku fue a detenerlo.
-Kukum, ya vasta- dijo niku pero fue inútil pues kukum lo aventó contra el suelo.
en eso Quil reacciono aventando lo en eso soltó el martillo pero de nuevo se levanto rápidamente y en cuanto a eso quil en lo que pudo reaccionar fue derribado de nuevo pero esta vez saco su cuchillo para matar a quil el pudo detenerlo pero el cuchillo esta algo cerca, su amigo chalr al ver el riesgo que corría su amigo se apresuro a poner la bala  en la escopeta para disparar.
-Kukum ya vasta- dijo niku esta vez quil y niku lo hacían para atrás.
-los ojos abiertos- dijo charls en cuanto dijo eso pudo ver a su blanco mejor y pum se escucho el disparo solo agarro la pulsera que tenia niku así rompiéndola en pedazos, kukum callo a la orilla del lago.
-el esta..- dijo algo arrepentido.
-Lo mataste- dijo niku furioso. en cuanto lo vio al culpable se levanto rápidamente para atacarlo.
-Solo quería protegerme-dijo quil. pero niku aun estaba furioso.
-Mato a kukum!!!!- grito
en ese momento se escucharon gritos y silbidos de la aldea de niku.
-charls corre!!!, corre!!- le grito Quil.
sin decir mas charls se fue de ahí. en eso llegaron los aldeanos de niku llevándoselo de ahí con furia. quil vio a niku por un momento pero solo por unos segundos pues casi los aldeanos ya estaban mas lejos, niku se sentó justo a lado de niku para verlo con tristeza pero no duro mucho pues aun otros aldeanos levantaron el cuerpo para mostrárselo a su madre y ver de lo que son capaces. en cuanto llegaron la madre de niku estaba asombrado de lo poderosas que eran sus armas.
-Díganme quien es el responsable de esto-dijo su madre.
-Niku paseaba en el bosque, kukum fue a bosque y este blanco los ataco-dijo un aldeano sentando a niku y  mostrando su cara.
-Sus armas son mas fuertes pero nuestra furia lo es mas- dijo su madre 
-Pero madre- dijo niku.
-Te dije que te quedaras en la aldea, me desove desiste as arbergonsado a tu madre- dijo furioso.
-Solo trataba de ayudar- dijo niku con una voz tierna.
-Por tu intensases kukum esta muerto- dijo su madre mas furiosa-llevárselo, al amanecer será el primero en morir.
en cuanto todos escucharon las ultimas palabras de la jefa se fueron uno por uno en cuanto ya no había nadie el amigo de niku se acerco a el.
-Es mi culpa yo solo quería ayudar pero ahora kukum esta muerto y quil también lo estará- dijo 
-Yo mande a kukum a buscarte pensaba que estaba haciendo lo correcto- dijo su amigo.- ven acompáñame.
su amigo lo tomo de la mano llevándolo así al lugar donde estaba quil.
-perdón que allá pasado esto-
- No te preocupes creas o no he pasado peores situaciones- dijo quil.- ahora no las recuerdo.
-si no te hubiera conocido , nada de esto hubiera pasado- dijo niku
.-oye fue maravilloso haberte conocido  sabes que siempre estaré a tu lado-dijo quiel recargándose en su mano.
en ese momento niku se levanto dejando su sombra poco a poco yéndose de ahí, mientras que quil lo veía con amor esa sombra. mientras en otro lado.
-AUXILIO!!!, AUXILIO!!- Grito charls despertando a sus compañeros.
-¿Que pasa muchacho?- dijo uno de ellos.
-Se lo llevaron, se lo llevaron-
-A quien se llevaron?-
-Aah quil-
-a donde se lo llevaron-
-Al norte-
en eso su jefe estaba escuchando cada palabra  de lo que decían sus caballeros, pero su mayordomo no lo sabia así que a puntillas fue a la tienda de su jefe para despertarlo y avisarle. su jefe lo detuvo apago su vela.
-Mira ni yo lo hubiera planeado mejor-dijo riendo se preparo y salió de su tienda.
-Vean les dije que no podíamos confiar en esos salvajes, smith trato de ser su amigo y miren lo que le an hecho- dijo el jefe mostrando furia- pues yo digo que es hora de recuperar a nuestro valiente camarada mañana atacare.
-Si señor- dijeron los soldados

¿Qué puedes esperar 
De estos animales? 
Su aspecto y su color son un horror 
Diabólica es su piel 
Muy pronto han de morir 
Jamás he visto algo peor 
Son bárbaros, bárbaros 
Indios inhumanos 
Bárbaros, bárbaros

Sáquenlos de aquí 

No son como tú y yo 
Demonios deben ser 
El son de guerra hay que tocar 
Son bárbaros, bárbaros 
Sucios, rojos diablos 
Los tenemos que acabar 

madre de Niku
Esto yo temí 
El blanco es un demonio 
No más que ambición puede sentir 
Por clara que es su faz 
Es un simple disfraz

¿Podrá su piel dolor sentir? 
Son bárbaros, bárbaros 
Blancos inhumanos 
Bárbaros, bárbaros 

madre de niku
Asesinos son 
No son como tú y yo 
No hay que confiar en ellos 

Madre de niku
Son de guerra hay que tocar 
Son bárbaros, bárbaros 
Éste va primero 
Guerra sigue a luchar 
Son bárbaros, bárbaros 
Vamos a acabarlos 
Bárbaros, bárbaros 

Hay que aniquilarlos 
Bárbaros, bárbaros 
Seres inhumanos 
Es la hora de pelear.

niku estaba triste así que pensó en la abuela sauce.

-Que tienes pequeño- pregunto
-Lo mataran al amanecer abuela sauce- dijo niku
-aun no es tarde puedes arreglarlo-
-pero no puedo abuela sauce me siento perdido no se cual es mi camino- dijo confundido.
pero su querido kuni escucho la palabra perdido y fue a buscar algo en su escondiste, niku se veía triste, kuni bajo poco a poco y cuando estaba enfrente de niku iso un ruido para llamar su atención.
-Que es esto?- dijo niku
-Que es eso?- pregunto la abuela sauce.
- es la brújula- dijo niku pero en cuanto volvió a ponerle máxima atención- es una flecha que gira.
-Es la flecha de tu sueño- dijo la abuela sauce 
niku se levanto enseguida pues estaba contento pues su sueño se estaba haciendo realidad.
-El amanecer-
-Aun no es tarde pequeño deja que los espíritus de la tierra de guíen- dijo la abuela sauce
la brújula giro rápidamente pero rápidamente se detuvo al norte señalando el camino.
-Ya sabes tu camino pequeño, ahora síguelo- dijo la abuela sauce.

Éste el día será, en marcha 

Madre de niku
Ésta es la mañana 
Traigan al invasor 
Colonos e Indios: 
Todos hechos polvo quedarán 
Nada hay que pueda hacer 
Algo tengo que intentar 

Éste el día será, en marcha 

Madre de niku
Ésta es la mañana 
Traigan al invasor 
Colonos e Indios: 
Todos hechos polvo quedarán 
Nada hay que pueda hacer 
Algo tengo que intentar 

Hoy van a pagar 
Con fervor mi corazón 
Sin alerta alguna 
Como el águila al volar

Colonos e Indios: 
Pronto con su sangre pagarán 
Pide ayuda con pasión 
Colonos e Indios: 
Ya tarde es 

Esto debe terminar 
Colonos e Indios: 
Incivilizados crueles 



Mueran todos hoy 

Ni un trazo quedará 

De su maldita raza 

Cuán fuerte, cuán cruel ha de sonar 
Colonos e Indios: 
Son de guerra hay que entornar 
Hoy muy fuerte ha de sonar 

Miren qué pasó por bondadosos ser 
Pronto hay que pelear 
El son de guerra hay que sonar 


Odio en mi corazón 
Nunca escuché yo soñar

-noooooooo!!- grito niku poniendo su cabeza sobre la de quil- si lo matas tendrás que matarme también.
-Hijo suéltalo!!- dijo su madre
-NO!!, solo observa a tu alrededor a esto hemos llegado por el camino del odio este es el camino que yo elijo madre cual eligieras tu- dijo mirando con sinceridad.
su madre comenzó a observar  cada lado tanto a su aldea como a los visitante, de pronto una ráfaga de aire le dio a su madre asiendo así que su maso lo levantara.
-Mi hijo habla con una sabiduría mayor que su edad, hemos venido con furia en el corazón, pero el viene con valor y comprensión desde ahora si habrá mas muertes no las iniciare yo- dijo fuerte y claro mientras bajaba su maso.-suéltenlo!!!.
en eso sus queridos aldeanos rompieron la cuerda liberándolo niku al ver que tenia los brazos libres lo abraso.
pero el jefe de los visitantes supo que hacer.
-Bajaron la guardia ahora disparen-dijo el jefe
-NOOO!!- dijo charls- ya lo liberaron
-No quieren pelear-dijo otro compañero.
cuento descubrió que se pusieron encontrá le arrebato a otro soldado su escopeta y empezó a apuntar a la madre de niku. por suerte quil escucho.
-!!!Nooo!!!!- pum se escucho el disparo de Quil cayo al suelo.
niku corrio para ver su herida.
-Lo mato!!- dijo charls
-El se puso en medio fue su culpa-  dijo el capitán pero en cuanto trato de uir ya era demasiado tarde pues todos sus soldados o marinos lo rodearon.
-Quil tuvo razón todo el tiempo, jamás debimos escucharlo atrapen lo-
-que hacen, me asegurare que los cuelguen a todos-
-Ya apréndanselo- dijo charls
su madre y niku comenzó ver a quil pues por la caída y el disparo si fueron algo graves.
pasaron los minutos y quil ya se había despertado.
- ya esta todo listo- dijo charls
-Ya casi, están llevándose la ultima carga- dijo su compañero
- no, no le avisare al rey, are que los cuelguen a todos- dijo el capitán.
-Quil tenemos que irnos ya, si nos apresuramos puede que no te recuperes-
-No espera, el dijo que vendría- dijo quil
en esos momentos se empezaron a escuchar unos pesos el cual enfrente de ellos aparecieron  varios aldeanos con canastas de maíz para el viaje como ofrenda de paz.
niku comenzó a caminar paso a paso asta llegar a donde estaba reposando quil, en eso charls se acerco.
-Tenemos que irnos ya , si no la marea nos abandonara y quil  no será posible que....- se interrumpió pues niku se acerco dado la mano por el codo.
- como estas- dijo niku
-bien, he estado mejor me he librado de mejores situaciones- dijo quiel- ah
-Ten es de la abuela sauce, te curara del dolor-
-No te vallas-
-tengo este es mi hogar-
-Ven conmigo-
-No puedo.. este- en eso niku vio a toda su aldea en especial a su padre.
-Debes elegir tu camino-
- me quedo aquí-
-No debes irte-
-Esta bien, pero cuídate-
sin decir ni una palabra mas niku le dio un beso en la frente, sus compañeros comenzaron a empujarlo hacia el bote que lo llevaría al barco donde partiría a landres. a cada vez que se iba niku corrió rápidamente hacia un acantilado donde vería como se iba, quil lo vio en ese acantilado y levanto la mano después la bajo diciendo "adiós"   al igual niku quien después una corriente de aire los empujo.



as soon as niku finally arrived with his people, he saw his entire tribe gathered by the beach that overlooked his home
 several boats of various warriors and the great chief of that tribe came with them.
-Look, niku, we are already more to defeat those white demons- Kukum said with joy seeing her future husband.
They sided in front of the tent of niku's mother, who greeted them with a smile and open arms because these warriors were companions or rather tribe brothers because they never fought and it was a village where they got along well. Niku ran to her mother to talk to her but could not, as her mother saw her approaching her and raised her hand to stop. Niku bowed his head, turned around and went back to Grandma Sauze.
Meanwhile in the other camp.
"In what was I wrong, charls, in what? We have dug, dug and dug, and we haven't even found a pinch or pipe of gold," said the chief.
-I, I ...- he said with a suffering face- I did it. then he showed an Indian arrow with a diadem which seemed to have pierced his head
-Charl, why do you think those Indians attacked us- he said with a look thinking as analyzing the situation.
-Because we got to their land, we cut trees and we dug- he said
-That's right, they have the gold and they attacked us because they don't want us to take it away from them, so we will take it from them by force, don't you think, - he said, throwing the arrow and his map.
at that moment Quil arrived.
-Hey, where were you- said some of his companions.
As soon as the boss heard his name, he left his tent.
"Very well Quil, where were you?" He said hurriedly and enraged.
-I was exploring the terrain, sir-
-Very well you must know where the Indians are, I need the information for the battle- he said as he turned to go to his store.
"But sir, there is no reason to fight," he said shouting.
"And you can tell why," he said somewhat defiantly.
-because there is no gold sir-
-Of course, and how can you be sure-
many of his companions were angry because they thought that everything they had dug and done had been in vain.
-Don't look- then he took out that corn that niku had taught him that day.
-What's that-
-It's food is better than oatmeal and cereal- said Quil
-It's not foolish food, they want to kill us-
-But they are not bad sir, they can help us know the terrain-
-And since you know they are not dangerous- said another of his companions
-I met one-
-To one-
-They are not bad to an Indian, sir, they are good, they can help us-
"And I suppose your new friend told you that," said the captain in a mocking tone.
-that's how it is-
"Good but I am the captain and I say that whoever sees an Indian and does not kill him will be accused of treason and hanged."
At that moment, Quil knew that he had to warn Niku about this, so he extinguished his candle in his tent so that they would believe he was asleep, he was stealthily walking step by step so that they would not discover him, except one whose friend Carlos had started his first adventure. . When he finally left his camp, only Carlos could see how he vanished into the shadows of the forest.
"Follow him," said the captain.
-yes sir-
-I want to know where the Indians are-
-Yes sir-
-and take if you see a dio shoot-
-Sure sir- he said something anxious
-ah by the way you've been a careless sailor and a lousy soldier, don't disappoint me again- he said while he looked at him with contempt. Carlos ducked his head and saw the gun for a few seconds after he started off.
"The earth is shaking, what happens little," said Grandma Willow worried.
-The warriors arrived-
-Niku !!!! - shouted quil
-Quil !! - He replied
-the warriors arrived you must talk to my mother to ...- at that moment Quil stopped him by the arm.
-Niku has no case, I already talked to my people but no one ignored me, it seems that everyone is spellbound-
-Wait a moment- said Grandma Willow
at that moment niku and quil saw the lake just when grandmother willow with one of her leaves fell into the lake creating waves.
"What should we see?" Quil said as if wondering why it was important to see that.
-The waves-said niku
-So small at first but look how they grow -said the grandmother.
-They won't listen to us -said quil surrendered and something off
"Young man until the fights are over, you can be together," said the happy grandmother.
at that moment niku and Quil stared into each other's eyes with much affection and sweetness.
"Okay I'll talk to your mother," said quil happy.
As soon as niku heard that, he was struck by surprise, creating a beautiful atmosphere as if time had stopped. Grandma Willow put on a smile of joy and with her branches and leaves, it was like a curtain so that no one could see them. As soon as the hug was over, not a minute passed for quil to come to kiss him. but there was a problem because at that time they were kissing they did not realize that they were being observed by his charls and by Kukum.
Kukum, seeing the intrigue and that they had taken his fiancé from him out of anger, ran to attack the.
-Kukum- said niku
The fight began. Kukum mercilessly knocked down Quil, as soon as he fell silent, Kukum took his hammer and began to beat him, at that moment Niku went to stop him.
-Kukum, already vast- said niku but it was useless because kukum threw him against the ground.
In that Quil reacted by throwing it in that he released the hammer but again he got up quickly and as for that quil in which he could react he was knocked down again but this time he took out his knife to kill Quil he could stop him but the knife is something nearby, his friend chalr, seeing the risk his friend was taking, rushed to put the bullet in the shotgun to shoot.
-Kukum already vast- said niku this time quil and niku did it backwards.
-Eyes open- said charls as soon as he said that he could see his target better and boom the shot was heard, he just grabbed the bracelet that had niku breaking it into pieces, kukum fell on the shore of the lake.
-He is ..- he said somewhat regretful.
"You killed him," said niku angrily. as soon as he saw the culprit he got up quickly to attack him.
"I just wanted to protect myself," Quil said. but niku was still furious.
-I kill kukum !!!! - yell
at that moment shouts and whistles were heard from the village of niku.
-Charls run !!!, run !! - Quil yelled at him.
without saying more, charls left there. at that the villagers of niku arrived, taking him away furiously. Quil saw niku for a moment but only for a few seconds because almost the villagers were already further away, niku sat right next to niku to look at him sadly but it did not last long because other villagers raised the body to show it to his mother and see what they are capable of. as soon as they arrived, niku's mother was amazed at how powerful her weapons were.
"Tell me who is responsible for this," said her mother.
-Niku was walking in the forest, kukum went to the forest and this target attacked them -said a villager sitting down to niku and showing his face.
-His weapons from him are stronger but our fury is stronger- said his mother
-But mother- said niku.
-I told you to stay in the village, I am spawned as arbergonsado to your mother, he said furiously.
"I was just trying to help," said niku with a tender voice.
-Because of your intense kukum is dead- said his mother, most furious with him -Take him away, at dawn he will be the first to die.
As soon as everyone heard the last words of the boss, they left one by one as soon as there was no one, Niki's friend approached him.
-It's my fault I just wanted to help but now Kukum is dead and he will be too- he said
"I sent Kukum to look for you, I thought he was doing the right thing," said his friend. "Come join me."
his friend took him by the hand thus leading him to the place where he was quil.
-Sorry that this happened over there-
- Do not worry believe it or I have not gone through worse situations - said quil - now I do not remember them.
-If I hadn't met you, none of this would have happened- said niku
"Hey, it was wonderful to have met you, you know I'll always be by your side," said Quiel leaning on his hand.
at that moment niku got up leaving the shadow of him little by little leaving there, while quil looked at that shadow with love. while on the other side.
-HELP !!!, HELP !! - shouted charls waking up his companions.
"What's up boy?" Said one of them.
-They took it, they took it-
-Who did they take?
-Aah quil-
-where they took him-
-To the north-
in that, his boss was listening to every word of what his gentlemen said, but his butler didn't know it so she tiptoed to his boss's shop to wake him up and warn him. His boss stopped him and blew out his candle.
"Look, I wouldn't have planned it better," he said, laughing, he got ready and left his store.
-Vean I told them that we could not trust those savages, Smith tried to be his friend and look what they have done to him- said the boss showing fury- well I say that it is time to recover our brave comrade tomorrow I will attack.
-Yes sir- said the soldiers
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What can you expect
Of these animals?
Its appearance and its color are a horror
Devilish is her skin
Very soon they must die
I've never seen worse
They are barbarians, barbarians
Inhuman Indians
Barbarians, barbarians

Get them out of here

They are not like you and me
Hell they must be
The sound of war must be played
They are barbarians, barbarians
Dirty red devils
We have to finish them

Niku's mother
This I feared
White is a demon
No more than ambition can feel
As clear as her face is
It's a simple disguise

Can your skin feel pain?
They are barbarians, barbarians
Inhuman whites
Barbarians, barbarians

niku's mother
Killers are
They are not like you and me
Do not trust them

Niku's mother
They are of war you have to touch
They are barbarians, barbarians
This one goes first
War continues to fight
They are barbarians, barbarians
Let's finish them
Barbarians, barbarians

They have to be annihilated
Barbarians, barbarians
I will be

s inhuman
It is time to fight.

************************************************** *******************************
Niku was sad so he thought about Grandma Willow.

-That you have little one- I ask
-They will kill him at dawn, grandmother willow, said niku
-it's not too late you can fix it-
-But I can't Grandma Willow. I feel lost. I don't know what my path is, "he said confused.
but his dear kuni heard the word lost and went to look for something in his hiding place, niku looked sad, kuni went down little by little and when he was in front of niku he made a noise to get his attention.
-What is this? - said niku
"What is that?" Asked Grandma Willow.
"It's the compass," said niku, but as soon as he paid it full attention again, "it's an arrow that rotates.
-It's the arrow of your dream- said Grandma Willow
Niku got up right away because he was happy because his dream was coming true.
-It's not too late little one, let the spirits of the earth guide you- said Grandma Willow
the compass turned quickly but quickly stopped to the north pointing the way.
-You know your way little one, now follow it- said Grandma Willow.
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::music::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

This the day will be, on the march

Niku's mother
This is the morning
Bring the invader
Colonists and Indians:
All made dust will remain
There is nothing i can do
I have to try something

This the day will be, on the march

Niku's mother
This is the morning
Bring the invader
Colonists and Indians:
All made dust will remain
There is nothing i can do
I have to try something

Today they are going to pay
With fervor my heart
Without any alert
Like the eagle when flying

Colonists and Indians:
Soon with their blood they will pay
Ask for help with passion
Colonists and Indians:
It is late

This must end
Colonists and Indians:
Cruel uncivilized



Die all today

Not a trace will remain

Of his damn race

How strong, how cruel it must sound
Colonists and Indians:
They are of war you have to squint
Today it must sound very loud

Look what happened to be kind
Soon you have to fight
The sound of war must be played


Hate in my heart
I never heard myself dream

************************************************** ************************************************** ****
-noooooooo !! - shouted niku putting his head on the quil- if you kill him you will have to kill me too.
-Son let it go !! - said his mother
-NO !!, just look around you at this we have come down the path of hatred this is the path that I choose mother, which one you choose- he said, looking sincerely.
her mother began to observe both her village and the visitors from each side, suddenly a blast of air hit her mother so that her mother lifted him.
-My son speaks with a wisdom greater than his age, we have come with fury in our hearts, but he comes with courage and understanding from now on, if there will be more deaths, I will not initiate them- he said loud and clear as he lowered his maso.-release him! !!.
in that the dear villagers of him broke the rope releasing him, niku seeing that he had his arms free of him hugged him.
but the chief of the visitors knew what to do.
-Lower your guard now shoot -said the chief
-NOOO !! - said charls- they already released him
"They don't want to fight," said another colleague.
story he discovered that they got found he snatched his shotgun from another soldier and began to aim at niku's mother. luckily what I hear.
- !!! Nooo !!!! - boom was heard Quil's shot fell to the ground.
Niku ran to see his wound.
-I kill him !! - said charls
"He got in the way, it was his fault," said the captain, but as soon as he tried to get out, it was too late because all his soldiers or sailors surrounded him.
-Quil was right all the time, we should never have heard him catch him-
-What do they do, I'll make sure they hang them all-
-Learn it already- said charls
his mother and niku began to see why, because of the fall and the shot, they were something serious.
Minutes passed and Quil had already woken up.
- Everything is ready- said charls
-Almost, they are taking the last load- said his partner
"No, I will not notify the king, they will hang all of them," said the captain.
-Quil we have to go now, if we hurry you may not recover-
-Don't wait, he said he would come- said quil
At that time they began to hear some pesos, which in front of them appeared several villagers with baskets of corn for the trip as a peace offering.
Niku began to walk step by step until he reached where Quil was resting, at which point Charles approached.
-We have to go now, if not the tide will abandon us and it won't be possible that ....- he interrupted himself as Niku approached him holding his hand on the elbow.
- How are you- said niku
-biin, I've been better I've gotten rid of better situations- said who- ah
-Ten is from grandmother willow, it will cure you of the pain-
-Do not go-
-I have this is my home-
-Come with me-
-I can't .. this- in that niku saw his entire village, especially his father.
-You must choose your path-
- I stay here-
-You must not go-
-Okay, but take care-
Without saying another word niku gave him a kiss on the forehead, his companions began to push him towards the boat that would take him to the boat where he would leave for Landres. Every time he left, niku ran quickly towards a cliff where he would see how he was going, quil saw him on that cliff and raised his hand then lowered it saying "goodbye" like niku who later pushed them by a current of air.


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