El tritón parte final
-Disculpa a Max el no es así, por cierto quien eres tu- dijo mientras veía aquel chico de ojos azules y piel blanca.
pero como Nathaniel no podía hablar bajo la mirada como mostrando algo de pena.
-A ver déjame ayudarte a bajar-dijo Cristopher mostrando su mano con confianza para que lo agarra para poder ayudarlo, pero en cuanto piso el suelo se cayeron los dos pues Nathaniel aun no tenia control de sus piernas.
-oh espera ahora que te veo así de cerca, tu cara me es familiar ¿nos hemos visto antes?- pregunto Cristopher algo intrigado.
Nathaniel cuando dijo eso movió la cabeza de arriba a abajo con un sonrisa tratando de decir con la mirara que era el quien lo rescato en aquel accidente.
-Wow enserio, yo sabia que existías dime ¿Cómo te llamas?-dijo Cristopher muy emocionado mientras lo tomaba de las manos.
Pero cuando Nathaniel dijo su nombre no pudo decir nada pues se le había olvidado que su voz ya no estaba.
-Que pasa? Que tienes?, No puedes hablar?- dijo Cristopher
Nathaniel puso cara triste y volvio a mover su cabeza de lado a lado.
-OH, perdón no eres aquel que yo pensaba- dijo algo decepcionado.
Pero a Nathaniel se le ocurro como una idea pues empezó levantar su mano la llevo al cuello y aventarla mostrando que el canto aquella canción que lo despertó, pero fue tanto su esfuerzo y movimientos que casi volvía a caer a la arena.
-O uh, espera ven vamos al castillo ahí te cuidaran bien- dijo Cristopher mientras ponía sus brazos alrededor para que no se cayera.
Nathaniel miro hacia atrás para ver la reacción de Sebastián y shouder pues su reacción fue de felicidad y diciendo bien hecho.
cuando llegaron al castillo Cristopher se topo con su fiel mayordomo y consejero Isaac.
-Hola príncipe Cris, ¿Quién es tu nuevo amigo?
-Am, el es.....- de detuvo enseguida
-El es?- pregunto
En ese momento Nathaniel vio la mirada de Cristopher para ver su reacción pero al ver que estaba como que pensando en excusa o algo para no hacerlo tan incomodo estrecho la mano de Isaac para quitar ese momento.
-hola mucho gusto- dijo Isaac alegre y ala vez incomodo.
-Max y yo lo encontramos en las orillas de la playa solo sin nadie alrededor así que pensé en ayudarlo hasta que encuentre a su familia o ver que hacemos mientras, por cierto no puede hablar- dijo algo apenado.
-Enserio bueno esta bien bienvenido, Eres muy generoso Cris bien te mostraremos tu habitación-.
-Espera, primero quiero que conozca a Isabela para que se vista no crees no podemos dejarlo así y además para que se relaje y se sienta cómodo-
-Ok creo que tienes razón Cris, ven chico quiero presentarte a alguien-dijo Isaac con una voz dulce y pacifica para que no tuviera miedo- Isabel quiero mostrarte al alguien.
-Oh, hola encanto ¿Quién eres?-pregunto
-Aun no sabemos el nombre Cris lo encontró en las orillas de la playa y no puede hablar-dijo Isaac-mientras le puedes ayudar a tomar un baño y a encontrarle ropa adecuada para el.
-Claro por supuesto no hay ningún problema, ven Encanto-
Nathaniel por cada pasillo que vio durante su recorrido y ahora con Isabel estaba asombrado de ver tantas maravillas que no conocía por ejemplo la tina, jabón, llaves, los colores de la pintura ,estatuas. Mientras estaba en la tina Nathaniel se mostraba muy contento pues al momento de que tocaba el jabón lo frotaba con sus manos veía algo transparente que se hacia cuando se hacia con fuerza o soplaba era una bola o pelota pequeña pues era un burbuja pues si sabia que en el mar las podía hacer con fuerza con su aleta pero en el mundo de arriba en la tierra se hacían así, cuando termino por fin el baño, Isabel le trajo un pantalón color café y una camisa color Gris.
-Te vez guapísimo, Querido- dijo Isabel viéndolo con una mirada que desbordaba alegría y asombro.-Ven vamos con Cristopher y Isaac de seguro te esperan para cenar-
Nathaniel mostró igual una mirada de Felicidad al saber de que cris lo esperaba para cenar. mientras tanto en el gran comedor.
-Cris estas seguro no anda cualquier joven por ahí rescatando personas - dijo preguntan de una manera curiosa y seria.
-Te digo que era real, y cuando lo encuentre me casare con el-dijo hablando enserio Cristopher
-Ven querido, que no te de pena- dijo Isabel
Nathaniel entro lentamente al gran comedor viendo cada figura, detalles que no había visto en los demás corredores, cuando llego a la luz Cristopher y Isaac se quedaron asombrados.
-oh Cris no parece un sueño-
-Wow te vez, Increíble-dijo Cris algo apenado y nervioso
Nathaniel lanzo una sonrisa y agacho la cabeza un poco para indicar que gracias por el cumplido.
-Ven siéntate, te as de estar muriendo de hambre-
Nathaniel estaba no dejaba de mostrar una sonrisa, al igual que Cristopher.
-Bien perfecto, estas cómodo, por lo regular nunca tenemos invitados ni gente guapa por aquí-
Nathaniel se mostró algo curioso pues vio una cuchara y un tenedor en la mesa, en ese momento le llego a la mente lo que su amigo gaviota le dijo sobre el tenedor el cual era como un cepillo para peinar entonces comenzó a peinarse pero al ver que ninguno de los dos hacia lo mismo lo dejo rápidamente en la mesa agachando la cabeza poniéndose algo rojo. Pero vio a Isaac prendiendo lo que es un abiche (pipa).
-Oh, quieres es un poco fue....-dijo Isaac pero se interrumpió cuando Nathaniel soplo la pipa el cual lo dejo todo empolvado de ceniza.
-jajajjajajjajajja, Ups perdón lo siento-dijo Cristopher
-Wow cris no te había escuchado reír hace mucho-dijo Isabel
Nathaniel estaba también alegre pues vio que su acto de soplar con la pipa lo iso reír.
-Pues yo no le veo lo gracioso, por cierto Isabel querida que hay de cenar-Dijo algo molesto Isaac
-Oh le encantara señor es el especial del chef, cangrejos rellenos, ahorita se los traigo-dijo Isabel
de pronto se escucho caerse platos, vasos, satenes por la cocina.
-Iré a ver que le pasa a fransua-
-Sal de ahí maldito cangrejo no puedes escapar de...-
-Pero fransua que demonios esta pasando aquí-
-Perdón es que yo, la verdad, Lo siento madame-
-Oye cris no crees que nuestro joven invitado le gustaría conocer nuestro reino y dar un paseo-
-ah, perdona pero que me decías-.
-Ya deja de mortificarte, tienes que salir a pasear, caminar , hacer tu vida-
en ese momento Nathaniel se dio cuenta que en la otra Vasija estaba Sebastián, entonces movió el hombro diciéndole que viniera y se escondiera en la otra vasija.
-Claro me parece una excelente idea, claro que si el quiere-
-Bueno entonces que dices ¿te gustaría dar un paseo en el reino mañana?-
Nathaniel respondió dando un si moviendo la cabeza.
-Estupendo entonces comamos antes de que se escape el cangrejo de mi plato jeje- dijo mientras agarraba el tenedor- pero que-.
a la mañana siguiente Cristopher y Nathaniel fueron a dar un paseo por el reino y de ahí por el pueblo en un carruaje que estaba cerca del castillo Nathaniel estaba impresionado por las flores, las personas, arboles, abeja.. etc. Cris al verlo tan impresionado quiso darle como a Nathaniel la iniciativa de tirara del caballo para dirigir el carruaje. por lo emocionado que estaba Nathaniel dio un salto enorme el caballo con la carreta que tiro un poco a Cristopher de su ha ciento pero eso no lo detuvo pues enseguida se levanto y se relajo en su asiento. entonces llegaron aun lago muy hermoso del cual aves, ranas y todo tipos de peces estaban a gusto se subieron a un bote y Cris comenzó a remar. de pronto llego su amigo gaviota y comenzó a cantar.
-Deberían liberar a ese animal del sufrimiento- dijo riendo Cris
Nathaniel rio y agacho la cabeza como diciendo tienes razón, dirigió su mirada hacia su amigo el cual le giño un ojo.
-OH estoy rodeado de aficionados, si quieres hacer algo bien tienes que hacerlo tu mismo-dijo algo enojado Sebastián.-Primero hay que inspirar el amor necesitamos percusión, cuerdas, viento, letra.
*** El esta ahí sentado frente a ti no te a dicho nada aun pero algo te atrae sin saber porque te mueres por tratar de darle un beso ya***
-Oíste algo- dijo Cristopher
Nathaniel por otro lado dijo no moviendo la cabeza y levantado los hombros.
*** Si lo quieres, si lo quieres solo míralo y ya veras no hay que preguntarle, no hay que decir ni nada que decir ahora bésalo***
-Canten conmigo- dijo Sebastián.
***Sha lalalala Que paso? el no se atrevió y no lo besara, Sha lalalalala Que horror, Que lastima me da que lo perderáaaa***
-Me siento mal por no saber tu nombre, a ver si adivino te llamas Miguel-Dijo Cristopher, Nathaniel Movió rápidamente su cabeza para indicar que se equivoco.
-Jjajaja esta bien no, Tal vez sea Israel o Alberto...- Nathaniel seguía diciendo no con la cabeza.
-Se llama Nathaniel, se llama Nathaniel- dijo susurrando Sebastián
-Nathaniel?- dijo Cristopher como que preguntando a esa voz, Nathaniel cuando dijo su nombre sonrió y movió la cabeza de arriba y abajo diciendo si-
-Nathaniel- dijo de nuevo y Nathaniel volvió a sonreír al igual moviendo la cabeza de arriba a abajo.
-MM es muy Bonito, está bien Nathaniel-
***El momento es al estar bajo la luna azul ñañaña pero no esperes mas mañana no puedes ñañaña no ha dicho nada y no lo ara si no lo besas ya shalalala no hay porque temer no te va comer ahora bésalo shalalala sin dudar no lo evitas mas solo bésalo, uoh uoh uoh uoh, shalalala por favor escucha la canción bésalo, shalalala es mejor que lo decidas ya ahora bésalo, bésalo, bésalo, bésalo, BÉSALO!!!!!..*** en ese momento el bote fue tirado por las anguilas espías de Malig.
-Bien hecho muchachos- dijo Malig mientras los veía en su esfera.-ese maldito pececito es muy escurridizo, ya le faltaba un poco para lograrlo bien tendré que tomar cartas en el asunto jajajajjajja en esos segundos tomo su collar en forma de concha y comenzó a transformarse en humano.
en el palacio ya Cristopher y Nathaniel habían llegado de su paseo en lancha y en carruaje, Nathaniel estaba en su habitación en una torre que daba la vista hacia el mar. y Cris tocaba su armónica con Max a su lado pero le tenia una duda.
-No lo se Max me gusta este chico pero su voz no se si es el indicado, no dejo de pensar en aquella voz y el es guapo y muy tierno no lo se- dijo Cris mientras lo veía a Nathaniel ver el océano.
-Wuaof wuaof- ladro max
-Sabes que tienes razón, tengo que preguntárselo si quiere ser mi esposo-dijo algo nervioso y entusiasmado.
Pero justamente cuando iba a decírselo una voz muy hermosa e increíble lo interrumpió cris trato de esforzar la vista para ver de donde provenía pero la neblina era muy densa solo veía como una persona caminaba en las orillas y con un collar que tenia una concha brillando el cual lo hipnotizo.
A la mañana siguiente Nathaniel estaba muy contento y entusiasmado pues no dejaba de pensar en lo hermoso que fue el paseo en el reino y aquella cita romántica en el lago, pero no era el único feliz pues su amigo gaviota venia volando para saber mas y peguntarse si ya se iban a casar.
-Wow amigo, donde esta el anillo sabes como que varios peces o la marea me dieron el rumor de que alguien le iba a pedir matrimonio a una persona- dijo maliciosamente e intuitivo. Nathaniel al escuchar eso salió corriendo de su habitación para encontrarse con Cristopher pero poco a poco se fue deteniendo cuando escucho a Isaac decir algo.
-Wow Cristopher veo que me equivoque si existe aquel chico que salva vidas en los mares, es muy guapo por cierto- dijo Isaac impresionado.
Nathaniel se detuvo por las escaleras para observar quien era aquel chico pues tenia cabello color café, ojos color miel y piel blanca.
-Nos casaremos inmediatamente-dijo Cristopher
-Pero Cris no crees que es algo apresurado-
-No, estoy convencido lo amo Isaac espere encontrarme con el y aquí esta-
-Muy bien, deje espesemos las invitaciones la boda comenzara esta tarde en el barco real- dijo Isaac algo impresionado
Nathaniel corrió rápidamente asta caer rendido a su cama para llorar pues la noticia le había roto su corazón, pasaron las horas y el barco empezó a ir se con todos los invitados de Cristopher, Nathaniel se encontraba en el muelle junto con Sebastián y shouder haciéndole compañía.
-Muy bien vallamos a felicitar a mi amigo-Dijo la gaviota
en cuanto llego a la ventana que daba hacia el cuarto del príncipe y antes de decir algo vio a un chico cantando y aventado zapatos, ropa, etc... asta que se vio al espejo al momento de reflejarse vio al brujo del mar. en ese momento voló para a decirle a su amigo.
-iba volando que otra cosa si no verdad, y vi a la a la burbuja, digo a al brujo del mar en el espejo y cantando con una voz robada, entiendes lo que te digo el príncipe va a casarse con el brujo disfrazado- dijo la gaviota mientras le pegaba a Sebastián con la tabla.
en ese momento Nathaniel vio el barco alejarse mientras que el sol ya estaba por ocultarse en ese momento recordó lo que el brujo le había dicho antes del anochecer del tercer día. Nathaniel ni lo pensó dos veces y se aventó del muelle, Sebastián corto una cuerda del cual había muchos barriles.
-Ten sujetate de esto- dijo Sebastián pues un barril tenia una cuerda para que shouder lo pudiera empujar.
-Shouder nada tan rápido como te den las aletas-dijo Sebastián
-Nadare tan rápido como pueda-Dijo shouder.
-Yo le diré al rey- dijo Sebastián
-Y yo que hago?-Pregunto su amigo gaviota.
-Tu, tu ve a impedir esa boda-dijo Sebastián cuando se aventó del muelle.
-Boda, cual boda?, a cierto-dijo la gaviota cuando comenzó a volar entonces con el llamado iso que varios animales peces, aves, focas, delfines, etc.. lo siguieran-Vengan rápido es una emergencia.
La orquesta del rey comenzó a tocar así llevando al príncipe y a su novio al altar, Max gruño cuando se acerco el impostor, Malig respondió dando una patada rápida sin perder la compostura.
-Queridos hermanos-dijo el padre
-No, No te preocupes, ya casi llegamos-dijo shouder esforzándose.
-Cristopher, aceptas como a tu legitimo esposo a Valentino asta que la muerte los separe- dijo el padre mientras que Malig veía con maldad y orgullo aquella puesta de sol del cual se estaba dando.
-Lo acepto-dijo Cristopher.
-Y tomas a este....-En ese momento casi no se escucho la voz del padre pues las aves, focas, delfines ,pájaros de toda clase interrumpieron comenzaron a mojar, gritar, juguetear con Valentino.
-Entonces los declaro- Dijo el padre
-suéltenme babosos asquerosos- dijo Valentino enojado
Nathaniel entonces comenzó a subir al barco. cuando estaba por la proa vio como aquel chico lo habían aventado al pastel.
En ese momento Max le mordió las pompas, del cual iso que gritara que el collar saliera volando y se rompiera en frente de Nathaniel el cual haciendo que su voz regresara y que aquel hechizo donde Cristopher estaba Hipnotizado se rompiera.
- Nathaniel-dijo Cristopher impresionado y feliz.
-Cristopher- Dijo Nathaniel.
-Puedes hablar, eres tu-dijo Cristopher tomándolo de los brazos.
-Cristopher, !!aléjate de el!!-dijo Valentino pero con su voz horrible entonces al escucharse a si mismo se tapo la boca.
-As sido tu todo este tiempo- dijo Cristopher
-Oh Cristopher, quería decírtelo- dijo Nathaniel viendo sus ojos-AH NOO!!
En ese momento ya era tarde pues el anochecer ya había llegado.
-Demasiado tarde, jaajajajaajajajajajajajajaja!!!! demasiado tarde - dijo Valentino- en ese momento se transformo en aquel chico guapo y con ocho tentáculos-Adiós príncipe azul AJJAJAJAAJAJ.
Tomo a Nathaniel y u yo al fondo del mar.
-Nathaniel¡¡¡¡- Grito Cristopher
-Pobre princesito no estoy interesado en ti, si no en un pez mas gordo-
-Detente ahí Malig- grito Tritón el rey del mar.
-Pero si es el rey tritón, jejeejejeje ¿Cómo as estado?-Dijo Malig mientras observaba el tridente.
-Suéltalo-Dijo El tritón amenazándolo con el tridente
-Eso nunca!!! ahora me pertenece , hicimos un trato- Dijo Malig mientras le enseñaba ese papel.
-No era mi intención perdóname papa, - Grito Nathaniel pues no podía ir pues las anguilas de Malig no se lo permitían.-no sabia.
En esas ultimas palabras el rey lanzo un rayo letal para romper el contrato y a Malig también pero el fue mas astuto pues se escudo con el contrato del cual cuando termino el rayo no pudo romperlo.
-AJAJAJAJAJ Lo vez,el contrato es legal, valido he imposible de romper inclusive por ti-dijo mas entusiasmado pero con una voz mas firme-Aun que admito que siempre me han gustado las buenas ofertas, el hijo del rey del mar es una mercancía codiciada pero estaría dispuesto a intercambiarla por otro pez aun mejor-.
-Cristopher a donde vas- grito Isaac desde el barco
-Lo perdí una vez, no pienso volver a perderlo-grito Cristopher.
-Que dices, aceptas o no- dijo Malig
el Rey igual sin pensarlo acepto el contrato de Malig poniendo su nombre sobre el de Nathaniel.
-Ja trato hecho- dijo Malig quitando el contrato de Nathaniel, el cual se fue nadando hacia el rey para convertirlo en una alga vieja y casi sin vida.
-jajajaajajajajajajajajajajajajajaja. se escucha la risa de Malig
-NO, NO- Decía nathaniel
Mientras tanto por arriba del mar estaba Cristopher preparando el arpón
-AAH su majestad- dijo con una voz triste Sebastián.
-Papa- dijo Nathaniel.
-Al fin es mío jajajajajajajajaj- dijo Malig feliz festejando la victoria
-Eres un monstruo- dijo gritando Nathaniel mientras igual trataba de quitarle el tridente de su padre.
-Suéltame atrevido, con contrato o sin contrato- dijo Malig- ah!!!! fue interrumpido cuando Cristopher le lanzo el arpón a su brazo.
-Humano tonto- dijo furioso
-Cristopher cuidado- grito Nathaniel.
-Tras el- le dijo Malig a sus anguilas sus fieles compañeras.
en ese momento Cristopher nadaba a toda velocidad hacia la superficie pero las anguilas eran mas rápidas solo saco el cuerpo por dos segundos y las anguilas lo jalaron adentro del mar, Sebastián y Shouder al ver esto fueron a apoyarlo Sebastián lo pellizco con una pinza y shouder a darle de cachetadas con la aleta dorsal.
-Despídete de tu adorado- dijo Malig dando flanco directo al príncipe.
al ver esto rápidamente Nathaniel lo jalo de la espalda con fuerza dando así un fallo a su tiro el cual le dio a sus fieles amigos las anguilas,
-Amigos, mis pequeños miserables-dijo Malig entonces vio rápidamente como Nathaniel nadaba para ayudar a su verdadero amor. con su tinta le ayudo a transformarse en un gigante.
-Cristopher, tiene que irte de aquí- dijo Nathaniel.
-No, no te dejare- dijo mientras lo abrasaba
en ese momento en la superficie se veía como salían unos picos enormes de los cuales eran la corona de su padre, Cristopher y Nathaniel al ver esto saltaron al mar.
-JAJAJAJAJAJAJAAJJAJAJAJA , eres un despreciable he insignificante tonto-
-Cuidado-Grito Cristopher cuando un tentáculo venia hacia ellos.
-El océano entero, las olas hacen lo que es mi voluntad-
-Cristopher- grito Nathaniel
-El mar y su escoria se doblegan ante mi pode- en ese momento Malig comenzó a hacer un tornado en el mar haciendo que los barcos hundidos salieran a la superficie.
-Cristopher!!!!-grito Nathaniel mientras se escondía en una roca.
Cristopher por otro lado al momento de sumergirse pudo agarrarse de una cuerda que tiraba del barco la agarro y pudo salir a la superficie para controlar el barco, en cuanto Malig volteo pudo encontrar Nathaniel así lanzando un rayo para que cayera en el centro del remolino, Cristopher rápidamente corrió para ir al timón y estrechar el barco en Malig.
-JAJAJAJA asta aquí llego el amor verdadero- dijo Malig casi regocijándose en su victoria, pero justo cuando iba a dar el golpe final no se dio cuenta del barco que rápidamente Cristopher dio vuelta a la izquierda para enterrarle un pico de madera que estaba al principio del barco, Malig trato de evitarlo pero ya era muy tarde el barco estaba muy cerca.
-!!!AH!!!!- fueron las ultimas palabras que se escucharon.
humo y varios pedazos cayeron del mar haciendo que todas sus victimas que había convertido regresaran a la normalidad incluso el rey tritón. a la mañana siguiente Cristopher estaba descansando en la orilla del la playa mientras que Nathaniel lo observaba.
-De verdad lo ama verdad-.dijo el rey
-Así Es, su majestad-
-Bueno solo queda un pequeño problema-
-Y cual es su majestad- Pregunto Sebastián.
-En lo mucho que lo voy a extrañar-
tomo nuevo su tridente y lanzo un rayo hacia Nathaniel convirtiendo su aleta en piernas de nuevo, en cuanto cris se estaba despertando vio el mar y vio como Nathaniel salía con un traje azul marino como el mar. corrió para abrasarlo y darle un beso apasionado y sincero.
-Sorry to Max, he's not like that, by the way, who are you- he said while looking at that boy with blue eyes and white skin.
but as Nathaniel she couldn't speak under his gaze as if showing some pity.
"Let's see, let me help you down," Cristopher said, showing his hand with confidence so that he would grab him to help him, but as soon as he hit the ground they both fell because Nathaniel still had no control of his legs.
-oh wait now that I see you so close, your face is familiar to me, have we met before? - Cristopher asked somewhat intrigued.
Nathaniel when he said that moved his head up and down with a smile trying to say with his eyes that he was the one who rescued him in that accident.
"Wow really, I knew you existed, tell me what's your name? "Cristopher said very excited as he took his hands.
But when Nathaniel said his name he couldn't say anything because he had forgotten that his voice was gone.
-What's happening? What do you have? Can't you talk? - Cristopher said
Nathaniel made a sad face and moved his head from side to side again.
-Oh, sorry, you're not the one I thought- he said somewhat disappointed.
But Nathaniel came up with an idea because he began to raise his hand, took it to his neck and threw it showing that he sang that song that woke him up, but his effort and movements were so great that he almost fell back into the sand.
"O uh, wait come let's go to the castle there they will take good care of you" Cristopher said as he put his arms around him so he wouldn't fall.
Nathaniel looked back to see Sebastian's reaction and shoudered because his reaction was one of happiness and saying well done.
When they arrived at the castle, Christopher ran into his faithful butler and adviser, Isaac.
-Hello Prince Cris, who is your new friend?
-Am, he is .....- he stopped right away
"Is he him?" I ask.
At that moment Nathaniel saw Cristopher's look to see his reaction but seeing that he was like thinking of an excuse or something to not make it so uncomfortable he shook Isaac's hand to remove that moment.
-Hello, nice to meet you- Isaac said happily and at the same time uncomfortable.
-Max and I found him on the shores of the beach alone with no one around so I thought I'd help him until I find his family or see what we do while, by the way he can't talk- he said somewhat embarrassed.
-Seriously, well, you're very welcome, you're very generous, Cris, we'll show you your room-.
-Wait, first I want you to meet Isabela so that she gets dressed, don't you think we can't leave it like that and also so that she relaxes and feels comfortable-
-Ok I think you're right Cris, come on boy I want to introduce you to someone- Isaac said with a sweet and peaceful voice so that he wouldn't be afraid- Isabel I want to show you someone.
"Oh, hello dear, who are you?" I ask.
"We still don't know his name. Cris found him on the shores of the beach and he can't speak," said Isaac, "while you can help him take a bath and find suitable clothes for him.
-Of course there is no problem, come Charming-
Nathaniel walked through each corridor that he saw during his tour and now with Isabel he was amazed to see so many wonders that he did not know about for example the bathtub, soap, keys, the colors of the paint, statues. While he was in the tub Nathaniel was very happy because when he touched the soap he rubbed it with his hands he saw something transparent that became when he did it with force or blew it was a ball or small ball because it was a bubble because he knew that in the sea he could do them with force with his fin but in the world above on earth they were done like this, when he finally finished the bath, Isabel brought him brown pants and a gray shirt.
-You look gorgeous, Dear- Isabel said looking at him with a look that overflowed joy and amazement.
Nathaniel also showed a look of Happiness knowing that Cris was waiting for him for dinner. meanwhile in the great dining room.
-Cris, are you sure not just any young person is out there rescuing people - he asked in a curious and serious way.
"I tell you it was real, and when I find it I'll marry it," he said, speaking seriously, Cristopher.
"Come dear, don't be embarrassed," Isabel said.
Nathaniel slowly entered the great hall seeing each figure, details that he had not seen in the other corridors, when he came to the light Cristopher and Isaac were amazed.
-oh Cris doesn't seem like a dream-
-Wow you look, Incredible-said Cris somewhat embarrassed and nervous
Nathaniel flashed a smile and ducked his head slightly to indicate thanks for the compliment.
-Come sit down, you must be starving-
Nathaniel was not failing to show a smile, as was Cristopher.
-Very perfect, you are comfortable, usually we never have guests or beautiful people around here-
Nathaniel was somewhat curious because he saw a spoon and a fork on the table, at that moment it came to his mind what his seagull friend told him about the fork which was like a brush to comb and Then he began to comb his hair, but seeing that neither of them did the same thing, he quickly left it on the table, bowing his head, putting on something red. But he saw Isaac lighting what is a biche (pipe).
-Oh, you want is a little was....-Isaac said but was interrupted when Nathaniel blew the pipe which left everything powdered with ash.
-jajajjajajjajajja, Oops sorry, I'm sorry-said Cristopher
"Wow Cris, I hadn't heard you laugh in a long time," Isabel said.
Nathaniel was also cheerful as he saw that his act of blowing on the pipe made him laugh.
"Well, I don't see how funny it is, by the way, Isabel dear, what's for dinner?" Isaac said somewhat annoyed
-Oh you'll love it, sir, it's the chef's special, stuffed crabs, I'll bring them to you right now-said Isabel
Suddenly, plates, glasses, and satin were heard falling across the kitchen.
-I'll go see what's wrong with Fransua-
-Get out of there you damn crab you can't escape from...-
-But fransua what the hell is happening here-
-Sorry is that I, the truth, I'm sorry madame-
-Hey Cris, don't you think that our young guest would like to know our kingdom and take a walk-
-ah, sorry but what were you saying-.
-Stop mortifying yourself, you have to go for a walk, walk, make your life-
At that moment Nathaniel realized that Sebastian was in the other Vessel, so he moved his shoulder telling him to come and hide in the other vessel.
-Of course I think it's an excellent idea, of course if he wants-
-Well then, what do you say, would you like to take a walk in the kingdom tomorrow?-
Nathaniel answered giving a yes shaking his head.
-Great then let's eat before the crab escapes from my plate hehe- he said while grabbing the fork- but what-.
The next morning Cristopher and Nathaniel went for a walk around the kingdom and from there through the town in a carriage that was near the castle. Nathaniel was impressed by the flowers, the people, the trees, the bee... etc. Seeing him so impressed, Cris wanted to give Nathaniel the initiative to pull the horse to steer the carriage. Because of how excited Nathaniel was, the horse with the cart gave a huge jump that knocked Cristopher a little from the ha hundred of him but that did not stop him because he immediately got up and relaxed in his seat. Then they arrived at a very beautiful lake where birds, frogs and all kinds of fish were comfortable. They got into a boat and Cris began to row. Suddenly his seagull friend arrived and began to sing.
-They should free that animal from suffering- said Cris laughing
Nathaniel laughed and bowed his head as if to say you're right, he directed his gaze towards his friend who winked at him.
-OH I'm surrounded by fans, if you want to do something well you have to do it yourself-said Sebastián somewhat angrily.-First we have to inspire love we need percussion, strings, wind, lyrics.
*** He is there sitting in front of you and he hasn't told you anything yet but something attracts you without knowing why you're dying to try to kiss him now ***
"Did you hear something," Cristopher said.
Nathaniel on the other hand said no shaking his head and shrugging his shoulders.
*** If you want him, if you want him just look at him and you'll see you don't have to ask him, you don't have to say anything to say now kiss him ***
"Sing with me," Sebastian said.
***Sha lalalala What happened? He didn't dare and didn't kiss him, Sha lalalalala What a horror, What a pity I'm losing him ***
-I feel bad for not knowing your name, let's see if I guess your name is Miguel-Christopher said, Nathaniel quickly shook his head to indicate that he was wrong.
-Hahahaha it's okay no, maybe it's Israel or Alberto...- Nathaniel kept saying no with his head.
-His name is Nathaniel, his name is Nathaniel- Sebastian said whispering
-Nathaniel?-Christopher said as if asking that voice, Nathaniel smiled when he said his name and shook his head up and down saying yes-
-Nathaniel- he said again and Nathaniel smiled again as he shook his head up and down.
-MM is very nice, Nathaniel is fine-
***The moment is when you are under the blue moon nañaña but don't wait any longer tomorrow you can't nañaña he hasn't said anything and won't do it if you don't kiss him now shalalala there is no reason to fear he won't eat you now kiss him shalalala without hesitation don't you avoid more just kiss him, uoh uoh uoh uoh, shalalala please listen to the song kiss him, shalalala you better decide now kiss him, kiss him, kiss him, kiss him, KISS him!!!!!..*** at that moment the boat was shot by Malig's spy eels.
-Well done guys- said Malig as he saw them in his sphere.-that damn little fish is very elusive, he was a bit lacking to achieve it well I'll have to take action on the matter hahahahahahaha in those seconds he took his shell-shaped necklace and began to become human.
in the palace already Cristopher and Nathaniel had arrived from their boat and carriage ride, Nathaniel was in his room in a tower that overlooked the sea. and Cris played her harmonica with Max next to her but she had a doubt.
-I don't know Max I like e This boy but his voice I don't know if he's the right one, I can't stop thinking about that voice and he's handsome and very tender I don't know- said Cris as he watched Nathaniel see the ocean.
-Wuaof wuaof- ladro max
"You know you're right, I have to ask him if he wants to be my husband," he said somewhat nervously and enthusiastically.
But just when he was going to tell him, a very beautiful and incredible voice interrupted him. Chris tried to strain his eyes to see where it came from, but the fog was very dense, he only saw how a person was walking on the shores and with a necklace that had a shell shining which hypnotized him.
The next morning Nathaniel was very happy and excited because he kept thinking about how beautiful the walk in the kingdom was and that romantic date on the lake, but he was not the only one happy because his seagull friend came flying to know more and wonder if they were going to get married.
-Wow friend, where is the ring you know like several fish or the tide gave me the rumor that someone was going to ask a person to marry him- he said mischievously and intuitively. Nathaniel upon hearing that ran out of his room to meet Cristopher but little by little he stopped when he heard Isaac say something.
-Wow Cristopher I see that I was wrong if there is that boy who saves lives in the seas, he is very handsome by the way- Isaac said impressed.
Nathaniel stopped by the stairs to see who that boy was because he had brown hair, honey-colored eyes and white skin.
"We'll get married immediately," Cristopher said.
-But Cris, you don't think it's rushed-
-No, I'm convinced I love him Isaac wait to meet him and here he is-
-Very well, let's thicken the invitations, the wedding will begin this afternoon on the royal ship- Isaac said somewhat impressed
Nathaniel ran quickly until he fell exhausted to his bed to cry because the news had broken his heart, hours passed and the ship began to leave with all of Cristopher's guests, Nathaniel was on the dock with Sebastian and shouder keeping him company .
"Very well, let's go and congratulate my friend," said the seagull.
As soon as he got to the window that overlooked the prince's room and before saying anything he saw a boy singing and throwing shoes, clothes, etc... until he saw himself in the mirror when he reflected, he saw the sorcerer of the sea. at that moment he flew to tell his friend.
-I was flying what else if not true, and I saw the bubble, I say to the sorcerer of the sea in the mirror and singing with a stolen voice, you understand what I tell you the prince is going to marry the sorcerer in disguise- he said the seagull while hitting Sebastian with the board.
At that moment Nathaniel saw the ship move away while the sun was about to hide at that moment he remembered what the sorcerer had told him before nightfall of the third day. Nathaniel didn't even think twice and jumped off the dock, Sebastian cut a rope from which there were many barrels.
-Hold on to this- Sebastian said because a barrel had a rope so that shouder could push it.
-Shouder swim as fast as your fins give you-said Sebastian
-I'll swim as fast as I can-Shouder said.
-I will tell the king- said Sebastian
"And what do I do?" Asked his seagull friend.
"You, you go stop that wedding," Sebastian said when he jumped off the pier.
-Wedding, which wedding?, that's right- said the seagull when she began to fly then with the so-called iso that several animals, fish, birds, seals, dolphins, etc... followed him- Come quickly it's an emergency.
The king's orchestra began to play like this leading the prince and his fiancee to the altar, Max growled when the impostor approached, Malig responded by giving a quick kick without losing his composure.
"Dear brothers," said the father.
-No, don't worry, we're almost there-said shouder making an effort.
-Cristopher, you accept Valentino as your legitimate husband until death do you part- said the father while Malig watched with evil and pride that sunset from which she was giving.
"I accept it," Cristopher said.
-And you take this...- At that moment the father's voice was hardly heard because the birds, seals, dolphins, birds of all kinds interrupted, began to wet, shout, play with Valentino.
-Then I declare them- Said the father
-Let me go slimy disgusting- said Valentino angrily
Nathaniel then began to climb onto the ship. when he was by the bow he saw how that boy had been thrown into the cake.
At that moment, Max bit her bubbles, from which she was to shout that the necklace would fly out and break in front of Nathaniel, causing his voice to return and that spell where Cristopher was Hypnotized would break.
- Nathaniel-said Cristopher impressed and happy.
-Christopher- Nathaniel said.
"You can talk, it's you," Cristopher said, taking him by the arms.
-Cristopher, stay away from him!!- Valentino said but with his horrible voice then when he heard himself he covered his mouth.
"That's how you have been all this time," Cristophe said r
-Oh Cristopher, I wanted to tell you- Nathaniel said looking at his eyes -AH NOO !!
At that time it was already late because nightfall had already arrived.
-Too late, hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!! too late-said Valentino- at that moment he transformed into that handsome boy with eight tentacles-Goodbye Prince Charming AJJAJAJAAJAJ.
I take Nathaniel and me to the bottom of the sea.
-Nathaniel! - Cristopher yelled
-Poor little prince I'm not interested in you, if not in a bigger fish-
-Stop there Malig- shouted Triton the king of the sea.
-But if he is the merman king, hehehehehe, how has he been? -Malig said as he looked at the trident.
-Let him go-said the newt threatening him with the trident
-That never!!! now it belongs to me, we made a deal- Malig said while showing him that paper.
-I didn't mean to forgive me dad, Nathaniel yelled because he couldn't go because Malig's eels wouldn't allow him.-I didn't know.
In those last words, the king launched a lethal ray to break the contract and Malig too, but he was more cunning because he shielded himself with the contract, which when the ray ended he could not break it.
-AJAJAJAJAJAJ You see, the contract is legal, valid and impossible to break even for you-he said more enthusiastically but with a firmer voice-Although I admit that I have always liked good offers, the son of the king of the sea is a commodity coveted but would be willing to trade it for another even better fish.
"Cristopher, where are you going?" Isaac yelled from the boat.
-I lost it once, I don't plan to lose it again- Cristopher yelled.
-What do you say, do you accept or not- said Malig
The King also without thinking accepted Malig's contract by putting his name over Nathaniel's.
-Ja deal done- said Malig removing the contract from Nathaniel, who swam towards the king to turn him into an old and almost lifeless algae.
-hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. Malig's laugh is heard
-NO, NO- Nathaniel said
Meanwhile above the sea Christopher was preparing the harpoon
-AAH the majesty of him-said Sebastian with a sad voice.
"Dad," Nathaniel said.
-At last it's mine hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
"You're a monster," Nathaniel said yelling as he tried to take his father's trident from him.
-Let go of me daring, with or without a contract- said Malig- ah!!!! he was interrupted when Cristopher threw the harpoon at his arm.
"Foolish human," he said furiously.
-Cristopher be careful- shouted Nathaniel.
-After him- Malig said to his eels, his faithful companions.
at that moment Cristopher swam at full speed towards the surface but the eels were faster he only took out the body for two seconds and the eels pulled him into the sea, Sebastian and Shouder when they saw this went to support him Sebastian pinched him with a pincer and shouder to slap him with the dorsal fin.
-Say goodbye to your beloved- said Malig, flanking the prince directly.
Seeing this, Nathaniel quickly pulled him from the back with force, thus giving a miss to his shot, which gave his faithful friends the eels,
"Friends, my little wretches," Malig said then quickly saw how Nathaniel swam to help his true love. with his ink I help him transform into a giant.
"Cristopher, you have to get out of here," Nathaniel said.
"No, I won't let you" he said as he hugged him
at that moment on the surface it was seen how huge peaks came out of which were the crown of his father, Cristopher and Nathaniel when they saw this they jumped into the sea.
-HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAJHAHAHAHA, you are a despicable and insignificant fool-
-Careful-Christopher shouted when a tentacle came towards them.
-The whole ocean, the waves do what is my will-
-Christopher- shouted Nathaniel
-The sea and its scum bow before my power- at that moment Malig began to make a tornado in the sea causing the sunken ships to come to the surface.
-Cristopher !!!!- Nathaniel yelled as he hid himself in a rock.
Cristopher, on the other hand, at the moment of submerging, was able to grab hold of a rope that was pulling the ship, he grabbed it and was able to come to the surface to control the ship, as soon as Malig turned, he could find Nathaniel thus throwing a lightning bolt so that it fell into the center of the whirlpool, Cristopher quickly ran to the helm and clasped the ship in Malig.
-HAHAHAHA until here comes true love- said Malig almost rejoicing in his victory, but just when he was going to give the final blow he did not notice the boat that Cristopher quickly turned to the left to bury a wooden spike that was at the beginning from the ship, Malig tried to avoid it but it was already too late the ship was very close.
-!!!AH!!!!- were the last words that were heard.
smoke and various pieces fell from the sea causing all the victims of him that he had turned to return to normal even the merman king. The next morning Cristopher was resting on the shore of the beach while Nathaniel watched him.
-I really did ma truth-.said the king
-That's right, the majesty of him-
-Well, there is only one small problem-
"And what is the majesty of him?" Sebastian asked.
-How much I'm going to miss him-
he took his trident again and launched a lightning towards Nathaniel turning his fin into legs again, as soon as Cris was waking up he saw the sea and saw how Nathaniel came out with a navy blue suit like the sea. he ran to hug him and give him a passionate and sincere kiss.