El triton (3 parte)
-Bueno pececito, veo que la solución a tu problema es simple- dijo mientras agarraba un concha en forma de cepillo para peinarse.
-Y usted podría hacerlo-dijo Nathaniel algo dudoso
-Pero pequeño y dulce niño eso hago, para eso vivo para ayudar a almas en infortunio como la tuya, solas tristes y sin tener con quien contar.
****Yo admito que solía ser muy malo, No bromeaban al decir que el mago soy, por fortuna conozco algo de magia un talento que yo siempre poseí y últimamente no te reías lo uso a favor de personas que sufren depresión (patético) pobres almas en desgracia que sufren necesidad, Este quiere ser delgada este quiere una pareja, quien los ayudo, lo hice yo, un par de veces ha pasado que el precio no han pagado y tuve que sus cuerpos disolver, pocos se han quejado pero un santo me han llamado esas pobres almas en desgracia ****
- Este es el trato lo que te daré es una poción mágica que te convertirá en humano por tres días, entendiste tres días pon atención que este es importante, justo la puesta del sol del tercer día si logras que el príncipe te de un beso, pero no uno cualquiera si no uno de amor verdadero seguirás siendo humano para siempre. pero si no lo hace te convertirías de nuevo en tritón y pertenecerás a mi jaja, Entonces aceptas Querido -. dijo tan convincente Malig.
-pero si me convierto en humano no volveré a ver a mi padre ni a mis hermanos-dijo Nathaniel mientras lo pensaba.
-Así es, pero tendrás a tu príncipe es difícil decidir la vida no crees Nathaniel mmmm-
-Oh pero tenemos otro pequeño problema, no hemos hablado de como me pagaras no se puede recibir sin dar nada a cambio-
-Pero yo no tengo nada que.....-fue interrumpido por un tentáculo.
-No es mucho lo que pido solo es una insignificancia no lo extrañaras, lo que quiero es tu voz-.
-Que comes , que adivinas, no hablaras ni cantaras simple !Pac¡-
-Pero sin voz como quiere que...-
-Eso no importa te vez muy bien, no olvides que con tu belleza es suficiente JA, los chicos no te buscan si les hablas allá arriba es preferido que los chicos no conversen a menos que no te quieras divertir, veras que no logras nada conversando amenos que los quieras ahuyentar admirado tu serás si callado siempre estas, sujeta bien tu lengua y triunfaras Nathaniel pobre alma en desgracia que ara? piensa ya¡ no me queda mucho tiempo molestar, solamente es tu voz pobre alma en desgracia que are por ti, si tu quieres ser feliz entonces tienes que pagar no te vas arrepentir no dudes mas y firma ya ( que sencillo fue que tonta es) muy pronto sacare a esta po-bre , al-ma de a-qui-
todo se puso obscuro.
-Magia de brujo yo comienzo a convocar, hechizos marinos que la faringitis del acudan amiiii- canta ya-
-Mas fuerte!!!!!-
en ese momento la voz de Nathaniel salió de el y una burbuja la ensero en pocos segundos ya no tenia aleta ya se había convertido en piernas, solo que no pensó que los humanos tenían pulmones y no branquias al ver esto Sebastián y shouwder lo llevaron asta la superficie de ahí asta la orilla. en ese momento el príncipe estaba tocando su armónica desde su castillo.
-Como se te ocurre dar le tu voz al brujo del mar Nathaniel, esto lo tiene saber el rey de seguro lo arreglara-dijo Sebastián enojado.
en cuanto Nathaniel escucho eso levanto a Sebastián haciendo un gesto y moviendo su cabeza de un lado a otro.
-No me hagas esa cara y ni tampoco esos movimientos, claro que si le digo te regañara y te convirtiera y no volverás a ver a tu chico-tomo un gran suspiro vio la cara para convencerse de que hace lo correcto- Bien tu ganas te ayudaremos en esto-.
Nathaniel mostró un sonrisa enorme-
En cuanto al príncipe seguía con su flauta excepto que Max estaba oliendo un olor muy conocido en ese momento ladra y corre de repente llama la atención de Cristopher.
-Max espera-
Max corrió rápidamente asta llegar a la costa del cual puso a Sebastián y shouder alterado al igual que Nathaniel.
-Max que haces, espera-
en cuanto vio quien le estaba ladrando Cristopher se quedo sorprendido y algo impresionado pues vio aun chico sin ropa mas que con una vela que le cubría todo el cuerpo.
-Max déjalo en paz- en eso se quito max y le abrió el paso para ayudarlo.
pero en cuanto iba a hacerlo, se quedo un poco asombrado pues no había tan lindos ojos y un chico tan lindo para ser honesto, pero con una mordisqueada o mejor dicho un golpee de Max para que reaccionara cris.
-A ver te ayudo-
Nathaniel por otro lado estaba algo apenado por la situación.
-Well little fish, I see that the solution to your problem is simple- he said as he grabbed a shell-shaped brush to comb his hair.
"And you could do it," Nathaniel said somewhat doubtfully.
"But sweet little boy, that's what I do, that's why I live to help souls in misfortune like yours, alone, sad and without anyone to count on."
****I admit that I used to be very bad, they were not kidding when they said that I am a magician, fortunately I know some magic, a talent that I always had and lately you did not laugh, I use it in favor of people who suffer from depression (pathetic) poor unfortunate souls who suffer need, This one wants to be thin, this one wants a partner, who helped them, I did it, a couple of times it has happened that the price has not been paid and I had to dissolve their bodies, few have complained but a Saint those poor souls in disgrace have called me ****
- This is the deal what I will give you is a magic potion that will turn you into a human for three days, you understood three days pay attention that this is important, just the sunset of the third day if you get the prince to kiss you, but not just any one if not one of true love you will continue to be human forever. but if he doesn't, you'll turn back into a newt and belong to me haha, then you accept Dear-. Malig said so convincingly.
-but if I become human I will never see my father or my brothers again- Nathaniel said while he thought about it.
-That's right, but you'll have your prince it's hard to decide life don't you think Nathaniel mmmm-
-Oh but we have another little problem, we haven't talked about how you will pay me, you can't receive without giving anything in return-
-But I don't have anything to...- he was interrupted by a tentacle.
"It's not much I ask, it's just a little thing, you won't miss it, what I want is your voice."
-What do you eat, what do you guess, you will not speak or sing simple! Pac!-
-But without a voice as you want me to...-
-That doesn't matter, you look very good, don't forget that your beauty is enough HA, the boys don't look for you if you talk to them up there it's preferable that the boys don't talk unless you don't want to have fun, you'll see that you don't achieve anything talking Unless you want to scare them away, you will be admired if you are always silent, hold your tongue well and you will triumph Nathaniel, poor soul in disgrace, what about? Think now! I don't have much time to bother you, it's just your voice, poor soul in misfortune that plows for you, if you want to be happy then you have to pay, you won't regret it, don't hesitate and sign now (how simple it was, how silly it is) very soon I will get this poor soul out of here
everything went dark.
-Sorcerer's magic I begin to summon, marine spells that pharyngitis come to me- he sings now-
-aaaah, aaauah-
at that moment Nathaniel's voice came out of him and a bubble showed it in a few seconds it no longer had a fin it had already turned into legs, only he didn't think that humans had lungs and not gills when they saw this Sebastian and shouwder took him to the surface from there to the shore. at that moment the prince was playing his harmonica from his castle.
"How do you think of giving your voice to the sea wizard Nathaniel, the king has to know this, he will surely fix it," Sebastian said angrily.
As soon as Nathaniel heard that, he lifted Sebastian up with a gesture and moving his head from side to side.
-Don't make me that face and neither those movements, of course if I tell him he will scold you and turn you and you will never see your boy again-he took a big sigh he saw the face to convince himself that he is doing the right thing- Well you win We will help with this.
Nathaniel showed a huge smile-
As for the prince he continued with his flute except that Max was smelling a very familiar smell at that moment he barks and runs suddenly catches Cristopher's attention.
-Max wait-
Max ran quickly until he reached the shore of which he put Sebastian and shouder upset just like Nathaniel.
-Max what are you doing, wait-
As soon as he saw who was barking at him, Cristopher was surprised and somewhat impressed because he saw a boy without clothes except with a candle that covered his entire body.
-Max leave him alone- in that Max took off and opened the way to help him.
but as soon as he was going to do it, he was a little amazed because there weren't such pretty eyes and such a pretty boy to be honest, but with a bite or rather a hit from Max to make him react cris.
-Let's see I help you-
Nathaniel on the other hand was somewhat embarrassed by the situation.