THE END (el ceniciento)

al pasar los días el rey le  concedió a su hijo su deseo el cual era  buscar aquel chico  guapo y noble que asistió al baile. el príncipe mando al capitán y al concejal a buscarlo pero no sin antes enviar una proclamación al pueblo.
 el  gran concejal grito para que el pueblo los escuchara en ese momento el pueblo quedo en un profundo silencio.. de ahí comenzó a leer la cual decía así.
Por medio de este acto el príncipe reclama su amor por POR... al joven que utilizo un collar con la mitad de una luna y estrella por eso mando que se presente al palacio para tener el honor de desposarlo.
Ángel al escuchar  la proclamación fue corriendo a su casa para sacar su collar que el hada madrina le había dado saco su caja donde tenias todos sus recuerdos de su infancia pero para su mala suerte no estaba se quedo pensando cuando una voz lo interrumpió en sus pensamientos.
-Buscabas esto?, apuesto que su historia es fascinante- dijo esa voz
 ángel vio que era su madrastra quien la esperaba sentada en un rincón, el se quedo paralizado pues no sabia que excusa decirle.
 -Quieres contarme la historia?-pregunto- NO, bueno esta bien yo te contare- dijo mientras se levantaba e iba con el.
-a ti nadie va creerte nunca un joven sin padres, ni dotes, ni nada solo siento un chico del servicio andrajoso, pero teniendo mi apoyo de una señorita de buen aspecto no te pondrán ignorar, ahora te diré lo que vas hacer al final de la boda me nombraras condesa me pondrás al frente de la  casa real, a  Genaro le encontraremos una doncella adinerada al igual que anastasia un bello adinerados y yo manejare al muchacho así todos recibirán lo que desean-. dijo mientras jugaba con su collar al caminar para ir hacia la puerta-.
-NO,NO-. contesto Ángel.
-Que as dicho- dijo su madrastra algo molesta
-Que no, no pude salvar a mi padre de usted, pero esta vez rescatare al príncipe aunque me cueste mi vida-.
-Entonces cometes un error- dijo mientras el dije lo aventó por la ventana y se quedo con la cadena, rápido antes de que reaccionara ángel cerro con seguro el sótano para que no pudiera impedir su plan.
al día siguiente el capitán y el gran concejal comenzaron la búsqueda del joven misterioso la pieza del collar fue llevado a cada hombre, anciano y joven al igual que visitando la clases alta, baja y todas las intermedias pero el dije se le negaba a encajar asta a los dignes mas adecuados. ya solo les quedaba la casa de ángel del cual ya solo tenían una oportunidad genaro por fortuna la madrastra le había dado a su hijo millones de collares que tenían una luna  así daría tiempo. toc,toc,toc se escuchaban los golpes en la puerta.
-Su excelencia que maravillosa sorpresa-
-Buenos días madame podemos pasar?-.
-si claro excelencia, es por aquí-.
Genaro estaba preparado tenia un traje verde con unos mallines cafés para que combinara bien al igual que trata lo recordara o parecerse a ese joven tenia un collar idéntico la misma piedra y rasgos pero no encajo.-
-Tengo mas, se los muestro es que no me acuerdo cual lleve ese día-. dijo Genaro como tímido  En ese momento ángel se perdió en sus recuerdos pues quería recordar su niñez dorada  con toda su gloria al igual como su madre y su padre estaban con el. Sus compañeros ratones al verlo así se pusieron a ayudarlo justo en ese momento se acordaron de una compuerta donde sus hermanastras y madrastra le mandaban a veces recados o cualquier cosa para limpiar, ángel al recordar esos momento se pudo a cantar una canción que le había enseñado su madre antes de morir, a sus compañeros ratones solo con 3 intentos pudieron abrirla y justo a tiempo.
-Nuestro trabajo aquí termina capitán-
-Ok, concejal-.
-lo lamento que hayan hecho todo esto en balde. excelencia-. dijo la madrastra con una voz gentil.
-no se preocupe, madam-
al momento de casi irse la voz de ángel  se comenzó a escuchar por las afueras de la casa esa compuerta daba tanto adentro como afuera de la casa.
-Madam acaso otro joven vive aquí?- pregunto el capitán
-No, para nada-. dijo con una voz nerviosa
-Entonces su hija canta o su gato-. dijo el concejal
-jajajaaajaj¡¡- rio la madrastra para que no se escuchara la voz de ángel.
de pronto un chico de la escolta que acompañaba al gran concejal y al capitán se quito su atuendo para sorpresa para todos era el príncipe.
- que hermosa voz, hay que quedarnos unos segundos-.
-pero majestad ya es tarde-. dijo la madrastra
-capitán, quiero que valla a investigar-. dijo el príncipe
unos pocos segundos enseguida se abrió la puerta del sótano, la madrastra comenzó a bajar detrás de  ella venia el capitán.
-joven solicita que baje para ver a su majestad el rey-
-Te prohíbo  que lo hagas-.
-yo le prohíbo que lo prohíba, quien es para cuestionar a un oficial del rey, es una emperatriz, una santa, una deidad-.
-yo soy su madre-
-Usted nunca será ni fue mi madre-.
-venga joven- dijo enseguida el capitán
ángel camino firmemente sin miedo hacia el capitán ni temor ante su madrastra pero ella lo agarro con fuerza y solo le susurro -No olvides quien eres andrajoso-. pero no se quedo ahí los fue acompañado  a el y al capitán su rostro no estaba feliz pero sabia disimular muy bien ira y rencor.
-Gran concejal me puede pasar el collar-.
-SI, señor enseguida-.
cuando estaba apunto de pasarle el collar al príncipe, la madrastra puso su pie "sin querer" el collar fue directo a la chimenea y se perdió en el fuego.
-O como lo siento su majestad, fue sin querer-.
-No se preocupe-.
-si, de hecho aun te puedo mostrar que soy aquel joven-.
-mira-. dijo ángel mientras levantaba la mano para que viera la cicatriz
-si eres tu-dijo el príncipe con una sonrisa de par en par.
-aun tengo algo que darte-. dijo ángel interrumpiéndolo antes de que lo besara.-ten-.
tomo la mano del príncipe y el collar que le habían arrancado su hermanastra y hermanastro  se lo puso en su palma. el príncipe lo miro fijamente y sus ojos se iluminaron pues recordó aquel niño que rescato de los maleantes.
-tu, tu, tu eres ángel, tu eres aquel joven que fue  a la fiesta con el que baile- el príncipe se le escapaban las lagrimas pues ángel era su primer amor ahora recuerda el porque esa sensación de hormigueo en la pansa  en el baile lo sintió con el.
-SI así es-. dijo ángel igual feliz-. te dije que siempre lo conservaría y un día te lo iba a regresar.
-sabes ahora te diré una cosa, pero antes hay que irnos ¿nos vamos? -dijo el príncipe.
ángel asintió con la cabeza , y rápidamente su hermanastra y hermanastro corrieron ya cuando estaban enfrente se inclinaron para pedirle disculpas.
 ángel no dijo nada pues solo dio una risa sincera como para decirle que estaban perdonados por todo, el príncipe y ángel  llegaron al palacio a los pocos segundos pues la gran boda comenzó  se asomaron por su balcón se miraron fijamente y aquel beso fue el mas tierno y bello que se habían dado los dos. la polémica del castillo disminuyo cuando el joven príncipe decreto que  todo aquel que no respete  a los jóvenes o cualquier persona que tenga preferencias sexuales diferentes  será juzgado  pues el respeto y justicia e igualdad son importantes. por ultimo les puedo asegurar que  tanto ángel como el príncipe fueron los reyes mas honestos y respetuosos que el reino allá tenido.


As the days passed, the king granted his son his wish, which was to find that handsome and noble boy who attended the dance. The prince sent the captain and the councilor to look for him, but not before sending a proclamation to the people.
 the great councilor shouted for the people to listen to them at that moment the people remained in a deep silence .. hence he began to read which he said so.
By means of this act, the prince claims his love for BY ... the young man who wore a necklace with half a moon and a star, so he ordered her to appear at the palace to have the honor of marrying him.
Angel, upon hearing the proclamation, ran to his house to take out his necklace that the fairy godmother had given him, he took out his box where you had all his memories of his childhood, but to his bad luck, he was not left thinking when a voice interrupted him in his thoughts. .
-Were you looking for this ?, I bet his story is fascinating- said that voice
 Angel saw that it was her stepmother who was waiting for her sitting in a corner, he was paralyzed because he did not know what excuse to tell her.
 "Do you want to tell me the story?" I ask, "NO, well, I'll tell you," he said as he got up and went with him.
-No one will ever believe you a young man without parents, or gifts, or anything, I just feel a ragged service boy, but having my support from a good-looking young lady they will not ignore you, now I will tell you what you are going to do at the end of the wedding you will name me countess you will put me in charge of the royal house, we will find Genaro a wealthy maiden like anastasia a beautiful wealthy and I will manage the boy so that everyone will receive what they want. he said as he played with his necklace as he walked to the door.
-NERD-. Angel answered.
-You said- said his stepmother somewhat annoyed
"No, I couldn't save my father from you, but this time I'll rescue the prince even if it costs me my life."
-Then you make a mistake- he said while the pendant threw it out the window and stayed with the chain, quickly before reacting Angel locked the basement so that he could not prevent his plan.
the next day the captain and the great councilor began the search for the mysterious young man the piece of the necklace was taken to each man, old and young as well as visiting the upper, lower and all intermediate classes but the pendant refused to fit the pole to the most suitable dignitaries. Now they only had the angel's house left, of which they only had one chance genaro, fortunately the stepmother had given her son millions of necklaces that had a moon like that, it would give time. knock, knock, knock sounded at the door.
-Your excellence what a wonderful surprise-
"Good morning, Madame, can we come in?"
-Yes, of course, excellence, it's around here.
Genaro was prepared, he had a green suit with brown mallines so that it would combine well as he tries to remember him or look like that young man, he had an identical necklace, the same stone and features but it did not fit.
-I have more, I show them is that I do not remember which one I was wearing that day. Genaro said as shy. At that moment, angel was lost in the memories of him because he wanted to remember his golden childhood with all his glory, just as his mother and father were with his. His fellow mice, seeing him like this, began to help him just at that moment they remembered a gate where his stepsisters and stepmother sometimes sent him errands or anything to clean, Angel when he remembered those moments he was able to sing a song that he had taught him his mother before dying, his fellow mice only with 3 attempts could open it and just in time.
-Our work here ends captain-
-Ok, councilor-.
-I'm sorry that they have done all this in vain. excellence-. the stepmother said with a gentle voice.
-Don't worry, madam-
at the moment of almost leaving the voice of an angel began to be heard on the outskirts of the house that gate led both inside and outside the house.
-Madam, does another young man live here? - asked the captain
-No not at all-. he said with a nervous voice
"Then his daughter sings or his cat." said the councilor
-hahahaaajaj¡¡- laughed the stepmother so that the voice of an angel would not be heard.
Suddenly a boy from the escort that accompanied the great councilor and the captain took off his outfit to everyone's surprise, it was the prince.
- What a beautiful voice, we have to stay for a few seconds.
-But majesty it's late. said the stepmother
"Captain, I want you to go investigate." the prince said
a few seconds immediately the cellar door opened, the stepmother began to descend behind her came the captain.
-Young man requests that he come down to see the majesty of him the king-
"I forbid you to do it."
-I forbid her to forbid it, who is to question an official of the king, she is an empress, a saint, a deity-.
-I am his mother-
"You will never be and never was my mother."
-Come on young- said the captain right away
Angel walked firmly without fear to the captain or fear of his stepmother but she grabbed him tightly and only gave him her I whisper "Don't forget who you are tattered." but he did not stay there, he and the captain were accompanied. His face was not happy but he knew how to hide anger and resentment very well.
"Great councilor can pass me the necklace."
-Yes sir, immediately-.
when she was about to pass the necklace to the prince, the stepmother put her foot "unintentionally" the necklace went straight to the fireplace and was lost in the fire.
"Or as I am sorry for her majesty, she was unintentionally."
-Do not worry-.
"Yes, in fact I can still show you that I am that young man."
-sight-. Angel said as he raised his hand to see the scar
"If it's you," said the prince with a wide smile.
(I still have something to give you) Angel said interrupting him before he kissed him.
he took the prince's hand and the necklace that his stepsister had torn from him and his stepbrother put it in his palm. The prince stared at him and his eyes lit up as he remembered that child he rescued from the thugs.
-You, you, you are an angel, you are that young man who went to the party with whom he danced- the prince tears escaped him because angel was his first love now he remembers why that tingling sensation in the pansa at the dance felt it with him.
-Yes it is-. said angel just as happy-. I told you that I would always keep it and one day I was going to give it back to you.
-You know now I'll tell you something, but first we have to go, are we going? said the prince.
Angel nodded, and quickly his stepsister and stepbrother ran and when they were in front they bowed to apologize.
 Angel did not say anything because he only gave a sincere laugh as if to tell him that they were forgiven for everything, the prince and angel arrived at the palace a few seconds after the great wedding began, they looked out from his balcony, they stared at each other and that kiss was the most tender and beautiful that the two had given each other. the controversy of the castle diminished when the young prince decreed that anyone who does not respect young people or anyone who has different sexual preferences will be judged because respect and justice and equality are important. Finally, I can assure you that both the angel and the prince were the most honest and respectful kings that the kingdom had there.

Instagram: Dany_crazy94


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