El Ceniciento (PRIMERA PARTE)

Recordaremos una vieja  historia del cual tu ya sabes de memoria pero esta vez cambiemos un poco esta historia.. te parece espero les agrade :D

Hace mucho tiempo existía una familia muy unida  en ella estaba un niño llamado Ángel, el lugar donde vive es en un reino pequeño, solo que su casa estaba un por las afueras del pueblo, su padre se dedicaba al comercio textil, en cambio su madre era mas al hogar y un poco de reparar ropa, por lo general su padre  siempre andaba de viaje pero cada vez que llegaba a la casa  traía algo de aquellos países y ciudades que visitaba, Ángel siempre lo recibía  con alegría,el ambiente de la casa se sentía bien, armonioso pero recuerden que cada reino o cada hogar puede llegar la tristeza, después de ese día la madre de ángel  se enfermo repentinamente.
Padre de Ángel: Muchas gracias doctor.
Doctor: Lamento mucho sus perdida
Padre: No se preocupe... Ángel ven.
tomo la mano de su padre y fueron al cuarto donde estaba acostada su madre esperándolo con una sonrisa, al llegar a la cama a ángel se le salio una lagrima  al ver eso su padre le recargo un poco su mano en su hombro, la madre de seco la lagrima y le dijo.
Mama: Ángel, muy pronto  me voy a ir, solo promete que siempre seras valiente y Bondadoso.
Ángel: Te lo prometo madre, con el meñique
 su madre levanto su mano y enseguida le mostró el meñique para que al momento de que lo unieran quedara hecho y jamas lo olvidara ese mismo día ya casi iban hacer las 11 de la noche cuando sucedió la madre de ángel murió, un profundo silencio se apodero de la casa, a su padre una que otra lagrima se le compensaban a caer al piso, mientras que ángel la veía con ternura y con gran orgullo a su madre pues recordaba su promesa asía ella, también recordaba aquellos bellos momentos que paso con su madre pues veía a su madre con orgullo por ser su madre. Al amanecer comenzaron los preparativos para el funeral, ángel  al ver a su madre en el ataúd soltó  unas cuantas lagrimas y dijo.
Ángel:Nunca olvidare la promesa mama, se que nos estarás cuando desde el cielo.
el Ataúd comenzó a descender  para poder detenerse asta tocar tierra al sentir que ya había tocado lo mas profundo los hombres comenzaron arrojar tierra para cubrirla pasaron uno cuantos minutos y por fin ya no había mas que tierra enfrente, pero ante de irse a su querida casa el puso una flor enfrente de su lapida.
 los días pasaron al igual que los meses,ángel y su padre visitaban la tumba de aquella mujer que  era una esposa y madre maravillosa, ahora el tenia 18 años su personalidad nunca cambio pues  recordaba la promesa a su madre, en cambio su padre ya no era el mismo de antes aun tenia la honestidad y dulce modo de pensar pero estaba algo pensativo por una noticia.
-Papá que tienes?
-Hijo recuerdas que en uno de mis viajes conocí a  Sir parisien. se detuvo enseguida y agacho la cabeza.
-Si claro es el líder numero uno en  el comercio de ropa
-Así es hijo, pues mi amigo fallecio,su viuda  Madam Parisien en su tiempo de luto con sus dos hijas este.. de nuevo se detuvo pero esta vez se tardo mas en las palabras.
-se que tienes miedo en contarme  pero si crees que te ara feliz  esta bien para mi-con una dulce risa se levanto  y dio un pequeño abraso a su padre para que viera que estaba de acuerdo con esto pues vio la cara de su padre llena de felicidad como aquella vez con su madre.
 al día siguiente prepararon la casa  para recibir a sus nuevas invitadas o mejor dicho a los nuevos miembros de la familia. el carruaje se detuvo   enfrente de la casa y bajaron los hermanastros de ángel  o mejor dicho un hermanastro y una hermanastras llamados Anastasia y Genaro unos jóvenes algo caprichosos y muy malos. al ultimo la madrastra de ángel tenia unos gustos exquisitos sobre la moda y refinada, también conocía el dolor pero ella  lo sabia manejar muy bien el dolor y la agonía.
-Bienvenidos a su nuevo hogar- Dijo ángel  desde con una risa agradable y sincera.
-mira que cabello tiene y ve esas fachas creo que ni se baña-dijo Anastasia
-Hay mira asta zapatos de anciano-.dijo Genaro con cara de repulsión y asco.
-Quieren que les muestre su Hogar.
-Que dijo-.
-Al parecer quiere enseñarnos su granja o su cuchitril porque al parecer le enorgullece-contesto Genaro aun viéndolo con asco.
la madrastra de ángel ya estaba dentro explorando  el lugar  junto con su padre.
-Nunca me hablaste de que tu hijo era encantador y guapisimo
-Lo heredo de su......
-Madre, es fantastico
-QUE FEO cuchitril nunca lo quisieron re decorar
-Anastasia y Genaro compórtense van a pensar que lo dices en verdad.
la madrastra y sus dos hijos   aun estaba viendo cada detalle de la casa observando que le falta o como que podía cambiar, pero lo primero que se ocurrió era una fiesta para alegrar el ambiente de la casa, pues decía que estaba muy triste y el ambiente era muy horrible para esta familia nueva  que hora es unida.  la gente se veía feliz y al ambiente como que mejoro en todos los aspectos sin embargo Ángel noto la ausencia de su padre ahí en la fiesta así que fue a verlo a su despacho.
-te pierdes la fiesta papa-
-No gracias, así estoy bien, solo veo una cosas
-Hijo mañana me iré de viaje, que quieres que te traiga, tu hermanastra quiere vestidos y tu hermanastro quiere un arco de juguete y tu
-Nada padre así estoy bien, solo conque me envíes cartas  y con que regreses estará bien.
-que raro obsequio-
-lose pero me lo prometes-.
-claro, hijo oye y recuerda que no estas solo una parte de mi esta contigo al igual que tu madre ella esta aquí con nosotros siempre aunque no la veamos.
-La extraño-. se le soltó una lagrima cuando dijo eso
-yo igual hijo-
en la mañana se despidieron ángel y su padre, al ya no ver el carruaje Ángel comenzó a llorar de tristeza pues no sabia si esta era la ultima vez que vería a su padre.
-Ángel, ven-dijo su madrastra sentada en la mesa,
-Si madrastra-
-Ya no llores deja me secarte esas lagrimas, no te preocupes ya regresara-.
-Gracias Madrastra-
-OH! por favor no me digas así, dime Madam con eso bastara- le Acaricio el cabello y con una risa algo falsa trato de verse gentil.
en ese momento se azoto la puerta en donde dormían la hermanastra y hermanastro de Ángel gritos, golpes,ropa tirada y aventada en cualquier parte que vieras.
-eres un muestro te he dicho que no toques mis cosas, as me el favor de poner tus cosas en tu parte del cuarto.
-Y tu eres una fodonga pues tu las dejas en donde sea, y también ponte talco que te apestan las patas-.
-No es cierto gárgola-.
-Cállate bruja, aveces quisiera...
-Mis hijos siempre an compartido cuarto son tan cariñosos entre ellos y amables, pero creo que este cuarto es muy chico de lo que acostumbran.
-el cuarto de mi padre y el mio son los mas grandes, si gusta puede compartir el cuarto-.
-Que gran idea-
-Genial entonces yo me quedare con mi...
-Sótano, correcto-.
-No, lo que quise decir fue
-No te preocupes es solo temporal, en lo que vemos otro cuarto y lo re decoran para ellos
-Pero para hacerlo mas cómodo, que te parece si te llevas todos estos juguetes arriba ( unos hilos,escoba,cubeta,jabones)
Ángel bajo al ático y al prender la luz estaba vació solo con unas cuantas canastas y cobijas, pero no contaba con unas sorpresas. eran unos ratones y su perra lila
-Hola como están, ya no los vi desde que mi papa se fue ¿donde estaban he?
cuando era niño ángel jugaba con todos los animales que había en la casa  desde pequeños ratones  a caballos o a cisnes y gallinas. pero siempre eran un grupo de ratones con quienes mas jugaba y su perra siempre lo acompañaba, de acuerdo a el hablaban y entendía bien lo que decía al igual que su madre era muy risueño y creía en todo. pero solo en una cosa no creía era en las hadas madrinas   su madre si pero el no porque solo las hadas protegen a niñas y no a niños.


We will remember an old story that you already know by heart but this time let's change this story a bit ... I hope you like it: D

A long time ago there was a very united family in it there was a boy named Ángel, the place where he lives is in a small kingdom, only that his house was one on the outskirts of town, his father was dedicated to the textile trade, his mother on the other hand. It was more at home and a bit of repairing clothes, usually his father was always on a trip but every time he came home he brought something from those countries and cities he visited, Angel always received him with joy, the atmosphere of the house It felt good, harmonious but remember that each kingdom or each home can come sadness, after that day the angel mother suddenly fell ill.
Ángel's father: Thank you very much doctor.
Doctor: I am very sorry for your loss.
Father: Don't worry ... Angel come.
He took his father's hand and they went to the room where his mother was lying waiting for him with a smile, when he got to bed, Angel had a tear when he saw that, his father put his hand on his shoulder a little, the mother of dry the tear and said.
Mom: Angel, I'm going to leave very soon, just promise that you will always be brave and kind.
Angel: I promise mother, with the pinky
 her mother raised her hand and immediately showed her the little finger so that when they joined it it would be done and she would never forget it that same day it was almost 11 at night when the angel mother died, a deep silence took hold of the house, her father was compensated for the occasional tear falling to the floor, while Angel looked at her with tenderness and with great pride at her mother because she remembered her promise to her, she also remembered those beautiful moments that she spent with her mother for he viewed his mother with pride for being his mother. At dawn the preparations for the funeral began, Angel seeing his mother in the coffin shed a few tears and said.
Angel: I will never forget the promise mom, I know that you will be with us when from heaven.
The coffin began to descend to be able to stop until it touched the ground, feeling that it had already touched the deepest part, the men began to throw dirt to cover it, a few minutes passed and finally there was no more than earth in front of it, but before going to their beloved home He put a flower in front of his headstone.
 The days passed just like the months, angel and his father visited the grave of that woman who was a wonderful wife and mother, now he was 18 years old, his personality never changed because he remembered the promise to his mother, instead his father no longer He was the same as before, he still had the honesty and sweet way of thinking but he was somewhat pensive for a news item.
-Dad, what do you have?
-Son do you remember that on one of my trips I met Sir Parisien. he stopped immediately and lowered his head.
-Yes, of course, it is the number one leader in the clothing trade
-That's right son, because my friend passed away, his widow Madam Parisien in his time of mourning with her two daughters this .. again he stopped but this time he took longer in the words.
-I know you are afraid to tell me but if you think it will make you happy, that's fine for me-with a sweet laugh he got up and gave his father a little hug so that he could see that he agreed with this because he saw his father's face full of happiness like that time with his mother.
 the next day they prepared the house to receive their new guests or rather the new members of the family. The carriage stopped in front of the house and the angel's stepbrothers or rather a stepbrother and a stepsisters named Anastasia and Genaro got out, some capricious and very bad young people. Lastly, Angel's stepmother had exquisite tastes about fashion and refined, she also knew pain but she knew how to handle pain and agony very well.
-Welcome to your new home- Angel said from with a pleasant and sincere laugh.
-Look at what hair he has and see those looks I think he doesn't even bathe -said Anastasia
"Look at the old man's shoes," Genaro said with a face of revulsion and disgust.
-They want me to show them their Home.
(That he said)
"Apparently he wants to show us his farm or his hovel because he seems to be proud of it," Genaro answered, still looking at him with disgust.
Angel's stepmother was already inside exploring the place together with her father.
-You never told me that your son was charming and handsome
-I inherited it from his ......
-Mother, it's fantastic
-THE UGLY hovel they never wanted to re-decorate
-Anastasia and Genaro behave, they will think you mean it.
The stepmother and her two children were still looking at every detail of the house, noting what is missing or how it could change, but the first thing that occurred was a party to brighten up the atmosphere of the house, because she said that she was very sad and the atmosphere It was very horrible for this new family what time it is united. The people looked happy and the environment seemed to improve in all aspects, however Angel noticed the auHis father was there at the party so he went to see him in his office.
-You miss the party dad-
-No thanks, I'm fine like that, I only see one things
-Son tomorrow I'm going on a trip, what do you want me to bring you, your stepsister wants dresses and your stepbrother wants a toy bow and you
-Nothing like that, father, I'm fine, just if you send me letters and if you come back it will be fine.
-what a rare gift-
-lose but you promise me.
-Of course, son hey and remember that you are not only a part of me is with you like your mother, she is here with us always even if we do not see her.
-I miss her-. she shed a tear when she said that
-I same son-
In the morning, Angel said goodbye and his father, no longer seeing the carriage, Angel began to cry with sadness because he did not know if this was the last time he would see his father.
-Angel, come -said his stepmother sitting at the table,
-Yes stepmother-
"Don't cry anymore, let me dry those tears, don't worry I'll be back."
-Thanks Stepmother-
-OH! Please don't tell me like that, tell me Madam, that will be enough- I stroke her hair and with a somewhat false laugh I try to look nice.
At that moment the door where Angel's stepsister and stepbrother slept was slammed, screaming, hitting, clothes thrown and thrown anywhere you saw.
-You are a sample I have told you not to touch my things, so please put your things in your part of the room.
-And you are a fodonga because you leave them where it is, and also put talcum powder that your legs stink-.
"Not true gargoyle."
-Shut up witch, sometimes I would like ...
-My children have always shared a room, they are so loving and kind to each other, but I think this room is very small than they are used to.
-My father's room and mine are the largest, if you like, you can share the room.
-What a great idea-
-Great then I'll stay with my ...
"Basement, right."
-No, what I meant was
-Don't worry it's only temporary, in which we see another room and they re-decorate it for them
-But to make it more comfortable, what do you think if you take all these toys upstairs (some threads, broom, bucket, soaps)
Angel went down to the attic and when he turned on the light it was empty with only a few baskets and blankets, but he did not have any surprises. they were mice and their lilac bitch
-Hi, how are you? I haven't seen you since my dad left. Where were you?
When he was an angel child he played with all the animals that were in the house from little mice to horses or swans and chickens. but they were always a group of mice with whom he played the most and his dog always accompanied him, according to him they spoke and understood well what he was saying just as his mother was very smiling and believed in everything. but only in one thing he did not believe was in the fairy godmothers his mother yes but he did not because only fairies protect girls and not boys.


Dany_blogs dijo…
Esta historia es diferente a las otras en esta primer parte hablaremos de esta historia que ya sabes de memoria y que sin dudar la has visto en tu televisión, pero pensemos que pasaría si fuera de un mundo diferente

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